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  • Thread starter TVRKing
You may notice that the part of the bridge is missing, which is because I'm re-stringing it and I've got to re-solder the wiring, fortunately I owned one which I sold back in June 2011 to the guitarist in my Band, so I know them inside and out.

That's the tailpiece, not the bridge.
I think if I owned a Les Paul I'd get the inside hollowed out. Damn thing is way to heavy for me and like Tom said, neck too thick. Having small hands a thin neck is optimal.

Some day I'd like a hollow Explorer 90 and paint it like Matthias Jabs from Scorpions. Unfortunatly is a custom I might go grab a used Epiphone, get it resised down 10% and hollowed out, then painted the Alpine white with black stripes.

After a bit of research I still haven't found what guitar I have. I know its a Norma, from TEISCO and made in Japan, and its a Vintage 60's guitar but there is no model # ANYWHERE on it, so I have absolutely no idea what is. I paid $60 for it with some breaks, worn out electronics and bends in the chrome. I think in better condition it could be worth more. But I haven't seen my model online at all.


Think I'll go with an Epiphone Explorer GT, seems perfect and inexpensive. When I get bored of the black then I'll repaint it.
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Oh, you know what I'm banging on about...

Just educating...

I think if I owned a Les Paul I'd get the inside hollowed out. Damn thing is way to heavy for me and like Tom said, neck too thick. Having small hands a thin neck is optimal.

Some day I'd like a hollow Explorer 90 and paint it like Matthias Jabs from Scorpions. Unfortunatly is a custom I might go grab a used Epiphone, get it resised down 10% and hollowed out, then painted the Alpine white with black stripes.

After a bit of research I still haven't found what guitar I have. I know its a Norma, from TEISCO and made in Japan, and its a Vintage 60's guitar but there is no model # ANYWHERE on it, so I have absolutely no idea what is. I paid $60 for it with some breaks, worn out electronics and bends in the chrome. I think in better condition it could be worth more. But I haven't seen my model online at all.


Think I'll go with an Epiphone Explorer GT, seems perfect and inexpensive. When I get bored of the black then I'll repaint it.

Maybe wait until you stop growing. I've been using les Paul's for the best part of a decade now. It sounds like you should try the "2012 standards". As much as I hate the things (I prefer the non chambered guitars) it sounds like the guitar you're after. They have chambered bodies and a slim neck. I really can't understand the "les Paul's are too heavy" claim. All four les paul's I've owned have been between 9 and 10.5 pounds. Just wait until you have to drag an explorer case about with you all day and you'll be begging for a les Paul.

I have had les Paul's with slim necks and fat necks. It took a few weeks to get use to the weight but they really are fantastic guitars. I've owned American fenders, Jacksons, Gretsch's, gibson explorers, sgs and les Paul's. I know everyone has different tastes, but if you fall in love with a les Paul, you'll never look back.
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Some day I'd like a Standard Les Paul, but my dream guitars were always Explorers and Flying V's. The Explorer GT is pretty much what I want, weighing 9.5lbs I think, about what my current does. The only thing its missing is a Floyd Rose and the paint job. For $199 brand new at $140 used its a deal I can't pass up with 5 star ratings everywhere and most people saying its more comfortable than a normal Explorer. My friend has a Les Paul styled Epiphone and it plays great and feels fantastic. I thinking Explorer GT now, repaint in a year or so then start saving for a real Gibson Les Paul. The Explorer also has some sweet humbuckers on it if I remember right, also has a built in killswitch
Well take some time considering the weight issue. The traditional is heavier than the standard but is quite a bit cheaper. A pre 2007 standard is the same as the traditional. The new standards are quite a different guitar. Personally, I hate them, but some seem to like them.

Be prepared for the explorer case. The guy I bought my explorer from sold it because of the case. I sold it because of the case, the guy I sold it to sold it because of the case. They just aren't practical unless you have your own car.
My biggest thing is neck and back fatigue from long gigs, thats why my Norma is nice (I REALLY need to get a few decent amps later on). If I end up getting a Les Paul, chances are it will be used and a Traditional.

I'm not real worried about it to be honest, when I get it, I'm going to baby it like hell. I still need to get a stand and replace my old case that got wrecked for the guitar I have now.

A few years talking now, I'd like some variation of a Strat. But that won't be for a couple years. Just getting the $150 or so for the Explorer will be tough.

What equipment would you suggest running these beautiful guitars through? I currently run to a TAC Thunderbox 28R (hardly use it) I bought for $50 in 2008 and my primary is a Crate MX-10 I got for free. I run a Behringer UM-300 Distortion as well. Really doesn't sound too bad but I need better equipment and money is EXTREMELY tight.
Well I sold all my amps a year and a half ago, but on a budget, the peavey valve king is a great amp. I bought a 50w combo and ended up upgrading to the 100w stack. If you want a good valve amp for home and small - medium gig use, I recommend the 50 w combo. If you need something for bigger gigs, go for the 100w head and buy a secondhand marshall cab. The valve king cabs are good, but there was a big difference when plugged into the Marshall cab.

A friend of mine uses blackstar amps that sound excellent. Keep those in mind. Don't just go for a brand name though. Marshall, fender, vox and all the others do make their share of garbage.

For effects, stay clear of multi effects. Buy stomp boxes (not behringer or danelectro) one at a time to spread the cost. I was in a few bands with rhythm guitarists who used multi effect pedals and they all sounded processed and crappy.

The important thing to remember is that good tone is in the ear of the beholder. If you spot a deal online but aren't sure, try it out in a local store first.
At some point I'll get a 100w Marshall stack but I've been considering Peavey for a while, pretty popular around here.

I'll definitely be sticking with stomp boxes. The Behringer I have now doesn't sound real bad, I was pretty impressed with it.

All this is after I get the new guitar.

I have played through a Marshall Micro-Stack once, had two 1x10 speaker cabinets with a 15w head. Sounded real nice. I wouldn't mind nabbing it online
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You're a guitar player the GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) is getting a hold of you. It's like smoking. There is no cure other than cold turkey. Pedals, guitars, amps. It will never end. My main forum nowadays is a guitar forum. There's a guy on that forum who has 70+ guitars. Around 40 are strats. He got two in two days once. He spent a few weeks lusting after some strat and decided to buy it. While leaving the store, he noticed a real beauty hanging up on the wall. He went home and spent a few hours with his new axe. When he woke up the next morning, he was still thinking about the other strat. He went to the store to "look at it" and arrived home an hour later with yet another guitar. Much to the chagrin of his wife.

Nah I'm not that bad I just want some decent equipment on a tight budget.
This is a really old picture, but I still have all three:
New amp has been ordered and is on its way.





VHT Special 6 head and cab (1x12). Single end class A, all valve kicking out 6watts its effectively a version of the original Fender Champ.

Went for it mainly because its so damn old-school in terms of design (not a PCB in sight) and sound, should be here next week and I can't wait.
It's ALL mine - joking aside they are stupidly cheap (still not buying you one)

Very nice. I'm looking at upgrading to a Head + Cab. The head will need to be capable of achieving 80's rock/metal tones but quite small as I've got almost no upper-body muscle and I'm an M.E sufferer so I get very tired, very quickly.

Also, I interviewed Rob Chappers again yesterday and he offered me £120 off of his re-issued ML-1/ML-2 Models. Have look here and let me know what you think, I will most likely get the Trans Black one if I can find the cash but I already owe my Dad £320 for the APX but the Chapman's are a very limited run. I mean literally 50 guitars so I may sell my original one in order to get it.
Awesome, I've played a few VHT amps and always been impressed with them, that thing is going to sound great I'm sure of it (not tried that model). Gonna be loud though, those fender champ types like to be pushed into a sweet spot (like most valve amps I guess).

After checking the prices I'm quite amazed they can do it for that cheap, similar amps like the Cornford Harlequin or one of the 1W series handwired Marshalls for example are a lot more expensive. Are these VHT's built in the east?

Anyway, at that price it would be the perfect little studio amp for someone on a budget, paired with an SM57!

Offtopic - Or seperate topic!

My drummer just bought a Roland TD30 electronic kit, he is absolutely insane (it cost £3500). This is a picture my other guitarist took on his phone the other week while we were having a jam preparing for getting back on the road.

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Wait until you're older and the budget opens up a little.

For me it faded away when I got older, looking at it by age

14 - Xmas 2000 - First guitar, Squier Strat Pack from argos, with 10w amp.
15 - 1 month later - Danelectro compressor
15 - Xmas 2001 - Marshall AVT150 combo
16 - 1 month later - Zoom 707 multi effects unit
16 - April 2002 - Seymour Duncan JB JR bridge pickup

16 - August 2002 - Went to Cardiff with my dad to buy some strings for his bass guitar, I tried out a Fender Fat Strat (with floyd rose) at the Cranes music shop, played it for 45mins and then went home and me + my dad convinced my grandmother to allow me to use my savings (made with her money) to buy the guitar.... Went back there on the monday and bought it.

16-18 - Marshall Bluesbreaker II pedal, Seymour Duncan Full Shred Bridge pickup, Seymour Duncan Lil59 pickup, Seymour Duncan Duckbucker pickup

17+ - Faith Venus acoustic guitar. At some point I had this for christmas, but I can't remember when, all I remember was that it was after my father passed away, perhaps christmas 2003, would make the most sense.

18 - November 2004 - Marshall 1960A cab, 2 weeks later... Peavey 5150 head + matching cab (sold the cab to my bands other guitarist and kept my marshall) + Digitech Digital Reverb and Digital Delay pedals. I had my student loan to thank for that.

19 - January 2005 (my birthday) - drove to Reading (England) to buy a 1994 Ibanez Jem 7V

19 - February 2005 - Bought a 10w hand made studio amp from a guy in Dover, drove down there to pick it up + to get my Peavey 5150 Bias modded and revalved.

19 - March 2005 - Jim Dunlop Crybaby Wah.

20 - 2006 - Digitech Bad Monkey overdrive, bought at Music Live 2006, a guitar gear convention in Birmingham. Also bought a BOSS NS1 Noisegate at some point.

GAS has gone, had everything I needed/could afford - End of 2006.

26 - March 2012 - Cornford Hellcat combo. ooops.

I would love to get back into the GAS mode as it was fun to be engrossed in the world of guitar equipment but I lost the bug a long time ago, the Cornford was something I had wanted for a long time. I do have to buy a pedal board/power supply soon, and I am thinking about putting a graphite nut and some locking tuners on my old squier. I'd like to replace the neck and middle pickups too but that would be too expensive right now.
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Very nice. I'm looking at upgrading to a Head + Cab. The head will need to be capable of achieving 80's rock/metal tones but quite small as I've got almost no upper-body muscle and I'm an M.E sufferer so I get very tired, very quickly.
Give the Orange Micro Terror head a go, very small and can be had for under a ton.


Tube pre-amp and SS power stage, 20w is more than enough into the right cab and it is tiny


Awesome, I've played a few VHT amps and always been impressed with them, that thing is going to sound great I'm sure of it (not tried that model). Gonna be loud though, those fender champ types like to be pushed into a sweet spot (like most valve amps I guess).

After checking the prices I'm quite amazed they can do it for that cheap, similar amps like the Cornford Harlequin or one of the 1W series handwired Marshalls for example are a lot more expensive. Are these VHT's built in the east?

Anyway, at that price it would be the perfect little studio amp for someone on a budget, paired with an SM57!
Yep while they are US designed they are assembled (by hand) in China, pretty much every one who has played one has raved about it, so I keep checking the shipping progress every hour (not that it will make it get here any quicker).
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I've never had the pleasure of owning any Orange brand equipment, but I have never been disappointed by the many I've tried out.
For me it faded away when I got older, looking at it by age

Actually, for me, things have also slowed down. To be honest, that has nothing to do with getting married and absolutely everything to do with needing money for immigration. I only have one guitar at the minute, but I do want to buy another at some point. I almost took the plunge on a white, 68RI Les Paul custom a while back, but it was just before the wedding and I didn't want to make any big purchases before that. What I'm really gassing for at the moment is a Goldtop with p90's. I had a 2005 LP standard (before the chambering nonsense) with p90s. It was part of a limited run for the UK and was one of only 100. I cannot stress how good that guitar was and I'm desperate to replace it with another. Unfortunately, I'll have a long wait to find another as Gibson (USA) don't make them regularly. Even when I find one, there's no guarantee that it will be "the one". I think I might just take the plunge and buy a used 56 Custom shop RI goldtop with P90's.

The Gas never stops. I have a long list of Les Pauls that I want and a few others (tele, strat, white falcon). In other guitar related news, I recently played a Chinese made guitar for the first time in 10 years. Aside from the odd Japanese guitar, I have bought American almost exclusively. Most of them were Gibsons. I am in the market for an Acoustic at the moment and although I'd love to splash out on a Martin, I can't seem to bring myself to spend "Les Paul" money on an acoustic. I have been eyeing up a nice Chinese made guild that suits my requirements well, but I don't like the idea of buying a chinese guitar anymore.
Stick some pedals in front of it then!

What options are you looking for?

Something that can achieve a variety of 80's tones, stuff like Guns n' Roses and Skid Row. It can't be too big or heavy as I'm an M.E sufferer and I get very tired, very quickly. Also, I'll be playing in pubs and at small festivals so nothing really over 50W otherwise I'll mic it.
Not quite a cab/head option but one that will give you plenty of control over your sound and effects Vox VT+ Series I have one of the previous generation and its great for making different sounds.

Or a header and cab combo Night Train. I'll swear by vox amps as all of the ones I've experienced have been great to use. But they can be a little pricey.
Something that can achieve a variety of 80's tones, stuff like Guns n' Roses and Skid Row. It can't be too big or heavy as I'm an M.E sufferer and I get very tired, very quickly. Also, I'll be playing in pubs and at small festivals so nothing really over 50W otherwise I'll mic it.

The Micro Terror could quite happily achieve those kinds of tones with the addition of a few pedals (chorus, comp and distortion and away you go), however pretty much any of the lunchbox heads around will allow you to gain the kind of sound you are after the Orange ones are generally better suited to the music you have mentioned.

Not quite a cab/head option but one that will give you plenty of control over your sound and effects Vox VT+ Series I have one of the previous generation and its great for making different sounds.
Weight seems to be a major issue so some of the VT series could be a bit to heavy, and to be fair (I own a VT30) they are not great when it comes to the higher gain stuff (clean and mild crunch yes but not high gain).

Or a header and cab combo Night Train. I'll swear by vox amps as all of the ones I've experienced have been great to use. But they can be a little pricey.
A better bet, but again for the style of music required Orange may well be a better bet.