Hating the graphics of GT6

  • Thread starter TomBrady
The truth is though, I'm loving the game anyways.

I do hate the blur with a passion, but I'm still having a blast. The career mode is so much better than any previous GT in my opinion, the physics are obviously the best on console ever, and it's just fun to play.

Some people claimed that GT5 didn't have the fun factor GT's of the past had, I disagree, but I would say GT6 definitely has all the fun factor we're used to.

Only disappointed is the lack of rbeing able to race modify production cars. I don't get why they wouldn't expand that feature
I always use 1080.

In my opinion it still is too blury though.

I tried 720p mode and trust me, it's not an improvement.

I think the issue is MLAA that they're using. GT5 used QAA in 1080p mode and 4x MSAA in 720p mode.

As DigitalFoundry pointed out, GT6 actually does have a slightly higher resolution but there are issues with trees and thin objects, and they switched to MLAA which causes a ton of blur. MLAA not only negates the increase in resolution but it makes things look worse

MLAA is literally the last AA I'd ever use for a game. It looks awful.

My point was that unlike GT5, GT6 uses the same AA for both 720p and 1080p modes, so changing to 720p would only make things worse as they both have MLAA

The only thing 720p would improve is framerate
There is nothing wrong with the graphics in GT6, my Sprinter has never looked as sharp! By the way, thanks PD for giving it some love, even if it is only standard love, it is love none the less!
my only gripe with GT6, is tracks feel skinny. the viewpoints or whatever, needs 25% more width than they are now. If feels like 1 lane all over the place. is it just me?
I feel that there is a significant blur not too big but it's there. When I compared GT6 Interior of the 370z to GT5 I feel like GT5 had a clearer interior dash overall. I just bought the focus ST and the interior looks a tad blurry, I can still see the speedometer/tachometer numbers but they aren't as clear as they could be
I've spent more time messing with the settings then i should have to. Going to 720p was an improvement in some areas but still didnt quite do it for me. I'm now at 1080i and feel that its fairly close. There are things I like using either flicker reduction or sharpening, but their normal setting does seem the best compromise, at 1080i. I'm using a 50" Panasonic plasma fwiw.
I'm playing on a 3m wide screen at 720p.

I notice the softening, which overall I like in comparison to GT5. I appreciate that other may not.

What is strange is that I can't see the blur on the kerbs in the Youtube play back which was linked to earlier in this thread. The kerbs look slightly less sharp than GT5 but not the blurry mess in the Youtube vid.
No. Bad guess. InCar or bumper cam.
How can you say that then if you use cockpit view?!
It's the first thing that hits you as soon as you start driving! Woeful frame-rate! significantly worse than bumper and hood ( hood being the best frame-rate )?
All a matter of opinion. I've got to say I prefer the motion blurring in GT6, but I appreciate others may not.
Not really.. Frames are measured by the second. Opinion has nothing to do with it.
Sooner or later EG digital foundry will do a tech analysis and it will all be down to frames per second.
I personally feel fooled into thinking I bought an updated game, but it very much appears as though they left this stinking mess of graphics as a selling point to buy the next PS4 and GT game to save us from this garbage.

I practiced with gt5 almost daily since it came out and when I finally started GT6, the terrible quality in graphics hit me like a ton of bricks.
Dropped frames and lagging????

Also, motion blur should not be crammed down our throats.
They are forcing it upon us when in actuality our eyes should naturally dismiss and "blur" the surrounding area because we are focused on the road ahead.

I just finished a real life drift event this past weeked and I must say that even while sliding my car around all day, I did not once see things get blurry.

Furthermore I don't get the point in having ultra detailed cars when we should realistically be using an interior view to navigate the track.

Instead of 30 different variants of the same car, game developers should have focused on what the driver sees.

Not an Eye Witness News helicopter chase cam capturing the subtle brilliance of a premium car's tail light.

For those of you proud this game, you probably haven't played gt5, sponsored hype man, or you are an Internet bot, spouting the wonderfulness of this game....which it isn't.
I personally feel fooled into thinking I bought an updated game, but it very much appears as though they left this stinking mess of graphics as a selling point to buy the next PS4 and GT game to save us from this garbage.

I practiced with gt5 almost daily since it came out and when I finally started GT6, the terrible quality in graphics hit me like a ton of bricks.
Dropped frames and lagging????

Also, motion blur should not be crammed down our throats.
They are forcing it upon us when in actuality our eyes should naturally dismiss and "blur" the surrounding area because we are focused on the road ahead.

I just finished a real life drift event this past weeked and I must say that even while sliding my car around all day, I did not once see things get blurry.

Furthermore I don't get the point in having ultra detailed cars when we should realistically be using an interior view to navigate the track.

Instead of 30 different variants of the same car, game developers should have focused on what the driver sees.

Not an Eye Witness News helicopter chase cam capturing the subtle brilliance of a premium car's tail light.

For those of you proud this game, you probably haven't played gt5, sponsored hype man, or you are an Internet bot, spouting the wonderfulness of this game....which it isn't.
Harsh and very true lol. do hope they can fix it though...
[quotI e="Lambob, post: 9039200, member: 164313"]my only gripe with GT6, is tracks feel skinny. the viewpoints or whatever, needs 25% more width than they are now. If feels like 1 lane all over the place. is it just me?[/quote]

Try changing the cockpit view to narrow. It lowers the field of view.

Speaking of that, I wish they're just move the seat up instead of changing the FOV. I think moving the seat up is always a better option to get better visibility

Especially because a lot of cars have those stupid gran turismo decals on the windshield. Visibility is already a big enough issue on some of these cars yet they make it worse by adding those stupid stickers? The Citroen GT Race Car was laughable and so are some of the 15th anniversary cars. Barely any visibility even on narrow mode. I don't use very narrow because the FOV ends up being too low for my liking

I would like to suggest other people doing what I've done which is increase the sharpness on my TV to the maximum. It makes the blur a little easier to deal with in my opinion.
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I personally feel fooled into thinking I bought an updated game, but it very much appears as though they left this stinking mess of graphics as a selling point to buy the next PS4 and GT game to save us from this garbage.

I practiced with gt5 almost daily since it came out and when I finally started GT6, the terrible quality in graphics hit me like a ton of bricks.
Dropped frames and lagging????

Also, motion blur should not be crammed down our throats.
They are forcing it upon us when in actuality our eyes should naturally dismiss and "blur" the surrounding area because we are focused on the road ahead.

I just finished a real life drift event this past weeked and I must say that even while sliding my car around all day, I did not once see things get blurry.

Furthermore I don't get the point in having ultra detailed cars when we should realistically be using an interior view to navigate the track.

Instead of 30 different variants of the same car, game developers should have focused on what the driver sees.

Not an Eye Witness News helicopter chase cam capturing the subtle brilliance of a premium car's tail light.

For those of you proud this game, you probably haven't played gt5, sponsored hype man, or you are an Internet bot, spouting the wonderfulness of this game....which it isn't.

Completely agreed. I find it ridiculous that some people are ignoring the blur and claiming that GT6 looks better than GT5. I could understand people having different tastes but there's no doubt that GT6 is blurry in comparison.

It's not motion blur though. People keep thinking it's motion blur, it's not. The blur is there no matter how fast you go. It has nothing to do with motion. I think it's the crappy morphological anti-aliasing they're using, MLAA

I can enable MLAA on my gaming PC, and when I do, I immediately notice how god awful it makes everything look. It's like if you wore glasses and rubbed vaseline on them. It's like GTA IV on the PS3 (except the ballad of gay tony DLC, TBOT removed the vaseline filter that was in the main release)

I've spent more time messing with the settings then i should have to. Going to 720p was an improvement in some areas but still didnt quite do it for me. I'm now at 1080i and feel that its fairly close. There are things I like using either flicker reduction or sharpening, but their normal setting does seem the best compromise, at 1080i. I'm using a 50" Panasonic plasma fwiw.

Lowering the resolution won't improve anything except the framerate because unlike in GT5, GT6 uses the same crappy MLAA in 1080p and 720p mode.

In GT5, 720p mode had a very good 4x MSAA. I still thought 1080p mode was better, but at least 720p mode used a better form of AA. 1080p mode had 2x QAA instead

GT6 on the other hand uses post process MLAA on both 1080p and 720p mode and it's most likely the reason for all this blurriness. On a gaming PC, MLAA looks awful too. It introduces a ton of blur.

It sucks because, GT6 actually has a higher native resolution than GT5. GT5 was 1080 by 1280 during gameplay. GT6 is 1080 by 1440 during gameplay but the MLAA ruins it.

Honestly, I wish they'd give us the option to just shut off the MLAA or use 2 x MSAA instead.

I'd rather deal with 30 FPS framerates and 2x MSAA than 60 FPS with MLAA.
The truth is though, I'm loving the game anyways.

I do hate the blur with a passion, but I'm still having a blast. The career mode is so much better than any previous GT in my opinion, the physics are obviously the best on console ever, and it's just fun to play.

Some people claimed that GT5 didn't have the fun factor GT's of the past had, I disagree, but I would say GT6 definitely has all the fun factor we're used to.

Only disappointed is the lack of rbeing able to race modify production cars. I don't get why they wouldn't expand that feature
In the options menu, theres a place were you can sharpen the image/ remove blur. Try it if its bothering you that much. It might help.
In the options menu, theres a place were you can sharpen the image/ remove blur. Try it if its bothering you that much. It might help.

I did. Flicker reduction strangely seems like the best option to me.

I've also heard that the image setting in GT6 and GT5 is only meant for standard def mode. The screenshots on digital foundry showed no difference between the 3 so maybe it's a placebo affect.

I'm not sure it's any different on normal, sharpen, or flicker reduction but I tried all 3 extensively and flicker reduction seemed best to me but I could be imagining it.

If anything, flicker reduction would likely use more anti-aliasing, and probably introduce even more blur, that's why it doesn't make any sense to me but I have it on anyways.

Guys it is so bad GT6?

It's still a better game than GT5, in my opinion it's the best GT ever by far, but the graphics are definitely a step down in my opinion

If you don't like blurry graphics, I think you would agree too but it seems some people don't even notice it. I guess it depends on how far you sit, and how big your TV is because at certain distances, people don't notice certain details the way I do possibly because I sit at the optimum viewing distance (3 times the height of the TV/monitor screen)
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Only some people are reporting this problem, it must be the way your TV is setup and displaying the game.

It's definitely not a global issue.

Personally I think the graphics are outstanding.
Only some people are reporting this problem, it must be the way your TV is setup and displaying the game.

It's definitely not a global issue.

To be fair, yes, it could depend on the television sets people use.
But it could also very much depend on people's eyes or personal preference viewpoints.

I'm not trying to make a "put your glasses on" remark. :lol:

What I mean is that for example, I often don't see the fuss other people make about things. I have vision that cannot be corrected to 20/20 AND I have limited depth perception.
And I have long known how that does make a difference in how I perceive graphics.
For example, even the best 3D movies to me, at best, look like cardboard cut-outs moving in front of each other. That's as good as 3D gets for me! I've had various eye doctors tell me that's just the way it is. I am completely unable to see those "hidden" pictures most of the time. Also, physiological.

I also didn't see a huge difference when changing from VHS to DVD, nor when switching to HD.
I just don't see the drastic difference that other people see. I see a quality difference. It's just not as stark a difference as other people seem to notice.

On the other hand, I'm VERY sensitive to colour issues.
When switching from CRT to various flat screen technologies years back, I could see a DRASTIC lowering of colour quality, especially a few years back. It's definitely gotten better in even the cheaper flat screen options. But years back, the cheap flat screens made my photographs' colours look like TOTAL CRAP to me.... while others didn't seem to notice the difference much at all!!! :boggled:

There are also a lot of people who have "colour blindness" to one degree or another. This also can effect one's sensitivity to graphics I bet.

I'm no eye/vision expert, but I'm thinking that there's a WIDE range of physiological differences in human eyes across the population.
Most people probably fall within a certain range considered "normal".
Where others probably are at one end or the other regarding different aspects of sight. Which probably accounts for varying sensitivity toward different graphic issues.

IE: there's likely no one-size-fits-all explanation for what people are experiencing with GT6.
I dont have the game yet. The Demo looked pretty on my SD Daewoo back in July, I imagine its a resolution problem?
It's still a better game than GT5, in my opinion it's the best GT ever by far, but the graphics are definitely a step down in my opinion

If you don't like blurry graphics, I think you would agree too but it seems some people don't even notice it. I guess it depends on how far you sit, and how big your TV is because at certain distances, people don't notice certain details the way I do possibly because I sit at the optimum viewing distance (3 times the height of the TV/monitor screen)

So one like me that sits around 3 meters away from TV will not notice this "problem"?
there's also a "once you've seen it you can't un-see it" element to some of these issues. Way back in the early/mid-2000s when people first started talking about v-sync and screen tearing, I didn't have a clue what they were on about. Then I got into MSFlightsim and I'd be flying a plane and making lots of fast turns and so forth and I started to see the screen seeming to be cut in half with one half a frame behind the other. Once I'd seen it there, I started to notice it everywhere and ended up always using v-sync if I could. Same goes for frame rates. I spent a ton of time optimizing my PC so that I could run my racing sims and flight sims at a steady 60fps and once I got used to that, slower framerates have become a real problem for me...
there's also a "once you've seen it you can't un-see it" element to some of these issues. Way back in the early/mid-2000s when people first started talking about v-sync and screen tearing, I didn't have a clue what they were on about. Then I got into MSFlightsim and I'd be flying a plane and making lots of fast turns and so forth and I started to see the screen seeming to be cut in half with one half a frame behind the other. Once I'd seen it there, I started to notice it everywhere and ended up always using v-sync if I could. Same goes for frame rates. I spent a ton of time optimizing my PC so that I could run my racing sims and flight sims at a steady 60fps and once I got used to that, slower framerates have become a real problem for me...

That's a very good point.
I haven't had the exact same experience with that exact issue. But I've definitely had this experience with other things.

Once you see a flaw that's blatant, and discover what it is, you're more likely to notice the more subtle flaws.

This is also a phenomenon related to the physiological mechanisms of the brain! And it is NOT confined to issues of sight &/or graphics. It's true of almost anything a person might notice.
In this sense, things that demonstrate huge flaws have the unfortunate (or in some cases fortunate, depending on the issue), way of bringing small flaws to one's attention.

Lesson here: Don't play games known to have HUGE flaws if you want to enjoy the games with minor flaws? :lol: :sly:
Lol I have 20/20 too ahah but it's not based on that, GT6 is awesome don't get me wrong but oh well there's some slight blur but I can live with it, hopefully in some way they can fix this via patch? Idk my knowledge with game development is not the greatest. I'm loving the galley view doeeeeeeee oh man just marvellous