- 525
You 🤬🤬🤬! ()
Please explain, in all seriousness, why you would HURT Maserati and HEAL Tesla!
On the STOCK Maserati, I don't like the handling..
Heal Tesla because.. well I love the handling of the roadster and the design of the Model S is almost as beautiful as a Maserati, and they are charging less for it.. so if it handles anything like the roadster did it could be a great car.
Don't get me wrong, if petrol wasn't a fossil fuel my voting would go to something with a little more oomph but I feel like the right choice for me would be a company dedicated to making real life excursions more enjoyable. Also I haven't seen a real Maserati design I've ever said "Yes, I like this" to.. other than the gran turismo in GT5, but ONLY tuned with different ballast and suspension, so is it really a Maserati at that point? There are a lot of companies I would heal before Maserati in terms of stock sold quality and so they're being hurt.