Hating the graphics of GT6

  • Thread starter TomBrady
Same holds true with night races at Spa. Last month when I did the IB "Night Racers" event, the stars, moonlight and cloud effects were utterly amazing. Today I ran it again to see if there's a difference and it's what you call "meh". Well, it was good while it lasted. (A month)

Is there any way to get a download of version 1.00? Or do most people save mulitple versions so they can go back? If not, then lesson learned. Right now I'd rather keep the unadulterated first version than all of the latest features.

I think what you are describing is the glitch which others like us have also recently noticed -- ie when the clouds (even at night) do not appear on some tracks. NB. Without clouds you lose those nice lighting effects in the sky (whether during sunlight or moonlight). I think this should be fairly straightforward for PD to hotfix.
even NFS Rivals has overall better graphics than GT6, in my opinion...
that's sad...

I think that the graphics are not balanced: cars are generally good especially premium cars that look very good, but environment is generally mid-low, shadows are crazy, trees are ****...

Same with AI and physics: Ai is dumb, physics are good...

And tracks: some are really beautiful, some are... well, like standard cars...

The overall feeling is that this game is basically not balanced in all of its aspects.
Just updated and now have stereoscopic 3D enabled... News is not good though. Both GT5 and GT6 render 3D perfectly on my system, with everything being in the proper focal plane and zero ghosting even with depth set to maximum. Possibly the single best implementation of stereoscopic gaming that I've ever seen. I have a true 720p (1280x720) display, so in theory there should be zero pixel scaling. GT5 looks nothing short of glorious in stereoscopic mode. However there is a HUGE quality difference between GT5 and GT6! Whereas Gt5 appeared to render in full 720p 3D mode, GT6 looks to be rendering at a MUCH lower resolution and the upscaling to 720p. The results are not good in terms of overall image quality.

So at this point I'm going to call all of the GT6 graphics "improvements" as complete failures. We've got a few more advanced lighting effects, some better shadows, and a perfect night-sky. In exchange we get crappy post-processing AA which makes the game unacceptably blurry, some extremely low frame-rates in some areas, and now a crappy 3D resolution. Not impressed in any way with GT6 graphics.
When are they going to fix the flickering shadows? On some tracks, distant trees shading sloped areas create intermittent, blinking areas that are so distracting that it ruins your drive. You know what I mean, you go "WHAT is that?" And promptly forget to brake in time and mess up your line. It appears as if the car shadows are rendered from a different algorithm than the environment shadows...
as I said before, car detail is very high but environment detail is medium...
shadows are crazy...

these two things make the graphics look unbalanced and non-realistic...

Matterhorn has big problems with shadows in the afternoon/evening
Trying to play this game in 3D just makes everything so much worse, the graphics drop so much you can barely tell it apart from GT5.
I guess it is just a limitation of what the PS3 can do, rather than what PD can do.
Makes you wondered why they bothered with 3D, knowing that they would have to go down to 720p and have the massive loss of quality that goes with that.
What pees me off is how they fooled us with the GT6 graphics/physics 'taster' they gave us back in GT5. Those graphics on Autumn Ring were great...
As much as I love this game, and appreciate the graphical brilliance of GTs 3, 4 and 5, the lack of anti-aliasing really hurts GT6.

Having said that however, I'd still take playing a graphically average GT6 on PS3 over waiting for a graphically stunning GT6 on PS4 coming out in late 2014/early 2015.
As much as I love this game, and appreciate the graphical brilliance of GTs 3, 4 and 5, the lack of anti-aliasing really hurts GT6.

Having said that however, I'd still take playing a graphically average GT6 on PS3 over waiting for a graphically stunning GT6 on PS4 coming out in late 2014/early 2015.
Sorry but you're wrong. The next Gran Turismo will be either GT7 Prologue or GT7 on PS4.
GT6 = so last gen = history.
I know that. I meant that I'm glad they didn't make GT6 for the PS4 instead of PS3.

I totally agree, and neither you, nor I, are "wrong". This is our shared opinion preference.
Anyone also getting the glitch where there's no road surface on Nurburgring sometimes like in GT5? It looks like your driving on nothing? Saw this glitch come back as well.

Also posted on getting a lot of frame drops in cockpit view.

I'm pretty sure from what I've read people posting it sounds like were pushing the graphics processing envelope on the PS3, especially with Tessellation being a new feature.

All these issues are what you usually encounter on PC games when your video card ain't cutting it.
I'm pretty sure GT6 is a PS4 game and you're all playing a dumbed down version for the PS3 (like BF4, NFS Rivals, etc.), it's so dumbed down that it ends up looking worse than it's predecessor.

Now, the truly next-gen GT6 that it was meant to be will just be GT7.
The absence of wet looking road surface during rain is inexcusable. I played GTA IV and now GTA V and the water effects are truly stunning, reflection, pooling and puddling, splashes are all very nicely treated, so why can't PD make the roads look "simulation" wet?
The absence of wet looking road surface during rain is inexcusable. I played GTA IV and now GTA V and the water effects are truly stunning, reflection, pooling and puddling, splashes are all very nicely treated, so why can't PD make the roads look "simulation" wet?

They had a wet look to the track in GT4's Tsukuba. It really annoyed me when GT5 came out & every track looked bone dry when it was supposed to be wet. Every track except for SSR7 that is. I'm guessing they didn't have enough processing power available left over for it.
both GT5 and GT6 to me look amazing, i'm not hung up on interiors but drive dash only

i think i'm stuck in 7th gen-itis as I reckon the HD gfx of Gt5/6 and forza 3/4 look great

they all have their weaknesses ie. for GT5/6 its the shadows which look a bit ropey

Forza 4 can look very very dull on certain tracks while I dont see anything on GT5/6 tracks that looks anywhere bad

for my liking the GFX is Gran Turismo is the LAST thing PD should look at or be concerned over

i use either a 24" 32" or 50" 1,080p tv thru HDMI

i've seen Forza 5 and its ok but not like the HUGE leap over F4 or GT5/6 that warrants $500+
both GT5 and GT6 to me look amazing, i'm not hung up on interiors but drive dash only

i think i'm stuck in 7th gen-itis as I reckon the HD gfx of Gt5/6 and forza 3/4 look great

they all have their weaknesses ie. for GT5/6 its the shadows which look a bit ropey

Forza 4 can look very very dull on certain tracks while I dont see anything on GT5/6 tracks that looks anywhere bad

for my liking the GFX is Gran Turismo is the LAST thing PD should look at or be concerned over

i use either a 24" 32" or 50" 1,080p tv thru HDMI

i've seen Forza 5 and its ok but not like the HUGE leap over F4 or GT5/6 that warrants $500+
I've seen both Forza 5 and PCars in full HD, not a Youtube replay and both are stunning and make GT6 look very old by comparison. Watching a car shoot down the back straight at the Nurb in PCars it's hard to tell from reality it's that good.
This is why you shoudn't drink before playing ... honestly, I don't see what blur you are talking about.... Graphics are not perfect at times but they are limited by the PS3 engine. Or maybe, you should just change your TV...

Don't be stupid. Did you even read my post? It's not my TV. It's blur. The game is blurry.

It has a serious problem with aliasing, and the track that sparked this thread was Bathurst. Go drive on bathurst right now and try to tell me the scenery doesn't look blurry. Specifically the trees.

I think it could have a lot to do with the dynamic lighting that is always present on Bathurst. On some other tracks with static lighting, there's not nearly as much blur.

Also, on tracks without trees it's not as bad either. I can see the blurriness on Matterhorn in some spots but for the most part I can deal with it. On other tracks though, it's literally painful to look at.

My eyes struggle to deal with any game that has a lot of blur and aliasing. I can't deal with it as well as other people but that doesn't mean it's not there.
both GT5 and GT6 to me look amazing, i'm not hung up on interiors but drive dash only

i think i'm stuck in 7th gen-itis as I reckon the HD gfx of Gt5/6 and forza 3/4 look great

they all have their weaknesses ie. for GT5/6 its the shadows which look a bit ropey

Forza 4 can look very very dull on certain tracks while I dont see anything on GT5/6 tracks that looks anywhere bad

for my liking the GFX is Gran Turismo is the LAST thing PD should look at or be concerned over

i use either a 24" 32" or 50" 1,080p tv thru HDMI

i've seen Forza 5 and its ok but not like the HUGE leap over F4 or GT5/6 that warrants $500+

I'm not even saying they should make the graphics way better. The opposite actually.

I'd rather they tone down the graphics in some ways in order to get better anti aliasing solutions and a more crisp and clear image like GT5.

The problem is aliasing I think, and when you have a track with dynamic lighting, and a lot of trees, MLAA is just not nearly enough. Plus it adds blur to the frame.

It's a shame because it many ways, GT6 is much better than GT5 graphically, but at the same time the aliasing and blur make it much harder to look at for me.
To be fair it's a bit of a non-issue, there's 0% chance of them significantly changing the graphics of GT6, and the next installment will definitely be on PS4 so they'll be able to use anti-aliasing and the graphics will look stunning again.
IMO, the problem is that Prologue was the best looking GT game this generation. It looked clean and nice, all cars were premium, better AA, better shadows, no PS2 tracks etc.

GT5 looked a bit worse, mostly due to addition of low quality cars and tracks bringing the overall graphics down,
(not to mention the horrible alpha effects on smoke and the shadows) even though I have to admit that under some circumstances it looked amazing (Nurburgring at dawn, photo travel etc).

GT6 introduced some new effects but sacrificed others, again the game looks slightly worse than GT5 except in some situations. Even the photo travel locations are lower quality than GT5. When I was playing Prologue, I thought that they can only improve on that but instead the games looked slightly worse with each new iteration on the PS3. Personally that's what I've been most disappointed in because graphics were always one of GT's strong points.
IMO, the problem is that Prologue was the best looking GT game this generation. It looked clean and nice, all cars were premium, better AA, better shadows, no PS2 tracks etc.

GT5 looked a bit worse, mostly due to addition of low quality cars and tracks bringing the overall graphics down,
(not to mention the horrible alpha effects on smoke and the shadows) even though I have to admit that under some circumstances it looked amazing (Nurburgring at dawn, photo travel etc).

GT6 introduced some new effects but sacrificed others, again the game looks slightly worse than GT5 except in some situations. Even the photo travel locations are lower quality than GT5. When I was playing Prologue, I thought that they can only improve on that but instead the games looked slightly worse with each new iteration on the PS3. Personally that's what I've been most disappointed in because graphics were always one of GT's strong points.
That's the reason why i think GT3 was PD's best effort so far. I would prefer they scale down the game but make sure everything is well organized and beautifully made, than that they focus on content and sacrifice the quality. Seeing PD is a relatively small team and they don't want to outsource anything, smaller scaled games would have been a far better option for them.
To be fair it's a bit of a non-issue, there's 0% chance of them significantly changing the graphics of GT6, and the next installment will definitely be on PS4 so they'll be able to use anti-aliasing and the graphics will look stunning again.

Oh I know. I was just explaining why I dislike the graphics of GT6. Some people pretend that I'm wrong but I'm not. There's no doubt about the fact that there's a lot of aliasing and blur in GT6.

Clearly they just haven't noticed these issues and think I'm just some hater or something. Couldn't be further from the truth. I think GT6 is still the best game in the series, and I'd even go as far to say it's the best racing game of all time. For me, it could be much better than it is but overall, I don't think anything beats it and I can't wait for the overdue course maker that we should've had from the start.
Oh I know. I was just explaining why I dislike the graphics of GT6. Some people pretend that I'm wrong but I'm not. There's no doubt about the fact that there's a lot of aliasing and blur in GT6.

Clearly they just haven't noticed these issues and think I'm just some hater or something. Couldn't be further from the truth. I think GT6 is still the best game in the series, and I'd even go as far to say it's the best racing game of all time. For me, it could be much better than it is but overall, I don't think anything beats it and I can't wait for the overdue course maker that we should've had from the start.
The graphics being a lot darker in general is what strikes me the most, people can't read the dials in their cockpits anymore so to deny that the graphics aren't worse off than before is a bit silly. The blur and aliasing is something you probably notice more playing than watching youtube vids, but don't worry you definitely have a point here. I think they had to dumb it down for the day/night cycles to work.
There's no doubt about the fact that there's a lot of aliasing...in GT6.

This is a major disappointment to me. I thought that they would improve the aliasing from GT5 to GT6, but instead they've pushed the PS3 even harder & used less AA.

GT6 is definitely on the ugly side compared to GT5: Prologue and GT5 with more blur, awful colour balance, terrible shadows, etc, but I don't agree with the aliasing issues being mentioned.

These are directfeed 720p XMB screenshots


The graphics being a lot darker in general is what strikes me the most, people can't read the dials in their cockpits anymore so to deny that the graphics aren't worse off than before is a bit silly. The blur and aliasing is something you probably notice more playing than watching youtube vids, but don't worry you definitely have a point here. I think they had to dumb it down for the day/night cycles to work.

Yea I've definitely noticed that too. It seems a lot darker. I don't get why but I literally had to make a preset on my TV to compensate for that and the blur.

I love this game for the way it feels, and its variety, but I miss the days when its graphics were truly top notch. The lighting is amazing but the aliasing makes it hard to look at sometimes

This is a major disappointment to me. I thought that they would improve the aliasing from GT5 to GT6, but instead they've pushed the PS3 even harder & used less AA.


Personally, I thought the aliasing in GT5 was ok. The only real problem I had was the jagged shadows on cars, and the terrible smoke and water trail effects. They fixed both of those issues on GT6, but now we have worse issues to deal with.

I honestly think the best looking GT so far was GT HD. It had GT6's higher resolution with GT5 Prologues graphics. No day to night transition though.

GT6 is definitely on the ugly side compared to GT5: Prologue and GT5 with more blur, awful colour balance, terrible shadows, etc, but I don't agree with the aliasing issues being mentioned.

These are directfeed 720p XMB screenshots



That track's a bad example mate. There's no time of day change on that track so the aliasing and blur we're speaking of isn't nearly as bad on those tracks.

Like I said, Bathurst seems to be the biggest culprit but it's not alone. I think there's something with the newer tracks in GT6.

See on Nordschliefe, Spa, and Le Mans it's not as much of a problem because there's a wall of trees on the side. All 3 of those have day to night transition but none have as much issues as Bathurst.

Bathurst on the other hand doesn't have any walls of trees. Each tree on bathurst for the most part seems to be individual models instead of a large group like on the Ring.

I think that may play a part in the outrageous aliasing we see.

Also, it's a big problem with Silverstone too. The grandstands have a ridiculous amount of aliasing and blur too.
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GT5P was great for its time and even now. But GT6 by far has the most superior gfx in a racing game on last gen console. GT5P had no skid marks, no smoke affect, no dynamic lighting to name a few. All these affects were missing.

Playing Daytona in night in GT6 for example is so cool. First time I payed it and coming back to it. It feels so amazing. PS3 has been limiting them but on PS4 it is going to be absolutely awesome. AA though is still problem that will never go but they can reduce aliasing for sure
For me GT6 and 5 are pretty much the same in terms of graphics, they don't look the same, but for me none stands out graphics wise.

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