High School

OK so for all who don't know, the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl on Sunday. They came back to Baltimore on Monday night and had a parade and large event at M&T Bank Stadium...today...at 11. So, at least half my school was absent today to go downtown to watch the event ans its festivities. I had to stay at school because I'm a Saints fan and my parents work...but either way, it was nice to not have a school so crowded you couldn't breathe.

Thats not fair I'm at the Bowie part of Maryland and we didn't get off yesterday.
Thats not fair I'm at the Bowie part of Maryland and we didn't get off yesterday.

We didn't get off yesterday...and nobody was pleased. Today half the school didn't show up because of the parade, but we did have school. I was more disappointed about the "90% chance of snow" and not a flurry fell to the ground.
We didn't get off yesterday...and nobody was pleased. Today half the school didn't show up because of the parade, but we did have school. I was more disappointed about the "90% chance of snow" and not a flurry fell to the ground.

Oh. News be lieing yo lol
Scheduling begins tomorrow. Before teachers lie to us to get us to take their classes, I plan on taking Physics, German II, regular English and history (I took advanced versions of these classes this year. Not for me), A.P. stats or pre-calculus, and I just realized.... I'm quitting band! Such a happy realization for me. I hate that class so much. Plus I'll get to pick a real elective finally.
Reisterstown, right outside the city, about 20 minutes.

Cool. You lived there since birth? I am from mitchville but people say its technically bowie. I'm like ok. You going to Dc car show this year?
Cool. You lived there since birth? I am from mitchville but people say its technically bowie. I'm like ok. You going to Dc car show this year?

No here comes a long story all written on a phone with a bad auto correct. I was born about an hour out of Boston. My dad grew up in N'awlins, hence the 60 pounds of Mardi Gras beads. He grew up a Saints fan, went to the first ever Saints game an Tulane Stadium- the old sugar bowl. He moved out and got a job in Massachusetts, where you ask, beyond me, I have no clue. So he was a Saints and Red Sox fan, and that's the way I was raised. I'll tell people and they immediately say bandwagon central so I need to explain myself. And then in 2002 I moved to Maryland.
No here comes a long story all written on a phone with a bad auto correct. I was born about an hour out of Boston. My dad grew up in N'awlins, hence the 60 pounds of Mardi Gras beads. He grew up a Saints fan, went to the first ever Saints game an Tulane Stadium- the old sugar bowl. He moved out and got a job in Massachusetts, where you ask, beyond me, I have no clue. So he was a Saints and Red Sox fan, and that's the way I was raised. I'll tell people and they immediately say bandwagon central so I need to explain myself. And then in 2002 I moved to Maryland.

How do you like maryland for the past 11 years, I personally dislike it. But I can live here.
How do you like maryland for the past 11 years, I personally dislike it. But I can live here.

Honestly, I really have only lived in two places, and the first for only 4 years, so I really can't say anything worthwhile along those terms. I can say, hovever; that I've been places that I'd rather live.
Ski trip #1 of 2 tomorrow. I'm a pretty good skier, hardly ever fall and I do some dangerous stuff. I have a habit of flat lining Black Diamond trails. =P

Thing is I have experience and guts enough to do it and people are like holy crap you were flying haha. I always wondered what it looks like to people watching from the bottom. I know when your going down you feel like you're going 50mph lol.

Of course I can do the typical S curves and things like that. But I prefer flat lining the slopes.

And what's even funnier is that I do not use poles. In fact I HATE them. I feel they slow me down and I can make sharper and cleaner turns without them. Then again I learned without them. Some of the stuff I do makes me feel like I look a lot cooler without them haha.

I'll take a lot of pictures. The place we are going to isn't anything extremely special and the slopes aren't gigantic but it's still fun nonetheless.
Well P.E was... eventful. I ended up getting light whiplash from playing football, the guy who 'tackled' me obviously got American football and 'proper' football mixed up. Although he does hate me for no apparent reason and feels the need to make my life just that little bit worse. :grumpy:
Well P.E was... eventful. I ended up getting light whiplash from playing football, the guy who 'tackled' me obviously got American football and 'proper' football mixed up. Although he does hate me for no apparent reason and feels the need to make my life just that little bit worse. :grumpy:
Don't worry, just wait until you have rugby, I'm a small guy but I've taken out people twice my weight and size. If you have the right mindset, they'll end up on the floor. I'd say people underestimate me because I'm small but I'm quite muscular.
Don't worry, just wait until you have rugby, I'm a small guy but I've taken out people twice my weight and size. If you have the right mindset, they'll end up on the floor. I'd say people underestimate me because I'm small but I'm quite muscular.

I once tried to rugby tackle one of the staff at school. He was an ex 400m athlete (no one famous) and running at full speed. Man that hurt.
I once tried to rugby tackle one of the staff at school. He was an ex 400m athlete (no one famous) and running at full speed. Man that hurt.
Haha, my PE teacher used to play for the local rugby team who actually played at a national level a few years ago. I don't think anyone wants to even try and tackle him.
I once tried to rugby tackle one of the staff at school. He was an ex 400m athlete (no one famous) and running at full speed. Man that hurt.

When we used to play rugby the opposite team to me always had a teacher on because no one wanted to tackle me. :lol: As far as I remember he didn't do very well.
We're in special measures!

I'm not surprised at all. Ever since I was in Year 7 I said the school was crap. My parents didn't believe me at first, but they do now. I've found the Ofsted report, and it ain't looking good! Here's an extract from it;

This is a school that requires special measures.

  • Students’ achievement is inadequate. Standards reached by students are not high enough, given their starting points.
  • More-able students, in particular, do not reach the standards that they should.
  • Teaching lacks the quality to ensure students learn well enough and make good progress. Too much teaching is inadequate, especially in mathematics, and too little is good.
  • Students’ misunderstandings are not identified and corrected quickly enough, and the quality of advice they receive on how to improve their work is too variable.
  • Work is not set at the right level and too often lessons fail to capture students’ interest. This occasionally results in students enjoying lessons less, with a few being inattentive.
  • Leaders do not check whether their attempts to improve the school have worked well enough. As a result, some of the views they have about the school’s effectiveness are inaccurate.
  • Leaders have had little impact on the quality of teaching and students’ achievements and as a result, the school is not improving.
  • The governing body has not done enough to ensure that leaders take all of the action necessary to bring about improvement.

I could've told you pretty much everything on it.
Well P.E was... eventful. I ended up getting light whiplash from playing football, the guy who 'tackled' me obviously got American football and 'proper' football mixed up. Although he does hate me for no apparent reason and feels the need to make my life just that little bit worse. :grumpy:

You can't get the same thing mixed up :sly:
The English 3 (the English I'm taking) and English 4 classes are taking a field trip tomorrow and we will be in school for only about the first 10 minutes of school, spending the rest of the day on the trip. It is going to be awesome.
You like back to back test days? Cause I do! Yesterday, we had the Chapter 2 Science test on cells, reproduction and such, nothing too significant. It wasn't anything too difficult. But today was a REAL test: The math midyear. 30 multiple choice questions going through all five chapters we have covered so far, plus four written questions. Well, the written portion was numbered 1, 2, 3, 3, but I can count. I don't know why there wasn't a fifth, being a test across 5 chapters. The multiple choice questions allowed use of a calculator, but the written ones didn't. I'm glad we had an extensive review before this test, otherwise I would have been lost. The major part of this test was the massive multiple choice part, I spent a good amount of time, roughly 45 minutes maybe, on it. Good thing the block is over an hour. The written portion, however, was too easy. I breezed through it like it was nothing. Soon, I have the Science midyear, and I think it may be tomorrow. Here we go. Hooray for loads and loads of tests that I don't study for.
Who wants the 4500th post eh?

Anyway, did dodgeball in PE today. Our team won and I got a few people in the face.