Help: FWD (FF) "Drift?

  • Thread starter Khalym
Then again he also did state should we have another stick about drive train bigotry?. Oddly, someone posting videos reminded me of this:

. The only reason why they close these topics is because no one helps the OP or it brings about a flame war.

Nice vids!!
Props to the guy on the motorcycle!
lol, I knew before I even opened this post there would be disagreements about FR being the only thing in the world that can drift. don't you guys get bored of the same old rubbish. The OP just wanted to know how to drift/slide/skid an FF, maybe just to have some fun, not have rule books etc told to them.
In all honesty; the OP was getting very normal and helpfull reply's. All but one in fact; and it could hardly be called a big rant..

But when a moderator starts to take a tone thats kinda threatening (spelling?) i felt the need to reply and explain my view on things. I did. And i will leave it at that as you can see above..

To the OP; have fun and practice, practice. But try the FR drift thing; you will like it!
Seeing two post that possibly call against FF drifting. I think that niky has made good points. Do we really need another sticky on drivetrain bigotry? no we don't.