Has she gone too far?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
Most of you know I consider myself a strong conservative Bible-Believing Christian. I too call myself Baptist as she does...but know that the word Baptist is almost as loose now as the word "Christian".

Both those interviewers were Christian and dealt with her very kindly and honestly...I believe they were right in all they said to her. She even said that one of them is not a Christian...SHE CANNOT KNOW THAT. That there tipped the scales that...she has either lost her mind, is demon-possessed, or enjoys bringing pain to other people.

As for, "And get this, the American Civil Liberties Union is defending these people! Yeah, thats the same ACLU that defended NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) back in the '90s! This is absolutely insane, immoral, and just plain sad that something like this happens so often in America."

For those who want to hurt this lady, please do the same to the ACLU. That makes me sick.
The ACLU is a joke to, although I'm a part of it...mainly because I was on my high school newspaper (opinion editor) and I was sick of the school saying we could print stories that were pertaining to the school (long story).
the ACLU serves a very valuable purpose in that it makes sure...or tries its Damednest to make to rule of LAW supersedes public opinion . By protecting the most vile people imaginable and by insuring that the ACTUAL LAW is followed and we dont just have popular linchings , they are doing every American a service ..a tremendous invaluable service . because one day you never know ...YOU may have an opinion the Government or others find ..NOT to their liking...you'll thank them then for what they do now .
The constitution is a very valuable instrument ...but try to remember that at one time SLAVERY and DEPORTING Japenese citizens into concentration camps was found to be CONSTITUTIONAL ..So was segragation.. and was the LAW ....along with a crapload of other crazy stuff most would find hard to believe...try to remember history did not start when you were born .
these nitwits get away with the stupid little stuff so that the BIG stuff wont get screwed with .
First, the protesters are sadly misguided and I can't believe an entire church's worth of people actually think this way. Someone they are close to will die someday and I hope someone tells them God killed them because he hates the way they act.

Second, It was mentioned that Kentucky passed a law against this. The law does not say that you cannot protest at a military funeral specifically. You have to be 300 feet away from the funeral service, graveside, and procession. I was actually happy with this because it didn't stop the protests but prevented them from disrupting the funeral and upsetting the family.

In all reality a protest is supposed to be allowed as long as it does not disrupt the peace and I feel that standing around at a funeral waving tye-dye colored signs, calling people names, and screaming messages of hate would be considered disrupting the peace. By disrupting the funeral you have violated the rights of others who were peacefully assembled to honor their dead family/friend and have therefore gone beyond your right to free speech. But that is just how I see it.

Now, on to the secondary topic:
should the news crew be expressing their opinions (which then effects the viewers) also?. Isnt news suppose to be unbias and only report the news, not influence the viewers.
Let me explain this for everyone. There is commentary and there is news. "Hannity & Colmes" and "The O'Reilly Factor" are what is called commentary. On broadcast news this is the same as the editorial section in the newspaper. These also happen to be the biggest ratings shows for any news station, which is why they are in primetime.

Now, for those who choose to attack Fox News and act like they are nothing but 24/7 Bill O'Reilly they have normal news coverage during the day and a morning talk show where the hosts deliver opinions (like Katie Couric or Soledad O'brien or Diane Sawyer) but it has the actual news section where the reporting does not host the news.

Every other cable news station has their own commentary shows. For example: CNN - Lou Dobbs; MSNBC - Chris Matthews; CNN Headline News - Nancy Grace, and soon Glenn Beck; CNBC - Donny Deutsch; CBS - Andy Rooney (at the end of 60 Minutes).

Now, what is the difference between all these stations and Fox News that causes people to complain about Fox News so much? The people that complain don't agree with the opinions expressed on Fox News' opinion oriented shows.
There is actually a grassroots organization of American bikers of all stripes who are volunteering group rides to any funeral targeted by Phelps and his sociopathic assholes. The bikers form a wall with their backs to the protestors to prevent the funeral people from having to see them, and they rev their engines in unison to drown out the chanting. I e-know a couple people who have performed this service.
There is actually a grassroots organization of American bikers of all stripes who are volunteering group rides to any funeral targeted by Phelps and his sociopathic assholes. The bikers form a wall with their backs to the protestors to prevent the funeral people from having to see them, and they rev their engines in unison to drown out the chanting. I e-know a couple people who have performed this service.
Cheers to them. :cheers:
Just got a chance to watch t his with sound(work machine doesn't have sound)

This woman is the embodiment of what can go wrong when people only take the parts of the bible that suit their purposes. She's an attrocity. I'm glad her church is very small and I hope it goes out of existance tommorow.

Oh yeah, Cheers to the group that Duke talked about! :cheers:
There is actually a grassroots organization of American bikers of all stripes who are volunteering group rides to any funeral targeted by Phelps and his sociopathic assholes. The bikers form a wall with their backs to the protestors to prevent the funeral people from having to see them, and they rev their engines in unison to drown out the chanting. I e-know a couple people who have performed this service.

We had those folks up here a few weeks ago when a local Marine was laid to rest. Thankfully nothing bad went down, but I was happy knowing that some folks care enough to help a family who has allready lost their son...
There is actually a grassroots organization of American bikers of all stripes who are volunteering group rides to any funeral targeted by Phelps and his sociopathic assholes. The bikers form a wall with their backs to the protestors to prevent the funeral people from having to see them, and they rev their engines in unison to drown out the chanting. I e-know a couple people who have performed this service.

A damn big round of applause from here in the UK to them.

I don't care what someones opinion on the war is, when someones being layed to rest they deserve respect.


I am seriously at a loss for words. That lady is just....ugh! What a crazy *****. Let's cram these retards into a bus and drive it over a cliff. What a waste of human life. Seriously, how can a group of people be so incredibly intolerant, ignorant, and detached? Dumb**** cultists, every last one of them.
I am seriously at a loss for words. That lady is just....ugh! What a crazy *****. Let's cram these retards into a bus and drive it over a cliff. What a waste of human life. Seriously, how can a group of people be so incredibly intolerant, ignorant, and detached? Dumb**** cultists, every last one of them.

Thats damn right, its a waste of human life. Like the homelesses and the drug addicts.
I am seriously at a loss for words. That lady is just....ugh! What a crazy *****. Let's cram these retards into a bus and drive it over a cliff. What a waste of human life. Seriously, how can a group of people be so incredibly intolerant, ignorant, and detached? Dumb**** cultists, every last one of them.

Yep, "obey the Lord your God" Where's the redemption at? No where! If God is bringing judgement, there is always a way out. Of course, all she says is "obey" obey what? Man, can someone get this woman a bible with more then just the book of malichai in it?

Thats damn right, its a waste of human life. Like the homelesses and the drug addicts.

Whoa! That's a different thing. Especially homeless. How can you just call them a waste of life?
Yep, "obey the Lord your God" Where's the redemption at? No where! If God is bringing judgement, there is always a way out. Of course, all she says is "obey" obey what? Man, can someone get this woman a bible with more then just the book of malichai in it?
Well, I think her's might have Leviticus too. She just missed the part about bathing in dove's blood after coming in contact with the sick.
Well, I think her's might have Leviticus too. She just missed the part about bathing in dove's blood after coming in contact with the sick.

Not to mention admitting that she has sin as well. She completely skipped 1- 2 Samuel where David messed up and was forgiven. How about Johah? Where he brought salvation to Ninivah, the most wicked city in the world of that time. Yeah, God just hates us all. What a stupid woman. If I every met her, it would be very hard for it not to get physical. I HATE it when people twist God's words for their own designs.

BTW, I believe that was just for the high priest, but I coudl be wrong. :)

American Military gains freedom from royal British oppression(Not anymore though, we're good friends :) ) -> America becomes it's own nation -> Uses military force to keep rights of citizens -> Citizens question and despise the use of military force to keep THEIR freedoms.

That's just a sick occurence. Stupid twisted cult doctrine!
Whoa! That's a different thing. Especially homeless. How can you just call them a waste of life?
Bums are a waste of oxygen, but not all homeless people are bums.
Bums are a waste of oxygen, but not all homeless people are bums.

Yup, at least make an effort to do something with your life. Bums just beg for money and don't ever try.
Yup, at least make an effort to do something with your life. Bums just beg for money and don't ever try.

Some beg for money because the don't HAVE to try anything else...
Seriously if someone comes to me and asks for a buck I'm not going to give it to them, I worked hard for my money and I'm not going to give it to some guy begging for it. Now if he comes up to me and says "I'll wash the windows of your truck for a buck" then that's fine...at least he's trying to do something productive to make money.
Seriously if someone comes to me and asks for a buck I'm not going to give it to them, I worked hard for my money and I'm not going to give it to some guy begging for it. Now if he comes up to me and says "I'll wash the windows of your truck for a buck" then that's fine...at least he's trying to do something productive to make money.

OK BX, I believe you. I was just making a point. :)
Thats damn right, its a waste of human life. Like the homelesses and the drug addicts.

Dude your twisted ...

I don't care if you have " religion " or not...how can YOU be a judge on what a " WASTE " of life is.....

When someone pulls their pud is that a " WASTE " of life ?

Swift ....what kills me most of the time is ...I am not into religion.....but...I usually have more respect for each individuals " life " choices ...etc... ad nauseum...etc. Why is that ?
Seriously if someone comes to me and asks for a buck I'm not going to give it to them, I worked hard for my money and I'm not going to give it to some guy begging for it. Now if he comes up to me and says "I'll wash the windows of your truck for a buck" then that's fine...at least he's trying to do something productive to make money.

I see your point in there:) , but you don't always have to be like that. I know one time there was a bum who was asking some money to my father, but my father didn't knew he was a drug addict. The other day the same guy came again to my father for some money. So my dad bought bought him a piece of bread and some sardines.

What i'm trying to say is that you maybe could be gentle some time;), but thats only mine opion:)👍
I saw this on myspace a couple of days and was uttery shocked by the religous group's actions, especially at a soldier's funeral. That was way beyond the limit, especially if they are fighting for your freedom. (Supposibly)

But I also disagree with the way the 'interview' was made, it wasn't an interview but more an "I'm right your wrong" arguement that sadly reaches obviously alot of Americans. It's not productive and I don't see how that episode was shown. 👎
I see your point in there:) , but you don't always have to be like that. I know one time there was a bum who was asking some money to my father, but my father didn't knew he was a drug addict. The other day the same guy came again to my father for some money. So my dad bought bought him a piece of bread and some sardines.
I made the mistake of giving a guy outside a McDonald's money once. He walked in and I assumed he was actually buying food. When I got in my car I saw him walk out the other side, cash in hand, and go off towards a run down looking building behind the McD's property. I haven't just given money since.

BTW, I believe that was just for the high priest, but I coudl be wrong.
You're right. I bet she doesn't even bring him the doves. :)

I could probably go on and on about Leviticus challenging that woman about all the decrees that she doesn't follow. After I get her to try and explain away Leviticus I will throw 18:22 at her and watch her backtrack real fast.

For those who don't know:
Lev 18:22 "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."

This would be the basis behind their entire protest. Being gay is detestable and because we accept them in America God is killing the soldiers. Yep, makes complete sense to me. :dunce:
But I also disagree with the way the 'interview' was made, it wasn't an interview but more an "I'm right your wrong" arguement that sadly reaches obviously alot of Americans. It's not productive and I don't see how that episode was shown. 👎
Did you even read my earlier post? This one
This would be the basis behind their entire protest. Being gay is detestable and because we accept them in America God is killing the soldiers. Yep, makes complete sense to me. :dunce:

If God was only killing gay soldiers she may have half a case. :dopey: But ANY American that says 9/11 was a good thing is sick in their head!

Swift ....what kills me most of the time is ...I am not into religion.....but...I usually have more respect for each individuals " life " choices ...etc... ad nauseum...etc. Why is that ?

Because most people that don't have a defined spiritual base but feel they are doing OK think that anyone else can also do OK just the way they are. Hence, they tend to have more "respect" for everyone. Even people they disagree with.

I on the other hand, can't stand this radical extremist views. She's EXACTLY like bin-laden and the terrorists. I truly hope that if she breaks any law she is brought down HARD.
If God was only killing gay soldiers she may have half a case. :dopey: But ANY American that says 9/11 was a good thing is sick in their head!

Why should someone....never mind " GOD " care if the person who GIVES willingly their LIFE to protect and serve ..is GAY or not ?????

I could care LESS about a "GOD " who would . I can't really see how someone who is into ANY religion could .

Swift I'm suprised . I didn't ever think you would .."Qualify " ..your statement that way .

I on the other hand, can't stand this radical extremist views. She's EXACTLY like bin-laden and the terrorists. I truly hope that if she breaks any law she is brought down HARD.

And I aggree whole heartedly... But we live UNDER THE RULE OF LAW ...not the rule of ..What GOD ? would you put in ? Considering NO ONE ..can seem to find what is the right one ? As an INDIVIDUAL you can find GOD ...but as a NATION ...?


Google GOD and pick one .
Swift I'm suprised . I didn't ever think you would .."Qualify " ..your statement that way .

Thanks:)...I think. :sly:
Well swift I can't see GOD really caring if the person who die's and is willing to do so to protect and serve his/ her country.is " GAY " ...I'd like to think that personal choice or gene or whatever ...would be just a minor fact in the life that was lost in such a noble and giving cause.. "Christ" you did say died for our sins ....what does the soldier die for ? Who ccares what his sexuality is ...is his " life " worth less ?
Well swift I can't see GOD really caring if the person who die's and is willing to do so to protect and serve his/ her country.is " GAY " ...I'd like to think that personal choice or gene or whatever ...would be just a minor fact in the life that was lost in such a noble and giving cause.. "Christ" you did say died for our sins ....what does the soldier die for ? Who ccares what his sexuality is ...is his " life " worth less ?
I think you missed his point that she has no case. If only the gay soldiers were dying then you could argue that some unseen force (God, if you will) is doing it becuase they are gay.

But since that isn't happening she has no valid argument of any kind.
I think you missed his point that she has no case. If only the gay soldiers were dying then you could argue that some unseen force (God, if you will) is doing it becuase they are gay.

But since that isn't happening she has no valid argument of any kind.

Thanks FK.

Ledhed, it was a joke, you saw the dopey smiliey after the sentence right? God simply doesn't work that way.

Also, Ledhed, you don't see God at all, so how could you presume to know what he does and doesn't care about?

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