Hating the graphics of GT6

  • Thread starter TomBrady
Hi, The game isn't blurred, if your tv have noise reduction turn it off

also make sure it's 1080 and you have sharpen images enabled in the options. I had mine set to 720p and it did look a little blurry on that setting, but I wouldn't say I hated it.
also make sure it's 1080 and you have sharpen images enabled in the options. I had mine set to 720p and it did look a little blurry on that setting, but I wouldn't say I hated it.

holy smoke people. Skim through a few pages of the thread before offering "solutions."
Okay finally got in. Just completed the Sunday Cup stuff.
I left all the settings normal. Including the TV settings for colour based on whatever my husband had them set at while watching a movie on streaming Netflix this morning. (Probably a default movie setting.)

I can see where everybody's coming from here. There are definitely some interesting & noticeable differences, IMHO.
Having seen what I've seen so far...
Pretty much everything now looks to me like it did on weather change tracks. IE: the lighting. Is that good or bad? I'm not sure, I just think it's different.

I have not noticed significant blur that would be off-putting. But then my eyes are not great, as I've mentioned before. I fully understand that others' impressions of this could be quite different, and I do think the lighting likely plays into that. There's most definitely a lighting difference big time.

I am going to fiddle with the settings once my spouse gets home & can see what I'm doing so he doesn't start watching a movie later & get annoyed that I've changed settings on him. HA HA
Completely agreed. I find it ridiculous that some people are ignoring the blur and claiming that GT6 looks better than GT5. I could understand people having different tastes but there's no doubt that GT6 is blurry in comparison.

It's not motion blur though. People keep thinking it's motion blur, it's not. The blur is there no matter how fast you go. It has nothing to do with motion. I think it's the crappy morphological anti-aliasing they're using, MLAA

I can enable MLAA on my gaming PC, and when I do, I immediately notice how god awful it makes everything look. It's like if you wore glasses and rubbed vaseline on them. It's like GTA IV on the PS3 (except the ballad of gay tony DLC, TBOT removed the vaseline filter that was in the main release)

Lowering the resolution won't improve anything except the framerate because unlike in GT5, GT6 uses the same crappy MLAA in 1080p and 720p mode.

In GT5, 720p mode had a very good 4x MSAA. I still thought 1080p mode was better, but at least 720p mode used a better form of AA. 1080p mode had 2x QAA instead

GT6 on the other hand uses post process MLAA on both 1080p and 720p mode and it's most likely the reason for all this blurriness. On a gaming PC, MLAA looks awful too. It introduces a ton of blur.

It sucks because, GT6 actually has a higher native resolution than GT5. GT5 was 1080 by 1280 during gameplay. GT6 is 1080 by 1440 during gameplay but the MLAA ruins it.

Honestly, I wish they'd give us the option to just shut off the MLAA or use 2 x MSAA instead.

I'd rather deal with 30 FPS framerates and 2x MSAA than 60 FPS with MLAA.

QAA add blurs on edges to hide aliasing.

Moreover with smoke, weather and other lighting situation msaa or qaa gives lot of glitches. Msaa and qaa is now pretty much dead. Even on next gen consoles GT6 tech aa will be used. The graphics are much better in GT6.
Lowering the resolution won't improve anything except the framerate because unlike in GT5, GT6 uses the same crappy MLAA in 1080p and 720p mode.

In GT5, 720p mode had a very good 4x MSAA. I still thought 1080p mode was better, but at least 720p mode used a better form of AA. 1080p mode had 2x QAA instead

GT6 on the other hand uses post process MLAA on both 1080p and 720p mode and it's most likely the reason for all this blurriness. On a gaming PC, MLAA looks awful too. It introduces a ton of blur.

It sucks because, GT6 actually has a higher native resolution than GT5. GT5 was 1080 by 1280 during gameplay. GT6 is 1080 by 1440 during gameplay but the MLAA ruins it.

Honestly, I wish they'd give us the option to just shut off the MLAA or use 2 x MSAA instead.

I'd rather deal with 30 FPS framerates and 2x MSAA than 60 FPS with MLAA.

I'm definitely with you about this. All my trial and error has led me back to the 1080p setting. Now I've lowered the in-game brightness setting 3 clicks, that has made as much difference as anything else, and where i'll leave it (for now). :-) I can't wait until this get analyzed and we get answers.
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1-in game, 2-blur during replay
Definitely gt6 is not blurried for me, and it have better graphics than gt5. Car's shadows are less defined.
gt6 looks amazing it feels more immersive there is a problem I've noticed that you can see spectators pop up matterhorn is the worse
my only gripe with GT6, is tracks feel skinny. the viewpoints or whatever, needs 25% more width than they are now. If feels like 1 lane all over the place. is it just me?

Do you think? I was going to ask (in another thread) whether PD had increased the width of some of the tracks as they feel very wide, at least in my trusty ole Sprinter.
Maybe in your opinion but even on youtube comparison, you can easily see it looks significantly more blurry than GT5. Seriously, check out

There's no way you can deny GT6 is blurry in comparison to GT5. Even in 360p you can see it.
Personally, I prefer GT6's blurriness/softness as it, by the looks of it at least, adds more sense of speed. At the same time, I completely understand those who don't. I wish developers weren't so allergic to giving players options. I'm fairly sure they could've implemented a slider where you set the blur to your likeness. Or pehaps not?
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Right on. Cant believe how many are talking about motion blur too, whch is only on replays. Its about a soft picture guys!
I had understand that, 2nd photo is only for comparison, it's because I didn't notice any sort of blur on my tv, as you can see from 1st picture, also the videos on you tube make me laugh, surely i believe in who noticed this effect, but it depend by tv settings. Significative parameters on my tv that make gt6 blurried are "sharpness" and "noise reduction", sharpness is set to the max, and from 0 to 100 gt6 look blurried already under 90.
Making changes in tv settings I also noticed how they were wrong... previous settings for gt5.
I'm using a 1080p 24inch low latency (2ms) gaming monitor. Found GT6 looks much crisper and clearer than GT5. I always thought GT5 looked real blurry and that was definitely how I felt when I played it on thursday night, GT6 is looking much clearer though and I suppose it should do as it runs a higher resolution.

Neither GT5 or GT6 run 1080p though, 1080p = 1920x1080.

Not noticed any blur effect, and I'm the kinda person who always turns motion blur effects off as they distract me. Graphics are a big improvement on my monitor.
Are there any differences between the disc and psn versions in terms of graphics pop-ins? I remember grand theft auto 5 having differences in gtraphics pop-ins with the disc version better suited for that game... I have GT6 on psn and I have been noticing lots of graphics pop-ins. Spectators suddenly appearing and textures popping in. Shadows on environments also seem to have issues.
Best stop playing then.

I think it gives the game a far more immersive experience - sense of speed is something that GT5 didn't seem to capture too well.
I agree with the last part. I ALWAYS had problems "feeling" the speed in GT5. Certainly can't see it... the graphics are rendered so sharply that each frame displayed on my screen is a crisp still. The only motion blurring I saw in GT5 was on the wheels of the cars and a tiny bit on scenery when you look out sideways or during replays.
In the options menu, theres a place were you can sharpen the image/ remove blur. Try it if its bothering you that much. It might help.
Nice one! Thats made it loads better turned to sharpen:-)
Personally, I can definitely agree with the OP on this one. While the graphics are a lot better than GT5, there is some blurring that is not high-speed blurring (never noticed any on GT5). It was most noticeable along the main straight of the Brands Hatch Short Circuit while driving a Ford Focus (not quick enough for high-speed blur lol). Having said that, it is not a major problem for me and I can mainly ignore it. It could be my TV mind as, while it is a 1080p TV (allegedly!), it is only a relatively cheap Samsung model. I may try playing around with the settings but the blur isn't annoying me enough yet
I started off at 720p and found the graphics were crap. I went to 1080p and the frame rates were too low but the graphics good. I've not settled on 1080i. To my eyes, frame rates are not distinguishable from 720p but the graphics are a big step up. This is with bumper cam. If I switch to in-car, the FPS is too low in many cases.

The blur people talk about is evident in some instances not others. The *worst* offender by far is the ghost car. Everything you see through it is very blurred. If it's right in front of you, you can't see where you're going. WTF??

The lighting is impressive, but it's too extreme. There's too much clipping (or near clipping) of darks and lights.
Are there any differences between the disc and psn versions in terms of graphics pop-ins? I remember grand theft auto 5 having differences in gtraphics pop-ins with the disc version better suited for that game... I have GT6 on psn and I have been noticing lots of graphics pop-ins. Spectators suddenly appearing and textures popping in. Shadows on environments also seem to have issues.

No, it does all that on the disc version too.
I have to say I think I can see where Tom is coming from. It's been hard to put a finger on it but it does seem softer to me.

Having said that, I am finding it a lot sharper to my eye since i turned the graphics setting to "Sharpen". But still, it's not as crisp as GT5 was.

I think this could be one of those tomato/tomato issues for most people, in that some people prefer the softer view, whereas some will prefer the crisper view. However, that obviously does not apply for people like Tom who have particular difficulties caused by this.

I must admit i don't understand why they don't have more options in the graphics settings on this game anyway. Having said that I am loving the game so far, so i'm not trying to complain. But I hope that we can get something sorted for Tom as obviously we want to find a way that he can play the game properly and enjoy it :)
I was really confused about the Normal/Flicker Reduction/Sharpen options - not so much what they do, but the way they do it.

My eyes are not great tbf so I'm not talking about image quality as such, but subjectively the Normal option has the best framerate, followed by Sharpen and then Flicker Reduction bringing up the rear with what I felt was the lowest fps.

So I would then imagine that in the order of applied AA and/or graphic quality in it's various forms with Normal least, Flicker most and Sharpen somewhere in between reflects the overall quality with fastest feeling being the worst to look at. Of course it could be just my feeling or maybe the circuit (Bathurst) with it's lush scenery but i'm happiest using Sharpen for now.

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