HEY YOU!!! New to the WRS? Introduce yourself!

  • Thread starter CFM

I'm Suzie. Just entered my qualifying time and I'm looking forward to racing against you guys... :scared:

I own GT1, GT2, GT3, GT:Concept 2002 - Tokyo/Geneva and GT4. I race using a DFP and Logitech racing seat - great fun!

So erm.. bye! :dopey:

I'm Suzie. Just entered my qualifying time and I'm looking forward to racing against you guys... :scared:

I own GT1, GT2, GT3, GT:Concept 2002 - Tokyo/Geneva and GT4. I race using a DFP and Logitech racing seat - great fun!

So erm.. bye! :dopey:
Woo hoo! A girl joins the ranks - with a DFP and a seat!

Welcome aboard! :cheers:

It'll be good to have a female voice around here for a change. 👍

Good luck and happy racing. :)
Woo hoo! A girl joins the ranks - with a DFP and a seat!

Welcome aboard! :cheers:

It'll be good to have a female voice around here for a change. 👍

Good luck and happy racing. :)

Girls are indeed rather rare among hard core gamers. There are only 5 girls (as far as I know) among the 427 registered WRS drivers :
  • lotus350 (used to be damn fast in GT3, before she half-retired ;) )
  • sharkey (whom I don't remember having been racing while I was around)
  • Kolyana (who used to be there a lot until she met Brad aka M. Kolyana)
  • EXelero (another GT3 racer who half-retired)
  • and now s00zster.
But they are definitely not here to hold the umbrella or smile to the camera, and many of us will eat they dust on the track :bowdown:
Woo hoo! A girl joins the ranks - with a DFP and a seat!

I think Kolyana also has a DFP, I remember reading in a post of hers somewhere, about her downstairs neighbour complaining about the vibrations when she does rally combos with it! :lol:

She's not been by here in a while though, as Cyril said!

I did notice EXelero has been having a crack at the week 50 race so there's definitely an active female contingent in here!
I think Kolyana also has a DFP, I remember reading in a post of hers somewhere, about her downstairs neighbour complaining about the vibrations when she does rally combos with it! ...
Vibrations. DFP and rally combos. Riiiiiiight. :rolleyes: :lol:
Hello all im a new meber to the WRS and im in Div 3. I have been playing gt4 on and off since it came out and im using a DFP. I am planning on spending more time playing GT4 and getting better and then hopefully moving up the ranks into Div2 and Div1. thats a long way away but one can hope...Anyways cant wait to get started in the WRS.
Hi I'm new to WRS but not to GTP. ferrari_chris:tup: said I sould come and look at
this place and I have looked around and this sounds fun:), I think I will try
the qualifier race and see how I do.
Hi guys and girls too by the looks of things, makes a nice change. I'm SuperT, (real name Darren).

I'm new here and I've only recently started using the internet, I've been in denial for the past ten years telling everyone it'll never catch on but nobody listened so here I am. These forum based sites have always confused me in the past but everyone here seems friendly and helpful (thanks for the advice flat-out 👍 ).

Just submitted my qualifying time and waiting to hear which division I'll be placed in :dunce: . As I'm typing this my 13 year old son is upstairs practicing the M3/infineon qualifier so the next generation of racer will be kicking our collective (rude word)es soon.

I've got the whole GT series apart from Tokyo edition as it's the tuning/set-up side of the game that appeals to me anyway. The only other games I really get into are the Grand Theft Auto and Final Fantasy series' (again I've got the full set of each).

Anyway, thats probably more than enough of me, let the games commence, S2000, a wet track and I haven't played GT4 in months.

Good luck guys (and girls), I'm gonna need it!!
Hey what's up? I'm the newest of the WRS n00bs. Name's Brad. Live in Houston, TX (US). And... well, I guess that's about it. :D
Good Night in here my fellow racers, my name is Juan Manuel and i'm from South America, more accurately from Colombia, i've been playing GT for 2 or 3 months as of now and it was time for me to see hoy i fare against people outside my city and my country, i'm thrilled for this opportunity and i've seen some very impressive times in past tests (as an example the ABT Audi TT in the Nurb.....the winner is insane!!!!! xD. I've had a relative success in Gt so far, achieving all golds in license tests and passing (...finally) Mission 34 of the driving challenges....

I'm planning to post my WRS qualifying time tomorrow (hopefully...haven't been able to drive a consistant lap without bouncing in a tiny wall or leaving the track ) and i'm working on getting my hands on a MaxDrive ( if someone can help me with this and lives in the Miami area, i'll really appreciate it because, as a brazilian colleague said, these devices are non-existant in South America and S&H of those items always ends up x3 the original price, that taking into account the customs tax that one has to pay, and it is not cheap)

That may be it for now, i'm almost engaged with my girlfriend, i am 27, i live in the capital city (and only city) of Colombia ;), i say, good night, good fight and see you soon to begin the rookie race
EXelero has been driving GT since GT4, and with a pad too.

She gets frustrated here and there, but manages to compete if the combo gets her attention.... the problem is that you dont run enough races using the Honda Beat cyril (her favourite car). Any beat would do, a green one, grey one, yellow one, version z, etc etc....

Every now and then she gets on my DFP, and we both have a laugh at her driving techniques, but where EXelero really shines is at the UKGTP's which she attends with myself.


Feel free to have a look round the thread and sign up if you can make it, and please dont ban me for this shameless plug!

On the subject of new members, welcome one and all, its nice to see people still pouring in here and joining the most prestigious racing club in the world!

Welcome and good luck to all of you, lets get racing!

I'll be joining in as soon as there's a combo i like the look of.
Hello everone, looks like it's official now, I'm coming to get my butt kicked in division 2, yikes. :nervous:

Thanks for the heads up Flat out, I know it must have been a difficult start to the weekend for everybody involved in organising this site, (thanks again Jordan :bowdown: ).

As I've already said, great week to start, RWD on a wet track off for more practice. :dunce:
Just updated my sig due to my recent acceptance into the WRS league. Wanted to call a bit of attention to it. :D
Just updated my sig due to my recent acceptance into the WRS league. Wanted to call a bit of attention to it. :D
Good to see the no aids bit. 👍 If you get through this round with no TCS or ASM you'll be doing well.

We should have our own divison!
half retired??????? :ouch:
you should be ashamed of yourself for typing that!!! :grumpy:
just cos someone races for fun (cos they lack the ability to race seriously with the big boys) doesnt make you half retired.
my feelings are properly hurt now! :ill:

i have a go at the wrs every week and seem to remember a podium finish with a time above many of the d1ers when we did rally??? :dopey:
its just i can only drive when i can quickley turn from left to right!!! hehehe
i'm here for the fun, not to see who can write the most posts! i read several times a week tho, and learn loads for all your expert tips.

good racing!!

exelero aka (to her friends!!) cass
Good to see the no aids bit. 👍 If you get through this round with no TCS or ASM you'll be doing well.

We should have our own divison!
Haha, true. I actually found that driving aids HURT my time this week because a little wheelspin is better than less power IMHO. Who else on here drives with no aids? I just feel it's kinda like a crutch. Nothing bad to those who use it, but I wouldn't actually have it if I was racing a car, so why have it in game? Just my $.02
Hi guys,

Well I am not yet in WRS but I've submitted my qualifying lap so I hope I am at least good enough to get a div 3 spot 💡

Well I dont mind introducing myself.

I'm Dave, 25 from Scotland.
I've been playing GT4 since March last year but had a long break after about 6 months and only recently got back into it.

Some of these WRS challenges look VERY solid and really test your ability.
News flash: Its return of RanhammerR34 thanks to Comcast Cable Internet. Shameless promotion huh? ;) Anyway, I'm Randy, 25, very happily single again after all the drama a Miss Independent who needs to cool her jets, I'm ready to get more involved in the WRS or some of the other series. Note to self: Women and GT Do not mix unless they like the game as well.... anyway I'm back boys, so its time to go racing!!! :) --- Randy
I submitted my qualifying time earlier this week and I'm anxiously awaiting the results :scared: ...

So, in the meantime, I guess I can introduce myself. I'm 26, happily married, & a lifelong car nut.

A Pole Position coin-op at the local K-mart was my first racing game experience but Enduro for the atari 2600 is what got me hooked on racing games. I was a diehard Nintendo fan until my uncle rented this "new racing game" from a friend. We stayed up all night playing GT1 and in the morning I went out and bought a Playstaion, GT1, & 2 memory cards. My life hasn't been the same since... :P

When I'm not playing GT, I'm working on my '53 Chevy, '68 442 convertible, or my house.

I guess that's enough for now. Looking forward to getting my 🤬 handed to me on weekly basis ...:sly:
Well it's always good to see new (and old) faces racing here 👍 Good luck and I hope you enjoy the WRS :)
Note to self: Women and GT Do not mix unless they like the game as well.... anyway I'm back boys, so its time to go racing!!! :) --- Randy

My other half is playing Colin Mcrae 3 as I'm typing this, I think this is a much better arrangement as she's playing it on the X-Box thingy leaving the PS2 free for my GT4 fix. :D

I've not been here long so I don't remember you but welcome back Randy. Welcome all noobs too. 👍
Hi everybody, im new(ish) and awaiting to be put in a divivsion which i want soon or else ill cry! anyway ive had gt4 from its launch day but just didnt really bother to play it until about 5 days ago and now im 11.3% done. ive done all liences exept special(im working on it) and im a late braker who always pushes too hard. i think its because im scared of the dreaded outside kerb!!!!!

in real life im a multitasking teen who has lots of time to play. the only other game i really love is the sims and i think im the only one in the WRS who gets kicks out of going in cars with 2HP.
Well welcome Floor. Cyril has been uber-busy this week so there's a good chance you won't get your division until results time next week but that doesn't matter keep racing your heart out and you'll find out in the results what division you're in. Good luck 👍 :)
keep your pants on Floor, I submitted mine 2 weeks ago, and am still waiting....... I'd introduce myself, but I don't know how... cept I been done finished GT4 twice now, thinking about a third, don't care enough about A-Spec points, and pretty much only play around with cars in the game anymore.
keep your pants on Floor, I submitted mine 2 weeks ago, and am still waiting.......
He should've included you then. He said recently that he'll add all the new drivers on Tuesdays when he does the results for the week. Maybe your PM didn't get sent? Or he accidentally deleted it? Or maybe it hasn't been two weeks?
He should've included you then. He said recently that he'll add all the new drivers on Tuesdays when he does the results for the week. Maybe your PM didn't get sent? Or he accidentally deleted it? Or maybe it hasn't been two weeks?

well, I forgot to send him the sector times from qualifying, so I re-sent that. And I know he read it, but not sure if he deleted it. I sent it at the start of the Civic week (58 I think) so I think it's been just over two weeks... not sure if running a time for this week or not yet.....