Help Thread For Los Santos Missions.

2. All Houses!

No.... I went to some of the rundown places and I could not enter. Oh wait maybe that's cuz I didn't have the the black boxville.:embarrassed:


I have a pimped out perennial! Oh what now!đź‘Ž
yo what do you have to do for the horse racing thing, tap x, that worked like once but then never again
I think the horse racing thing is totally random. There is no way to make your horse go faster, you just watch. The winner is probably based off of the odds when you pick a horse. For example, the horses toward the top should win more often than the ones on the bottom. Agree?
Deli Dingo
I think the horse racing thing is totally random. There is no way to make your horse go faster, you just watch. The winner is probably based off of the odds when you pick a horse. For example, the horses toward the top should win more often than the ones on the bottom. Agree?
I spent some time here. It is 100% random. Although, I've been betting $100 here and there on the Horse with the least Odds, and it will win occasionally. There is no way to go about it, it is just completely random.
Since Jimmy's first mod move was to close my damn Import/Export thread...

I Still need locations for the Infernus, Patriot and Sanchez.
Set spawns, or the car sets that include them.

Recent testing by me has proved car sets do still exist, but its a little more dependent on area.
Most cars on the first list of Export can be found while driving the Buffallo.
Save the 3 mentioned above.
Alright im having tons of trouble with Zero's mission where you fly this blasted R/C plane, did anyone else have trouble with this mission, howed you get through it?
i have 2 questions. can you recruit gang members in 2 player free roam mode? and can what missions can you do in 2 player free roam? i wanna do 2 player burgularys etc
You can buglarize most houses but not all I didnt think, only the ones that have that yellow thing at the door when you start the burglar missions.

Oh...I just went to couple random houses, and all of them had a yellow marker. If not all, then most.
Yeah ... the way I did the horse racing was I bet like $1000 race on the lowest odds to win, for every 11/12,000 that I won I would lose around 4,000. Then once I got enough money I put 100,000 on Money Shot (he has never lost a race for me .. 10 races) and picked up a quick $1.2 million. I think that there are certain horses that win more often, but I haven't picked out any names other than Money Shot that have won alot for me.

Also .. does anyone know what type of car the Super GT is? Is it a Supra?
With the Horse Racing, I've realised something. I believe it goes in a cycle. Correct me if I'm wrong, but stay on the same machine. Don't exit. Now place money on 1 horse. Every 5th turn, it will win the race. It is completely random when it will first place 1st, but after that, every 5th turn it will win. It goes in a cycle.
Also .. does anyone know what type of car the Super GT is? Is it a Supra?
By the sounds of the name, and the fact that GTA like to parody everything. I would say so.
I got a question regarding Denise.I have been dating her and the meter is almost full(99%),she also bought me a new suit.Now, is it possible to complete this dating part or can you date her forever?I can also drive her car.
I stopped dating her, but I got access to her car by pushing it with another car into my garage. That seemed to unlock it.
Everytime I was dating her a damn turf war started!

Has anyone actually had there turf taken off them?
In Ryder's mission where you have to go to the docks to steal guns from the army, how the hell do you get into the compound?

I'm being told to shoot the switch on the other side of the wall.

Where the hell is it? I can't see anything to shoot. Is it on the gate, on the wall beside the gate? What does it look like?

It's driving me mad. I've been running around shooting the gate and walls and I don't know what I'm looking for.

You have to jump over the wall in order to get to the switch.Just shoot the two guards first.

Also i found out about Denise.
You can't really finish dating her but after you get the Pimp suit from her you are pretty much done with her.
Jimmy Enslashay
... but after that, every 5th turn it will win.
Hmm ... looks like something to look into. Someone could win a very large amount of money that way :dopey:
I have a question...
When do you unlock San Fierro? I'm on the 24th-25th mission and I heard that you need to do 26 missions? True?
I'm not sure about the number of misssions, but the first time I went there has with The Truth. On the mission where you destroy his crops.
The first time you actually go to that island is after the Green Sabre mission.
Ok, I was wondering about that. So when you unlock the counties you can go to San Fierro. But you can't do much since everything is not available to buy.
Ok-- I'm sorry if this has been asked before by anyone but I'm trying to avoid game spoilers so I don't want to read through the thread--- if anyone knows or answers this feel free to post it here but I don't want to come and read through the thread to find the answer as I might read other spoilers so please PM me the answers.

This are sort of a general questions for someone who knows or purchased the guide---

1. Does dating do anything for you (I'm assuming it goes toward 100%) will Denise break up with me if I start ignoring her and will this affect me getting 100% or will it just go back to 0% (I'm around 70% right now)-- also so you still have to keep dating her after your denise dating gets up to 100%-- or is she a conquest.

2. I just opened up second island-- but only took over 1 ballas area prior to this. Now conqureing other gang areas is not an objective. Do I need to take over all of the other gangs areas to get 100% and do I need to do this prior to opening the 2nd island-- I kept saves to go back if this is the case.

I think that it-- Please PM me if anyone knows for sure.

Remember I'm trying to avoid game spoilers so please try not to volunteer too much info, just the minimum answer would be great....thanks....

there's a mission later on in the game. I don't know if you want me to tell you which one it is since it'll spoil a small piece of storyline.
Dating is more complicated then you think. I'll post the summary from the strategy guide in the Spoilers thread.

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