Help Thread For Los Santos Missions.

;) x 3. Anyone know who the white chick on the cover of the game is? The one bending over with her tounge lickign her lips... I dont ermember her from anywhere.
She is saved in my garage and mine only, she told me I was the only gangster she was ever with and that she is going to be with me forever...
Pamela Anderson??? vaguely.... I don't think she is supposed to be anyone.. The brunette during the game load looks vagulely like Carmen Electra (IMO)

I'm surprised Rockstar didn't make fun of bay watch in a mission (considering you can swim)--- well not yet for me anyway.
Yup, heard a huge bang jut after I crashed my bike into an oncoming truck,..I just though it was collatoral damage...but 3 seconds after I heard the bang, a spitfire styles fighter plane crashed into the hotdog vendor's cart....( no pilot )
Lots of people have reported this... don't think it's a problem... just something that happens everynow and then... I guess they must be learners at the flying school!!!

Ahhhh I see - *3 !!!!! So they just aren't lit up.

At the point of the game you are you cant take over territories, youll have to wait till later.
You can't. It'll come up in the course of the game's storyline and you have to do it.


There are other advantages of getting the license early.;) But I did not know it was a mission.
Multible times I've seen a twin propellered plane flying maybe 80 feet above me but it was always out around open plains.
Jimmy Enslashay
Yeah same here. Haven't seen one crash yet. I'm sure I would notice. How often does it happen?

I've had it happen twice now - Im about 2 missions into opening the second island. I was modding my lowrider and after I'd finished I was on the way back to Grove massive and it crashed about half way back.

The other one was near Mulholland intersection just after Id been gambling on the horses.

Yeah, I mean the remains? As in, when the Plane blows up, does the burning wreck hit the ground or something? Because that would be very funny to see a Plane just randomnly fall out of the sky. :lol:
Seriously, they just randomly fall, you will hear a big **BOOOOMMMMM** and thats a plan flames ( that I have noticed ) and no pilot.....

***fake scary stuf**** OMG scratches where on the plane.....big foot must have wings !!!!
Jimmy Enslashay
Yeah, I mean the remains? As in, when the Plane blows up, does the burning wreck hit the ground or something? Because that would be very funny to see a Plane just randomnly fall out of the sky. :lol:

Yeah I heard this big BOOM then a couple more and black plane remains just dropped near me, it was funny.
I had a plane crash right next to me and the explosion killed me :ouch:. Pissed me off soooo bad cuz I had just gotten the Patriot for I/E (first try) and the plane crashed and blew it up .. Took me a good half hour to do it again.


Do they explode as many times as a helicopter being hit by a rocket?
The plane crash has multiple explosions, I shooting them down with rockets only makes them explode once, I could be wrong though ..

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