Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
So, to confirm, then:

buck is staying with Toad & Toadess Racing, right?

I'm leaving up sparky's profile, since he'll be welcome to re-join at any time he wishes to re-join at.

Sakery has requested to be scored under his own team.

Who else has switched teams? Boy-wonder_2000?
I'm not looking forward to monza...the bmw has no straight line speed at all :indiff:

A BMW almost won Monza, I believe. It was among the faster cars in the field. Just remember to keep drafting. Draft will make these cars perfectly equal at every track. One car might have an advantage in qualifying here (probably SEAT) and BMW might have a disadvantage in qualifying. But, it's like NASCAR: you want to catch a draft and only lead the final lap.
Or you happen to be Ciro or Sparky. Who have a strange tendency to be much faster when it's raining at Monza :P
I was fast as far as the other drivers on intermediates in the rain race. Willfred was a surprise, being relatively fast on the Hards... Sak was way faster than I thought he would've been, and Jammy didn't actually win.

If it rains, it's a good toss-up about who's going to win, I have no idea. However, the rain should** not reach above 80% track dampness. I don't expect it to rain for the entire round, and I'll ensure that it doesn't.

** I can't be sure as to what will happen in the races themselves. If it rains all race long, it may reach up to and above 80%. Just try to survive.

One thing I'm going to add, though: if the races start at 80% dampness, I may ask people to start on rain/intermediate tires and not on the hards. Just try to keep it clean. Keep the changing grip levels in mind, try to choose a reasonable tire.
You ment what? What's ment?

Also, a proper noun is someone's or something's proper name. Polar bears aren't proper nouns.
Well, you kinda jumped the gun by using my first name to begin with... Would like my username capitalized as I don't think Jammy and Gedi are any different
Actually, Andrew.
You capitalize titles, with the exception of articles (A, The, but, ect) So while, yes polar isnt a propernoun, its a title.

@ polar, you mean you didn't have your full - first and last - name posted in your signature a few weeks back for iRacing? :rolleyes: I assumed it was OK. Sorry. Care to PM me about what in the world caused that to change?