Has she gone too far?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
Dude your twisted ...

I don't care if you have " religion " or not...how can YOU be a judge on what a " WASTE " of life is.....

When someone pulls their pud is that a " WASTE " of life ?

Swift ....what kills me most of the time is ...I am not into religion.....but...I usually have more respect for each individuals " life " choices ...etc... ad nauseum...etc. Why is that ?

OK I do think that was a bit of a strong statement. However, homeless people are still waste. Why? They use up resources, however small in amount. They are eyesore. They are usually drug addicts or prostitutes. Thats the reason why we have AIDS spreading all over the world, because of these prostitutes.

But the biggest problem I have with homeless' is their existance itself. To summarize my view shortly, they didnt try in school, they didnt try to succeed in life, they didnt bother planning their life so thats how they became homeless'. I know there are exceptions, such as losing property over divorce, but then why not try to find a new spouse and/or to work harder so that you can earn the money back? Its the unwillingness to do something on their own that leads to homelessness, what else can explain it? Im sure if they tried then they could have succeeded. But they chose to slack off, do nothing, and become uneducated and homeless. So yeah, I dont feel pity for them. They're paying the price of their actions.
OK I do think that was a bit of a strong statement. However, homeless people are still waste. Why? They use up resources, however small in amount. They are eyesore. They are usually drug addicts or prostitutes. Thats the reason why we have AIDS spreading all over the world, because of these prostitutes.

But the biggest problem I have with homeless' is their existance itself. To summarize my view shortly, they didnt try in school, they didnt try to succeed in life, they didnt bother planning their life so thats how they became homeless'. I know there are exceptions, such as losing property over divorce, but then why not try to find a new spouse and/or to work harder so that you can earn the money back? Its the unwillingness to do something on their own that leads to homelessness, what else can explain it? Im sure if they tried then they could have succeeded. But they chose to slack off, do nothing, and become uneducated and homeless. So yeah, I dont feel pity for them. They're paying the price of their actions.

That is a horrible generalization. How do you KNOW that all homeless are like this. Maybe it's only been a week since they lost everything and they are trying to get back up.

Homeless are an issue, but they're not a plague.
OK I do think that was a bit of a strong statement. However, homeless people are still waste. Why? They use up resources, however small in amount. They are eyesore. They are usually drug addicts or prostitutes. Thats the reason why we have AIDS spreading all over the world, because of these prostitutes.

But the biggest problem I have with homeless' is their existance itself. To summarize my view shortly, they didnt try in school, they didnt try to succeed in life, they didnt bother planning their life so thats how they became homeless'. I know there are exceptions, such as losing property over divorce, but then why not try to find a new spouse and/or to work harder so that you can earn the money back? Its the unwillingness to do something on their own that leads to homelessness, what else can explain it? Im sure if they tried then they could have succeeded. But they chose to slack off, do nothing, and become uneducated and homeless. So yeah, I dont feel pity for them. They're paying the price of their actions.

You are SOOOOOOO wrong ..frankly I am surprised you could assume such tripe ..

The majority of homeless are left over from institutions / mental facilities that were closed down for being either cruel and unusual punishment ..lack of gov funding ..changes in laws reguarding mental health treatment and commitment policies etc. You have all types of mental diseases that require CONSTANT monitoring of meds and such and frankly no real system to deal with those on the lower edge of society with those problems..combime that with dual DRUG and Mental patients and your violent mental patients and others who just do not want to be commited and you get your majority of HOMELESS in the United States .

I hope you are ashamed and smart enough to go get an education like you preach so you can become part of the solution instead of the problem . instead of tossing out unfounded crapworthy opinions pulled from your backside .

I work here http://www.catchinc.com/homepage.htm http://www.catchinc.com/sercmhs.cfm?id=overview ..for the last three years... So tell me I do not know what I am talking about ..since I live it fives days for 45 hours a week .

Stop by if you want to learn something .
Erm, ledhed and Swift, Im sure you guys know what you are talking about, and respect that, but 5km away from my house is the home to the 2nd worst homeless problem in BC. Ive also went through downtown Vancouver, its horrible. All of those homelesses are doing drugs or begging for money. And our newspapers (very) often put headlines about new polls, research etc. regarding homelesses because its a major problem over here.

I also lived in Osaka which has a chronic homeless problem, living in blue vinyl tents near the Tennouji Zoo. There are few blocks worth of blue tents lined up outside the zoo, and its horrible. And the number of them are increasing. What my dad always told me was that if I did not try my best in school but instead slacked off and played all day I will become one of them. And I honestly think so.

I do apologize for the extremeness of my last two posts though. I will drop by the website, ledhed.
ledhed, is that you in the picture? :D

I diagree with GT4_Rule assertions about the homless and drug addicts in general.

That said, It's well known that a lot of people from all over the country travel all the way to Vancouver only because the drugs are cheaper over there and the authorities are softer on drug use than in the rest of Canada. There's a lot of young homeless junkies over there that could easily have made different choices instead of getting in that sort of mess, if they really wanted to. So I can understand people getting pissed off about it.

Now, I know, some of them might have had some pretty rough childhoods, but I know people that went through awful horror stories when they were young, and they didn't turned out shooting themselves with heroin in a corner of a back alley. I would never consider any of them as a waste of space, though, but sometimes I wish some of them would help themselves a bit, there's plenty of ressources availible over here to help them get back on track.
No doubt its a problem and a growing one as the feds take more and more resourses away from the states...hence you get NON Profits like the one I work for trying to solve or at least hold down the problem as best we can with the resourses we can get. I live in Philadelphia and after Byberry state institution closed we had years of the worst homeless problem at times the worst in the US..except for NYC..they have a homeless world of epic proportions that is insane ..some by choice..its an actual underground culture.
people are homeless at times by choice but most by circumstance . There are programs for the needy and no one really has to be homeless...but you cant force people to take meds and show up for a shelter ...you cant force the drug addicted to stop the life style...or death style they choose to live and BTW drug addiction is a disease...some of us are just born pre disposed to be addicts of some type..there is some called addictive personality disorder..Hey at on time it was thought autistics were retardted...live and learn.

Again you have those that choose to live the drug life..often homeless or transient..but the vast majority of homeless are mentally ill and off treatment.
I cant speak for Japan..that could be an economic issue or a personal choice issue ..there are always those who choose to live apart from society .

Check this out


No I never take pictures they trap your soul ...hehhehehe
Thanks ledhed for the website. Its informative :)

Yeah, the government doesnt do the job and almost always you get non profit groups doing the work the government should be doing, like you. Good job on your behalf for trying to help the homelesses. 👍
Actually I just try to help the people I can so they dont BECOME the homeless...

Helping the Homeless is often way beyond any capability I have or have controll over.
Others are doing a way better job than I could do anyway .

I firmly believe that in the US no one HAS to be homeless . In fact I know it.
But it still exist...freaks me out sometimes .

I had a homeless VET with both legs blown off ( Vietnam ) that REFUSED to be taken off the street...we did everything we could ..put him in ambulances...302...( involuntary commitment for up to 72 hrs )...provided access to all the social services and veterans groups that wanted desperately to get him off the streets and he just plain refused...so we ( the neighborhood ) basically adopted him and fed and clothed and looked out...cleaned up after him..someone even gave him a damm tent ...one night he froze to death ..I found him and called his last ambulance.
It was entirely his choice .

here's a good organization..notice its another NON profit...


Every time a budget gets cut these are often the first programs to get the axe...they aint voting..so ...if your cynical you might think its deliberate .
I agree about addictions being a disease for some. I have people really close to me that always had (and, unfortunately, will always have) serious addictions issues. It's hard for them to keep it under control.

Anyways, hats off to you for the job you're doing. 👍
I agree about addictions being a disease for some. I have people really close to me that always had (and, unfortunately, will always have) serious addictions issues. It's hard for them to keep it under control.

Anyways, hats off to you for the job you're doing. 👍 :)

Thanks but I get paid and in fact my benifit package ..health care pension ..sick/ vacation etc. etc...is worth almost double my actual yearly income ..I just choose to do a job a bit ..( understatement of the year ) from my former life of trying to make more money than the pope in the Construction business....I got hurt bad..had a few years to decide what to do
and " fell " into this place because a Board Member and close friend thought it was time for me to get back to work ..and he ..."thought " this place would help me " ease " back into the rat race...I fooled him..(I decided I didn't want to race no more :) Now I work 45 hours a week instead of 60 or 70 and people do not drop stuff on my head . and I enjoy actually helping out those less fortunate than I...never in my life did I dream it would happen .

So go figure...and I'm Like a Regan type Republican to boot .....with a tat that has the American Eagle surrounded by
"Nemo me impune lacessit " on my forearm...I dont really fit in with the libs 💡 But we manage to find common ground with the work and the " clients "

Its a strange damm world ..one never knows what may develope .

who knows I may hug a tree someday ..before I cut it down..:)
I had a homeless VET with both legs blown off ( Vietnam ) that REFUSED to be taken off the street...we did everything we could ..put him in ambulances...302...( involuntary commitment for up to 72 hrs )...provided access to all the social services and veterans groups that wanted desperately to get him off the streets and he just plain refused...so we ( the neighborhood ) basically adopted him and fed and clothed and looked out...cleaned up after him..someone even gave him a damm tent ...one night he froze to death ..I found him and called his last ambulance.
It was entirely his choice .

A vet from Vietnam, homeless? I would have thought that he would lead a better life than feeezing to death on the street....thats a painful story to hear, you know that....

Moral of the story: not all homeless people are waste nor did they want to be one. Something new learned!
Its a strange damm world ..one never knows what may develope .

who knows I may hug a tree someday ..before I cut it down..


💡 I may make a suggestion to my father... he's 2 years older than you and his back is getting quite worn from hauling duraform panels into muddy places, among other things, for 30 years... he also happens to be pretty much the antithesis of a Liberal. :P

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Just because danoff isn't active in this thread to say it I will.
Yeah, the government doesnt do the job and almost always you get non profit groups doing the work the government should be doing, like you.
You mean the work that government shouldn't be doing and teh private citizens should be doing, right?

As things such as the tax code, the immigration laws, and every other government program out there have shown when government does it they waste money and screw up the job.

When non-profits do it then the effort is given willingly and much more is achieved at a smaller cost.
Just because danoff isn't active in this thread to say it I will.

You mean the work that government shouldn't be doing and teh private citizens should be doing, right?

As things such as the tax code, the immigration laws, and every other government program out there have shown when government does it they waste money and screw up the job.

When non-profits do it then the effort is given willingly and much more is achieved at a smaller cost.

well thats the whole point the Government screwed the job up...they normally do ..so each community formed groups to care for its own problems at the VERY local level..We do a MUCH bbetter job and with FAR less money
All the Government provides is ever shrinking money and " suggestions" that most of the time come from out their ass .

This is the future of health care for the poor though ..no doubt about it .
Just because danoff isn't active in this thread to say it I will.

You mean the work that government shouldn't be doing and teh private citizens should be doing, right?

As things such as the tax code, the immigration laws, and every other government program out there have shown when government does it they waste money and screw up the job.

When non-profits do it then the effort is given willingly and much more is achieved at a smaller cost.

Well.....what I was trying to say was that even though the government always make community groups do the job theyre supposed to do, they cut funding, supplies etc. to them. But yeah, your explanation works too.

Whatever governments do.......money is wasted, time is wasted.
I'm pretty amazed by the viewpoint of her.
They're thanking god for the dead soldiers, for 9/11 and for dead gay people.
But the reason you would expect for her to thank God for this, is that we are ruining our own world, and we are killing eachother and we are destroying nature.
But if she thanks God for "killing" those soldiers, then God is responsible for that in her opinion, right?:odd: I'm probably twisting her words right now but I dont know how she meant it otherwise.
It would mean that God was behind all these wars.
She is also thanking the "terrorists" for killing the US soldiers, while the bible says clearly that no one is allowed to kill anyone.

Lets say this is true, and that God is punishing us, then he must have chosen a way to punish us. If he did that with a viruss or something, it would've been allowed by the bible/his own rules. But instead he apparently "commands" the terrorists and the soldiers to kill eachother, ignoring the rules of the bible.


Now I would really like to her a response to that, cause she is counterdicting her own belief and her own bible.
I'm pretty amazed by the viewpoint of her.
They're thanking god for the dead soldiers, for 9/11 and for dead gay people.
But the reason you would expect for her to thank God for this, is that we are ruining our own world, and we are killing eachother and we are destroying nature.
But if she thanks God for "killing" those soldiers, then God is responsible for that in her opinion, right?:odd: I'm probably twisting her words right now but I dont know how she meant it otherwise.
It would mean that God was behind all these wars.
She is also thanking the "terrorists" for killing the US soldiers, while the bible says clearly that no one is allowed to kill anyone.

Lets say this is true, and that God is punishing us, then he must have chosen a way to punish us. If he did that with a viruss or something, it would've been allowed by the bible/his own rules. But instead he apparently "commands" the terrorists and the soldiers to kill eachother, ignoring the rules of the bible.


Now I would really like to her a response to that, cause she is counterdicting her own belief and her own bible.
She is going by some very old school Old Testament idea of God smiting and punishing those who do not follow his teachings. Most Christians follow teh message of peace taught by Jesus when he kind of changed the rules from being punished to asking forgivness.

You have to realize that Old Testament theology was based on teh idea that God did control everything and interacted with the world, including hardening hearts and leading people to be his tools. This kind of clashes with modern Christianity because it was saying that God preordained his enemies and hsi followers and you have no choice in the matter but Christianity of course is about free will and admitting your errors. You punishment for not at least asking forgiveness is not to be dealt in this life but in a later life.

This woman and her whole group have the mindset that the world works in old testament ways and God leads the righteous to war and will even allow his followers to lose in battle if they go against his teachings. To her everyone killing Americans are tools of God and he set them on their course to 9/11 with the intention of putting us into a war so that he can punish us further.

The best way to understand this woman is to not even try. She doesn't make sense. She is a Christian who apparently knows nothing about the New Testament than the fact that Jesus was born, died, and resurrected. Without talking to her I can guarantee that 99% of her beliefe system and thoughts are Old Testament oriented. Well, that is just fine, if you are Jewish and living over 2,000 years ago. She is missing New Testament things such as love thy enemy as thy neighbor and never turning anyone away.

She has made a grave mistake in her understanding of her own faith. Because of this no one can defend her actions, just explain why she thinks what she does. Essentially she is confused and isn't aware of it.
She is going by some very old school Old Testament idea of God smiting and punishing those who do not follow his teachings. Most Christians follow teh message of peace taught by Jesus when he kind of changed the rules from being punished to asking forgivness.

You have to realize that Old Testament theology was based on teh idea that God did control everything and interacted with the world, including hardening hearts and leading people to be his tools. This kind of clashes with modern Christianity because it was saying that God preordained his enemies and hsi followers and you have no choice in the matter but Christianity of course is about free will and admitting your errors. You punishment for not at least asking forgiveness is not to be dealt in this life but in a later life.

Then if God controls us, what reason does he have to punish us? What have we done wrong?

If you forget the old testament and believe people make their own decisions: sure, God has many reasons to punish us, but I wouldn't be suprised if she is one of those reasons. I'm sure the church isn't waiting for these lunatics either.
The Bible is probably the most altered, twisted, and hacked book in history to suit the needs of the person......if you get what I mean.
man i cant believe that people dont have any other important things to worry about. Iv been through so much in my life, and i look at this bull crap and people get all butt hurt about gays, the bible and the war.

its funny how with out the gays help during the 70's and when it was underground during the 60's women would never have been alowed to even say stuff like that, and the bible crap is just a story... thats it.
The Bible is probably the most altered, twisted, and hacked book in history to suit the needs of the person......if you get what I mean.

Yes I do, and I'd have to agree.

and the bible crap is just a story... thats it.

And you base this on what exactly?
i baise it on my life, i just dont believe that any of that could have happened and then all of the sudden god says stuff happens for a reason.

im not saying that i know any thing about religion because i dont practice it, and im not saying that there isnt a higher power, but people baising thier beliefs on a book... it just sounds silly to me...

im really really really really sorry if i offended any one but thats my belief : )
i baise it on my life, i just dont believe that any of that could have happened and then all of the sudden god says stuff happens for a reason.

im not saying that i know any thing about religion because i dont practice it, and im not saying that there isnt a higher power, but people baising thier beliefs on a book... it just sounds silly to me...

im really really really really sorry if i offended any one but thats my belief : )

It's not about offending people. It's about being able to back up what you think.

You base it on your life? Well, then I could say that I base it on my life and the principles, lessons and truths of the bible have lined up with my life perfectly. So, does that make it true, just because it lines up with my life?

The challenge here is that you're speaking out of ignorance. You haven't read or even tried to understand the bible. So, if and when you do decide to actually investigate it, come back with some solid argument. Until then, opinion has no basis at all.
iv been through alot in my life were other people would say "god helped me through this" or something like that, maby i miss worded my opinion, but i think religion has its boundries.
how can people say that god makes things happen for a reason?
and that "he knows all"?
that would be like me asking him how many bullets were in my dads chest when he was murdred wich one killed him, and why did he let this happen? and then me asking him why the killer got to walk?
thats how i baise my beliefs, things happen because they happen and no one is controlling them.

i dont understand how people can live with themselvs saying that "god took him to a better place".
iv been through alot in my life were other people would say "god helped me through this" or something like that, maby i miss worded my opinion, but i think religion has its boundries.
how can people say that god makes things happen for a reason?
and that "he knows all"?
that would be like me asking him how many bullets were in my dads chest when he was murdred wich one killed him, and why did he let this happen? and then me asking him why the killer got to walk?
thats how i baise my beliefs, things happen because they happen and no one is controlling them.

i dont understand how people can live with themselvs saying that "god took him to a better place".

Ok, so what your saying is that you've had a horrible experience, very horrible, and it had a messed up conclusion with no closer. Yeah, I could understand why you have that attitude. Though I won't say for a second I know how you feel.

Losing loved ones is the hardest part of life. I'm not going to sit here and tell you what the reason for it was. But there is a purpose, a positive purpose, down the road. Now, maybe it's not just for you. Maybe it's for others your father knew.

God does know all. But to say, "hey God, what's the deal" after something bad happens when you didn't care about him BEFORE the bad thing happened is hypocritcal. That's like the people effected by 9/11 questioning God and not caring about him on 9/10.
lol i havent believed in that stuff since i was 4, im not a hypocrit... well atleast i dont think so lol.

its not just the murder but its also a ton of other stuff that makes me think wow, this is all just rreally really random... i guess im okay with that lol.
Why is there a rule in the bible that says you can't kill anyone else?
Sorry, but with common sense you say "offcourse you cant kill someone!".
But what if you have just killed someone, apparently God wanted you to kill him.

What if some lunatic goes out and tries to kill as much people on the world as he possibly can?
Is that justified?

Sorry if that thought is offending, but it's a thought that's really bothering me.
Why is there a rule in the bible that says you can't kill anyone else?
Sorry, but with common sense you say "offcourse you cant kill someone!".
But what if you have just killed someone, apparently God wanted you to kill him.

What if some lunatic goes out and tries to kill as much people on the world as he possibly can?
Is that justified?

Sorry if that thought is offending, but it's a thought that's really bothering me.

Now thats a previously unheard of a view...

I still don't think that you should kill others though, they have as much rights as you do.
According the christian theology of God, he has given us free-will, meaning we are capable of making choices. The fact that God already knows what choices you will make does not mean he doesn't want you to make them. And, according to christian scripture, God forgives you for those mistakes He knows you are going to make (if you ask his forgiveness, etc), which makes Him almost uncomprehendingly compassionate. This is where our human brains fail to understand and we instead trust these things to Faith.