High School

Btw I meant the teachers. :') But yer, we'll probably get a lecture about it on Monday how we're just sheep following the heard and showing mob culture yadda yadda heard it 20 times before. :lol:
Yeah, that's what I was thinking about anyway. ;) We never get that, the people that were fighting just get excluded for a few days and that's about it really.
The storm is going right over me... little rain though. Full day in the end. But hey, semester 1 report cards today! Lets see here... 56%, 37%, 58%, 63%, 61%, 67%, 57%, and 46 absences. Nice.
**** school. F all these girls who fall for sh**ty guys. School blows the F out of me. Nobody won't accept me as who I am. Like df I'm nice, I'm not weird /awkward. Normal human being that sins like everyone else. But these girls keep falling for these a** holes that act like fake A** thug that will die soon.

Sometimes I just wanna take my brothers katana and kill these people that mentally bully me.

"**** life"
**** school. F all these girls who fall for sh**ty guys. School blows the F out of me. Nobody won't accept me as who I am. Like df I'm nice, I'm not weird /awkward. Normal human being that sins like everyone else. But these girls keep falling for these a** holes that act like fake A** thug that will die soon.

Sometimes I just wanna take my brothers katana and kill these people that mentally bully me.

"**** life"

Been there, done that. Log off, take a nap and don't express this to anyone. Maybe your parent(s).
Downhill Dino
Been there, done that. Log off, take a nap and don't express this to anyone. Maybe your parents.

I have told them about my feelings.

They don't care. Know what's funny I done that plenty times(take naps or chill out and play ps3 and become calm). But eternally it doesn't help. You can tell me a thousand times to chill or calm down. But all your doing is pushing my emotions back for awhile until Monday bascially.
Downhill Dino
Do you wish for help? :)

I do honestly. I want a person who was in my footsteps. Not those therapists. I had two already and they don't understand anything. They're in that sort of business for money. This whole world is corrupt
What do you mean by footsteps might I ask? And are these therapists working at the school? School therapists aren't all that great.
Downhill Dino
What do you mean by footsteps might I ask? And are these therapists working at the school? School therapists aren't all that great.

Someone who was like me. Complaining about life and how it sucks. But then they found a way not to give a F about others. And move on. I am so sensitive to words, I don't take stuff lightly.

Yes they were school therapist and consenlors tried also
This is where your parents come in, they need to acquire an 'actual' therapist. Possible you can ask them for a meeting with one?

I'm very much down your alley. Experiencing the same things.
Snow day today which meant I didn't have to sit at a pep rally for all the d-bag jocks. Spent some of my day sledding and now I get to go to drum like for our final practice before competition.

Will not want to go back Monday.
I like how in my English class there's a count on the board of how may school days we have left till we go on study leave. Only 54 left! :D
I like how in my English class there's a count on the board of how may school days we have left till we go on study leave. Only 54 left! :D

It's not there to make the students happy, it's there as a reminder of when the teachers can get a break from you. :P

Speaking of breaks, mine ended a few days ago, and as the school has been telling me and all the other year 13's we are role models for the year 9's... ... Which has me worried, considering during the Haka we had to introduce the year 9's, I had no idea what I was doing, and just made stupid noises in the all the quieter bits (which also made everyone start laughing, and made one of the student leaders very angry, though luckily they never knew it was me). And then upon leaving the room, I pointed out to someone that if you ever get really angry, and want to punch a year 9 to make yourself feel better, they are now easier to spot because they have a different uniform. And I also pointed out some of the funny looking ones. I was sitting at the from of the hall saying (for example) "row 5, 3 in. Look at that one's ears, they're like gates poking out of his head!"

Something tells me that the school shouldn't have let me come back. :P Though I do like helping the year 9's occasionally. Probably because they have to walk over to me, and they're so short and make me feel super tall. Having study spells has been great too. About 8 days of every 10 days I have a spell where you have no class, and it's dedicated to "studying." I studied the art of walking out of the school and getting some lunch, and being a moron.
Damn I procrastinate :lol:, I've written a Spanish paper already today but I still have a Health report and a Global Studies comparison essay yet to write. I do have until Tuesday though, since Monday is the last day of our AVP Workshop that I am facilitating.
I have two days of school this upcoming week :lol:. My school is a joke sometimes. I only have a couple of things to do in two classes and the rest are just practice for test and quizzes after the break. I feel like the staff was hit by brick with the logic they present sometimes. Some people are going to take the two day off others will only come on Tuesday.

We have a "dodgeball" tournament on Wednesday. I would participate but I did not know if I would be able to be there in case I had a game. The funny thing about it is my school is afraid of the word "dodgeball" so they call it nerfball and use nerf balls instead of the rubber ones.
I have two days of school this upcoming week :lol:. My school is a joke sometimes. I only have a couple of things to do in two classes and the rest are just practice for test and quizzes after the break. I feel like the staff was hit by brick with the logic they present sometimes. Some people are going to take the two day off others will only come on Tuesday.

We have a "dodgeball" tournament on Wednesday. I would participate but I did not know if I would be able to be there in case I had a game. The funny thing about it is my school is afraid of the word "dodgeball" so they call it nerfball and use nerf balls instead of the rubber ones.

If only we could play dodgeball. I always played in camp and we used the nerf-like foam balls. I've never played with the rubber balls, but I've heard they hurt...but that's half the fun IMO. Not to mention kids in my school can throw hard enough to pop the ball.
If only we could play dodgeball. I always played in camp and we used the nerf-like foam balls. I've never played with the rubber balls, but I've heard they hurt...but that's half the fun IMO. Not to mention kids in my school can throw hard enough to pop the ball.
We use to play with the small rubber balls in First and second grade. They stopped after someone broke their nose or something like that. Then they cut dodgeball for all gym classes and we replaced it with pinball in middle school. Now in High school we don't play pinball and have to have tournament after school so we can play dodgeball once a year.

My last basketball game is Tomorrow. Since I'm on JV, all I have to do is practice with Varsity until they lose in the playoffs. Also, tomorrow is my last day before a 6 day weekend.
God damn it me of the past, why did you leave me this essay to write tonight. :grumpy:

On the plus side, my Pandora of Basshunter and One Direction is keeping me away from hearing The Bachelor .