Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
Andrew I need more answers.
What about the other people causing lag crashes?? Wonder boy, Willfred ect.?

There was no lag in Feature Race 3. Everyone else was in. :(

NASCAR was the worst lag I've seen in a really long time. Soren others were bad, but NASCAR takes the cake home

This. :( :guilty:

I had fun but was Sig allowed to block and cut GTracer and me off.

OP: one move per straight, only, and then allowed to re-position for braking zone.
NASCAR was the worst lag I've seen in a really long time. Soren others were bad, but NASCAR takes the cake home

Did anyone see wonder boy? He took me out twice, caused a huge mess, and drove pretty dirty in general!

Third series now I've been kicked from/ Ruined due to lag... I guess its back to stupid open lobbies.
I still don't think Nascar deserves, this much punishment, he was fine in Monza.

@Nascar, did you clear your cache.
Will there be a 2nd issue of the magazine.

Thanks for your support, appeal submitted. Yes, the magazine will continue, but if im banned, Im going to need more reporters.

Also with Andrews permission, I may proceed into Race Edits.
I think you should just come to the races but just watch the race not actually race if your internet is going to be like this :).
Well if im indeed banned and both of my alloted appeal attempts are denied, I may not set foot in ITCC areas, which I believe includes this thread. :(
Well if im indeed banned and both of my alloted appeal attempts are denied, I may not set foot in ITCC areas, which I believe includes this thread. :(

You're not banned. I'm asking you to do everything in your power: you can turn off all extra devices, empty the cache, reset your routers, and focus on lowering ping settings. Also, if it's at all possible, you can try to get a wired setup. All of those things will make sure that your PS3's internet is working at its optimal.

Hopefully won't happen... :(

He's not banned.
See now, it all goes back to the kick, the way it came across was conveying a ban.

No, I seem to remember asking you politely to try to improve the internet... And then seeing cussing and carrying on during the races. That's the big problem. No need for that.
No, I seem to remember asking you politely to try to improve the internet... And then seeing cussing and carrying on during the races. That's the big problem. No need for that.

You never asked me to leave, you asked me to improve internet, which I would try to do post race. The "Cussing" was censored and directed at myself. I carried on as I was never called off track, If i was directed to exit the track, I would have. Still no need to treat me like a random.

Andrew I also would like a reply to the "appeal".
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