I can understand why you'd want to say this... because if you ignore human rights, the solution to cannibalize a portion of society to suit a particular goal seems more palatable. I see no point in having a discussion where we ignore human rights for the sake of anything.
Actually, it was to allow for a more open debateif we set aside that little categorical imperative of yours, we may have freer access to honest inquiry that isn't constantly stifled by the hyper-individualist categorical imperative you impose.
Perhaps I should have clarified: I did not mean
suspend that right from all industries;
I meant, suspend that axiom,
which is held to be true across all industries, only so far as it constitutes an un-validated presupposition which cannot be said to apply here.
No profit-motive = no healthcare. It really is that simple.
No, it isn't. This is true for companies and company-owners, who have their own operating costs, resources, and interests, and who operate in a private health economy.
A publicly-owned, operated, and regulated healthcare system does not simply vanish because it lacks beneficent capitalists who wish to serve the public, nor does it evaporate as a result of indirect income collection.
Yet, however you may attempt to reduce it to simplistic universalities, it is clear that I am talking about something else:
People don't work for free.
Although I thought I made this clear, I was not referring to individual actors; despite that, you seem to mix the two interchangeably as they remain convenient.
I am referring to the nature of a companythe morality of its enterpriseproviding healthcare for profit.
This is quite different from a doctor, an individual agent who does not own or operate the service which populations depend upon, who has vastly different moral obligations, both in service to such a company as well as his patients, receiving a wage for that service, but who lacks the power to make gross demands on a scale far exceeding his own physical existence, as companies do.
(a) Government regulation almost always backfires as it gets bent to the interests of those who are more interested in the outcomeusually those who are willing to spend the most.
You illustrate here, rather well, the follies of mingling governmental and private agents.
There are fairly simple ways to avoid this, including the elimination of bidding wars for government contracts to private companies. When those interested in the outcome are the publicand not an individual or company who stands to materially gain at the expense of others from such an outcomeyour irresolvable problem is suddenly manageable.
Additionally, just because governmental policy does not require the kind of transparency necessary to guard against this 'purchasing' behaviour, does not mean that the answers to problems, which may be ineffective or corrupted, are simply so because they originate from government organizations.
(b)Less regulation would be preferable.
However this relates to (A), I am unsure, as it plainly contradicts it.
Farmers provide an essential service.The guy who works at the water purification plant provides an essential service. Banana Republic provides an essential service. There are lots of essential services where we do not suddenly suspend human rights and claim that these people are not entitled to the fruits of their labors.
Let us look into the nature and definitions of an essential service, and add hospitals, as well as the military, to that list, then:
Essential services - Link
Work that is considered so important to the health, safety, or security of the public that workers who do it are not allowed to strike. Sometimes all workers in a sector, such as health care, are labelled essential and lose their right to strike.
Since it is almost always defined in economic terms, yet relating to public welfare, there are few resources to refer to.
However, we get a general understanding that industriesand in particular their manifestations at local levelscome be utterly depended upon for the health and security of the population.
The economic terms are indicative of its role, particularly since those who are most often affected by, in general, strikes within these industries are the public and the employees of said industries:
if x party refuses to work (x service is suspended), then outcome y will happen, where the outcome "y" is exploited in these cases because of our dependence upon it being positively sustained.
Farmers, public water-works employees, clothing stores
"Y", in your examples, would ultimately lead to:
And mine, a strike of hospitals/healthcare services and the military:
death/maybe less death
The military was appealed to mostly for the flambouyance; however, we know that hospitals and healthcare services provide not only
life-sustaining services, as food, water, and ultimately, in some cases, the military do, but also
life-saving services, for both long-term treatment, and emergencies.
The water-works, farming industry, and military do not.
Let's also look at the obvious repercussions, and not the ultimate "final" ones of these strikes, with some rather elementary, and actually quite pedestrian analyses:
Farms: food prices may go up, a delay in delivery, import and travel become necessary. Remember that I qualified all of these examples with the caveat that they occur at the local-level.
Water-works: water supplies run dry within 24 hours, and sanitation, cooking, and hydration becomes difficult as water much be purchased. Local supplies also run out. Import and travel also become necessary; prolonged periods likely lead to spread of disease.
GAP: People continue wearing existing clothes; in time, we possibly get over prudishness and ridiculous notions of body image.
Military: al-Qaeda, North Korea, Iran, northern Pakistan, the Taliban, FLQ, south American revolutionaries, students, Icelanders, China, the French, and Canadians immediately invade the city, burning it down and killing everybody. (But since the military was on strike, only half as many people die, since nobody fought back.)
Hospitals: emergencies go unresolved, some die; long-term patients and healthcare recipients suffer, a few possibly die; those receiving mental-health treatment lose support, with mostly unpredictable, though probably oft-benign results.
The suspension of availability of food, water, shelter, light, and fashion industries are coped with well, for short periods of time, or in moderation. People depend on them, for survival, certainlybut these are in no way emergencies (although homelessness, in certain cases, may qualify so) individually or at the local level, even though, if widespread, or for prolonged periods, they innevitably become one.
It is quite the contrary with healthcare services, and that is obvious. A hospital's services cannot be summarily withdrawn, either individually, or briefly, without seriously imposing on the welfare, the healththe life, which we all have a right toof the population.
That you'd resort, if for reasons other than to make a trifle of the healthcare system, to such an analogy is utterly baffling.
"Do no harm" does not mean "you're a slave".
Actually, in colloquial terms, it very often does. Doctors' careers are rife and plenty with contractual obligations and necessities which, if breached, negate their status within the organization. In this sense, many doctors are slaves, and yet are so
However, as I'm well aware of your penchant for extremism, no, "do no harm"
does not mean bound to white, cotton-farming slave-owners, nor did I ever in any place imply that.
In any event, where I wrote "doctors" and asked if they were entitled to the fruit of their labour, I took it for granted that (as I instructed you to) someone may understand it to refer instead to a generalized conception of an industry; additionally, the nature of
essential services leaves the balance of powerpatients are
not, after all,
consumers, they are victimsgrossly balanced toward those who hold the skill and labour capital to aid,
or not aid, those who come for assistance.
No matter how you slice it, you don't have the right to force anyone to work for your benefit (even if it's a doctor you want to force).
[Since I'm taking your objection to refer to individuals,] IrrelevantI never argued this.
When a person goes through med-school, and does their understudy, and finally becomes a doctor, this person has already voluntarily made certain pacts and agreements between him, the legal statutes surrounding his profession, the patients and their family, the institute and values he represents, and the State; nobody forced his hand besides him when [he] wrote that signature. And as an extension of all the issues and necessities I've previously outlined,
Does the doctor's paycheque outweigh a patients' life? When a doctor is paid by the case, does he have the right to refuse help, when if on duty, the patient is unable to pay for the service?
To say anything other than yes is to violate human rights. Who is going to be willing to become a doctor when they have no rights?
then the answer, as the doctor has himself accepted it, is a clear "no"because the doctor himself has pursued this profession and agreed to regard human life as more important than his paycheque.
He has already agreed that his patients' lives are more valuable than the labour itself involved in saving them.
You already agree to the right to lifewill you seriously challenge it with a conflicting claim to the right of one's fruit for their labour?
The answer to your question, "Who is going to be willing to become a doctor when they have [one less] right?" is thus already answered, and so too by the staff who continue to work in industries that lack the right-to-strike; however, [the presupposed answer to your question]'s absurdity may be highlighted by another, equally ridiculous question:
Who is going to be willing to live when they don't have a right to life??
Your issue, then, of human rightsor, rather,
mangling of themin this regard, is absurd.
Pretending that the problem is complex changes nothing. It is not complex, by the way. Doctors are people too, they have rights. If we strip people of their rights when they become doctors, we will have no doctors. If we tell them they cannot make money, we will have no doctors.
Every single one of these statements rests on a presupposition contradictory to what I said: the problem is complex, because I'm not talking about doctors, although I may be entertaining your assertions related to them; doctors were never implied
not to be people by methe fact you simultaneously bring up their rights in this statement must mean that you are aware of the widespread ridicule imposed upon the notion "corporations are people, too [and therefore have similar entitlements]" and inverted my argument thus.
The final two points about doctors having "no rights" (where on earth was that ever a debatable element?) and thus having no doctors, and telling them they will not make any money, are entirely beyond my imagination as to how you could have possibly fabricated these ideas, although I do believe a suspension of mental-health services would be detrimental to understanding that.