If you think the word "liberal" is a dirtier word now than it used to be, it's only because the country ran away from liberals in the last few elections. When people think the US needs to be strong militarily they vote conservative. When people think the world is OK and the military isn't so important - they vote democrat. But "liberal" has always been used negatively - as has conservative (though that's started to change slightly as they've been winning).
But the difference between the parties is barely perceptible.
Foreign Policy:
The conservatives say "no timetables in Iraq - we'll get out when the job is done, and we must win". The liberals say "The conservatives should announce a time table in Iraq based on progress, and we must win." Only a few wacky liberals claim that we'll win the war if we leave.
Big difference.
Domestic Policy:
- We must protect against terrorism.
- Spend spend spend
- Make abortion illegal
- Save the children
- Cut taxes
- We must protect against terrorism
- Spend spend spend
- Save the children
- Protect the environment
- Raise taxes
Woopeedo!! *twirls finger in air*
Sorry I just can't get excited about these parties.
Ok, on to your latest question.
And I've never gotten how liberal came to be associated with communism... left, right, who the hell wrote the book on that political continuum, anyway? Ultra-rightists are just as fascist as Ultra-leftists. They both trample civil liberties into the dirt in the name of "security" and "freedom" from imperialists/terrorists/etcetera.
This one is simple.... really simple.
Ok conservatives have historically been willing to champion your financial rights while trampling your civil rights. (ie: Tax cuts & corresponding cuts in social spending vs. no gay marriage, no abortion). The extreme version of this is kinda fascism - which is fairly dictatorial. One imagines semi-legal trade in fascist countries (at the whim of the guy in charge) but always stringent controls on social freedoms.
Liberals have typically been willing to champion your civil rights while trampling your financial ones. The extreme version of this is kinda communist - though it's more socialist than communist because presumably you have free speech and privacy and due process and all this lovely stuff.
Surely you can see how removal of civil liberties (conservatism) results in a seemily dictatorial system while the removal of financial rights results in a communist/socialist system.
But the truth of the matter is that both parties are totally willing to screw you on both fronts. Conservatives are just fine with pushing new entitlement programs and keeping older ones - after all, it wins them votes. The Bush era has proven that several times over. The liberals are also fine with trampling your civil rights as they mow down gun ownership, free speech (think racism), and promote discrimination within government (think affirmative action).
So both parties are inconsistent and worthless. They both do whatever they can to pander to as many people as possible in a power struggle faught simply for the sake of fighting it.
... I guess I was feeling cynical today.