Completely agreed. I find it ridiculous that some people are ignoring the blur and claiming that GT6 looks better than GT5. I could understand people having different tastes but there's no doubt that GT6 is blurry in comparison.
It's not motion blur though. People keep thinking it's motion blur, it's not. The blur is there no matter how fast you go. It has nothing to do with motion. I think it's the crappy morphological anti-aliasing they're using, MLAA
I can enable MLAA on my gaming PC, and when I do, I immediately notice how god awful it makes everything look. It's like if you wore glasses and rubbed vaseline on them. It's like GTA IV on the PS3 (except the ballad of gay tony DLC, TBOT removed the vaseline filter that was in the main release)
Lowering the resolution won't improve anything except the framerate because unlike in GT5, GT6 uses the same crappy MLAA in 1080p and 720p mode.
In GT5, 720p mode had a very good 4x MSAA. I still thought 1080p mode was better, but at least 720p mode used a better form of AA. 1080p mode had 2x QAA instead
GT6 on the other hand uses post process MLAA on both 1080p and 720p mode and it's most likely the reason for all this blurriness. On a gaming PC, MLAA looks awful too. It introduces a ton of blur.
It sucks because, GT6 actually has a higher native resolution than GT5. GT5 was 1080 by 1280 during gameplay. GT6 is 1080 by 1440 during gameplay but the MLAA ruins it.
Honestly, I wish they'd give us the option to just shut off the MLAA or use 2 x MSAA instead.
I'd rather deal with 30 FPS framerates and 2x MSAA than 60 FPS with MLAA.