Help Thread For Los Santos Missions.

When you shoot they guys from the bridge and you gang say they are coming from the alley. Stay where you are, use the car as protection and shoot the (around) 6 Ballas that come from behind. Then after you've cleared them out, turn around and help the rest of the OGF clean out the rest of the Ballas that come from the main alley.

Thats how I did it and it worked very well.

EDIT: Go buy some armour from Ammu-nation first.

I had trouble with this one too-- what I did is after I shot the guys off the bridge-- I ran behind the house next to your moms (Ryders???-- the one with the holes in the back yard)-- jump the wall so you are out on the street there-- there should be a guy near the end of the alley take him out and then head to where he alley meets the street--- all the ballas came up the alley to me take them out and then head on up to Grove street to take out the straglers (if any)... I kept dying in their crossfire when I stayed in the street.

Regarding taking over the other gangs turfs-- according to someone on another board--it doesn't count toward 100%-- he was a 3 star person at GTA forums so I'm pretty sure its true.

For money there is always pimping--not too hard, taxi driver, vigilante is pretty tough on los Santos, and fire fighter-- I need $$$ too.

They already got cheats, I tested to see if they were true and they were.:grumpy: I dropped 100pts in my rating. effing cheat codes.:grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:

PS: damn homework, I was right behind EH and I had to do hmwrk and then he finishes The Green Sabre mission and now I'm stuck in Los Santos while he flourishes in San Fierro.:grumpy:
Is there a horse betting place in SF?

and where is the one in LS? I used to pass it all the time when on a mission but now I cant find it for the life of me.
The one in LS is somewhere downtown because I remember seeing very tall buildings sorrounding it.
Integra Type R
Does anyone know how to beat the mission for OG Lock "House Party"? I keep dying once the Ballas start coming out of the alleys. :indiff:

My solution was to have full health and armor, and an MP5 at hand and plenty of ammo.

I got it on the second attempt.

Yeah, I hated that mission too. Try saying the names of the buttons as they come up, it helped me pass the mission (I don't know if you might want to do that if someone else is near you though...)
Actually, now that you mention that, R* did put that on the sign in Little Haiti in Vice City. And 'Life's A Beach' is what the sign says underneath the graffiti.
Yeah, I hated that mission too. Try saying the names of the buttons as they come up, it helped me pass the mission (I don't know if you might want to do that if someone else is near you though...)

:lol: Thats exactly what I did to pass that mission, when saying the names of the buttons I hads no problems getting 4000, before that I was gettin 2200 the 2900 and after saying out the names I got 4400.
I hated this too-- I had to memorize the buttons-- I never look at my controller and had no idea where each was--took me 6 or 7 tries-- I made the party goers pay each time I failed :yuck: -- note to Rockstar-- use the D-pad next time for this....

I did have a weird glitch-- I went to take over some ballas territory-- I started a gang war and got low on health so went in food place-- when I came out Los Santos was a ghost town--- no cars or people were spawning anywhere (except inside the food place--I killed all them)--I ran around for 5 minutes looking for anyone in the gang area, went in and out of the food place and ammunation-- and then finally left that area (still no cars or peds anywhere) after a few minutes the I lost the gangwar (for leaving the area) and everything went back to normal----

I think I'm going to continue on to San Fierro but keep a save at this point just in case--
I think I'm going to continue on to San Fierro but keep a save at this point just in case--
I really recommend that if you like how it is in Los Santos. I should have, but I don't care too much, as I have some feelings about some possible endings. I don't actually know the ending, but I have thought about it and came to some small conclusions and possibilities. I will not post what I think, though.

Everyone seemed to have trouble with the Push Button missions (Lowrider mission and G Loc). My tip is to remember to push the corresponding button when it hits the middle of the circle. DO NOT predetermine it. Also, DO NOT listen to the music. There is plenty of room for error in these missions, so some concentration will easily get you through.

I'm now out of Los Santos, and I hardly failed any mission. I had trouble with a couple of them, but the final missions I breezed through. The only missions I failed was "OG Loc" because I scratched my nose while I was on the Freeway, thinking I was clear for a second. :lol: I also failed the Lowrider push button mission a few times before I figured out that Method above.

So if anyone needs any help, I'm more than happy to provide pointers and tips now.
I thought the Life's A Beach mission was pretty easy. Now I'm stuck on the mission where you shoot down likkle planes.
I thought the Life's A Beach mission was pretty easy. Now I'm stuck on the mission where you shoot down likkle planes.

oh man, the first time i did this mission, it was pitch black out side. I wasn't paying attention to the time and i had to do it at night. Of course i failed misserably because i couldn't see those damned little planes! :lol: the second time i made sure to do it during a nice sunny afternoon :)
Jimmy Enslashay
I really recommend that if you like how it is in Los Santos. I should have, but I don't care too much, as I have some feelings about some possible endings. I don't actually know the ending, but I have thought about it and came to some small conclusions and possibilities. I will not post what I think, though.

Everyone seemed to have trouble with the Push Button missions (Lowrider mission and G Loc). My tip is to remember to push the corresponding button when it hits the middle of the circle. DO NOT predetermine it. Also, DO NOT listen to the music. There is plenty of room for error in these missions, so some concentration will easily get you through.

I'm now out of Los Santos, and I hardly failed any mission. I had trouble with a couple of them, but the final missions I breezed through. The only missions I failed was "OG Loc" because I scratched my nose while I was on the Freeway, thinking I was clear for a second. :lol: I also failed the Lowrider push button mission a few times before I figured out that Method above.

So if anyone needs any help, I'm more than happy to provide pointers and tips now.

As a drummer, it was WAY easier to listen to the music than to just look at the buttonss on the bottom of the screen....once you get that groove through to your finger tips, I got 100% correct on that mission, lowrider and beach dance thingy.......I didn;t mind those missions, but god, I hate the games that only have that in it !
I found another way to complete that plane-shooting mission. Don't tell, but I used the "blow up all cars" cheat. Seems to kill the planes.
I beat the mission, and I have started to take over gang territory. I should do my homework right now but this game is so fun!
Well, I've just opened up San Fierro so bye bye Los Santos!

Word of advice for those who get to the next island - don't stunt off the top of Mount Chiliad on a Sanchez. It's not a good idea :crazy:

oh man, the first time i did this mission, it was pitch black out side. I wasn't paying attention to the time and i had to do it at night. Of course i failed misserably because i couldn't see those damned little planes! :lol: the second time i made sure to do it during a nice sunny afternoon :)

Is that a Los Santos mission -- if not---WRONG THREAD
A couple of tips in Los Santos...

Behind Sweet's house is a culvert... down there is an Uzi (to the right) and some body armour (to the left under the bridge) These are really useful... especially in the early missions when an Uzi is the best weapon available...

One question though... which do you think is better... MP5... or two Uzi's?

Two Uzis are a real pain when you reload, it takes forever. I prefer a M4, but in this case I would prefer a MP5.
So you think MP5 is better?

Even though it only carries 30 rounds... yet Uzi has 50 times two... 100?

I dont really care

I have been caught out a couple of times when it take ages to reload those damn uzis. I dont use ethier Uzi's or MP5's in battle much unless Im shooting from a vehicle or have to run and gun.
Fair enough!!

I find it useful to have some on standby to run and grab weapons and money from felled opponents...

I always carry a SMG on stand by (cant sprint with assualt rifle)
I think the SMG has a much better range and accuracy than the Uzi's too...

Anyone... help for LS missions anyone...

I did "taxi" yesterday on los Santos-- I think I finished it with 50 (I got "something" with 50 anyway)-- seems to take longer then in VC-- very few short runs--most were across town-- helps you to learn your way around.

I tried firefighter--ran out of time on level 5, vigilante made it to level 2 in a police cruiser (rolled it)--haven't tried paramedic yet, I did pimp up to level 3-- I forgot why I stopped--still haven't seen a pizzaboy yet.
I did Pimp upto 6 but tarted it into a tree on the freeway...

Also I was hungry so my muscle was deteriorating and wasn't sure whether I could get food and get back in the car in time... I'll do it again sometime... I'm pretty sure it goes upto 10... it said "Pimping 6 out of 10" after I stopped!!

Do you know if Taxi is 50 in a row or 50 total?


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