High School

At my school you can't even type certain words into the computer, better yet if you install any games like Minecraft onto the computer you get suspended for three days.

They'd probably suspend a student here too. Maybe, if they can be bothered. :lol: That's why I want to find something to prevent them knowing about it.

Could you not just run it from a memory stick. Like games like line rider. I remember them from school. :lol:

Maybe this is a good way of preventing them from knowing about it...
Concert Update: I forgot to post this last night since I was tired as ****, but here is how it went. For a little background, this is our Senior Appreciation Concert and it was our Director's last concert (We still have 3 parades left). Our concert went amazing, we had little to no mess ups and people were walking out saying it was a good concert to send Mrs. Smith/Barker (The /Barker is because after 20 some years teaching, she finally decided to remarry), the Seniors, as is tradition here, got Mrs. Barker 3 24 packs of Diet Coke (She loves the stuff, that's all we ever see her drink) and as a joke a 12 pack of Sprite.
They'd probably suspend a student here too. Maybe, if they can be bothered. :lol: That's why I want to find something to prevent them knowing about it.

Maybe this is a good way of preventing them from knowing about it...

Teachers are also allowed to watch our screen via their own computers.
Teachers are also allowed to watch our screen via their own computers.

That's crazy. My teachers can't do that. The laptops don't belong to us. Each classroom has 30 laptops and they are shared between the different class periods. They don't track what you do when on your account, but they do block many social media websites. We can still play games and what not but we just need to make sure the teacher doesn't come by and see.
That's crazy. My teachers can't do that. The laptops don't belong to us. Each classroom has 30 laptops and they are shared between the different class periods. They don't track what you do when on your account, but they do block many social media websites. We can still play games and what not but we just need to make sure the teacher doesn't come by and see.

Damn this company. Sometimes the librarians would mess with kids on the computer. Ex: Controlling our mouses, exiting programs, typing messages on the screen. It's rediculous.

One time I was on lunch and I was unwinding just watching a video on Streetfire.net, and the librarian just clicked out of the video while the car was mid drift. I scooted back in my chair and looked at the librarians with a death glare while eating my sandwich. ***holes
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Today I heard another anti-bullying announcement. Is it me or is bullying awareness overrated and too much? I have yet to see bullying happen at my school, and I simply think its a way for leftists to force people to accept all types of people into society.
Teachers are also allowed to watch our screen via their own computers.

My school doesn't have that sort of technology. We only just got Win 7 in late 2011. And the library is still running (nearly) 15 year old computers which appear to always be forgetting that there are more colours on the monitor other than green, or blue. But then again, even the new PC's are crap. Some of them can't start up and just continually repeat start up and never allow you to log in.
Today I heard another anti-bullying announcement. Is it me or is bullying awareness overrated and too much? I have yet to see bullying happen at my school, and I simply think its a way for leftists to force people to accept all types of people into society.

It's all a big conspiracy by the liberals, maaaaaan!

Anyways, something that happened on Monday during second period, which is TV & Film. The class sucks. After we finish our projects, a day or two later the teacher will dedicate a class period to playing all of them for the class to see. That's nice, except he wanted to play unrelated videos from his third period class first. One of them was five minutes long. Then he played the bloopers for it. He was also going off topic and talking about other random stuff between videos, and everyone was absorbed in their own conversations. Me and a friend were wanting to see the videos (beats sitting around while the teacher talks about random crap) and I said "Can you play the video already?" Except it was kind of loud, which normally isn't an issue, he hardly hears or notices anything. But this time he did, and he stared straight at me and asked "What do you mean by that?" I was caught off guard that he actually heard and said "Well...I'd like to see the video." He had his chin tilted up and asked again "What do you mean by that?" He gave me this stare of hatred for about twenty more seconds, before nonchalantly going "Let's watch the video!" and moving on. Was a really uncomfortable twenty seconds.
Today I heard another anti-bullying announcement. Is it me or is bullying awareness overrated and too much? I have yet to see bullying happen at my school, and I simply think its a way for leftists to force people to accept all types of people into society.

Bullying happens a lot; young people are spiteful and immature. As for the second comment, about accepting all "types" into society, care to clarify? Because, at the moment, it comes across as, well, a bit bigoted.
Bullying happens a lot; young people are spiteful and immature. As for the second comment, about accepting all "types" into society, care to clarify? Because, at the moment, it comes across as, well, a bit bigoted.

Very true, also. From things that have happened at my school, Twitter is one of the ways bullying goes un heard (Not just Twitter but most social networks)

High school wasn't really easy for me. People talked about me a lot and I just acknowledged that. I just turned into the quiet well reserved kid that didn't run his mouth.. well I did crack jokes in class but that's a different story.

I could have reported a lot of things to the principles of my school but I didn't want to be bothered with it. I just shut out the BS of other students.

Things happen, most students don't know whats being said to someone nor do the teachers also. Bullying is still a big problem, it's just not known as the usual 'Bullying' that principles or counselor talk of.

I have yet to see bullying happen at my school, and I simply think its a way for leftists to force people to accept all types of people into society.

The "to force people to accept all forms of society" part is a bit of a stretch. You seem as if you're apposed of acceptance no offense, I'm just judging on the way that you worded it.

I understand completely where you are coming from but acceptance is something that many people/kids don't get, especially at my school. That's why principals and counselors are trying to make the lives of unaccepted or quiet kids easier by at least trying to get rid of the picky social standards of middle schools and high schools.

Declining someone do to their cultural, mental, or physical differences results in 0 progress. Declination of someone due to their skin color results in 0 progress. I'm not saying that everyone should hold hands but the point I'm trying to get across is that no one is forcing you to accept someone yet it would lead to 0 progress within your school.

Sorry for the lecture. I've been writing on the subject and I've actually been through, in fact if not all of us have been through a lot in high school.
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Teachers are also allowed to watch our screen via their own computers.

This is true. In my school, they give us Lenovo Thinkpad X201T computers. (Look it up, Cary Academy). They have a program called LanSchool where the teacher can see what you're doing on their screen, and if necessary, control it from their computer.
My school has "No place for hate" displayed throughout the school to try and stop bullying. Very few people take it seriously. Often times people will joke about it if someone is making fun of a friend.
My school just annouced it's 2013-2014 school year calendar. In the first week of school we go to school for two days. The first day of school is on wednesday, off on thursday and back to school on Friday. Our off days are spread out more then this year, but we get out of school three days earlier compared to this year.

School starts September 4 and ends on June 17, 2014.
Last day of school this year is the 30th. :)

First day of next school year is the 30th of July. :ill::ill:
Someone finally told the Chemistry teacher, to his face, that he sucks at teaching. He didn't have enough time to punish her, since he had to go on a field trip with his Physics class, so she got away without any issue. Then another student in Chemistry called one of her parents so they could talk to the principal about the Chem teacher. Honestly, I think that this is going to be his last year teaching at my school, since all the students hate him, and people are starting to complain to the principal about him now. Even I'm planning on getting him fired somehow.
Last day of school this year is the 30th. :)

First day of next school year is the 30th of July. :ill::ill:

Wow, you go back the 30th of July!? That's crazy. I don't go back until August 29th and that's early for us. We usually go back around September 4th. Well, you do finish on the 30th of May. I don't end until June 19th.
I don't go back until the Wednesday after Labor Day, every year.

So I'll be back in school the 4th, which is about the earliest I recall going in
My school has complete control over our computers and can watch what we are doing.

One time my buddy was playing a game on the computer and the teacher didn't want to get up to talk to him, so he took a on screen paint brush and wrote in HUGE letters across the screen GET OFF NOW and then they had an argument through the internet browsers url adress box XD
We had a bomb threat at school today. The entire school was in the auditorium when word was received. I've never seen the faculty run as fast as they did down the ailes of the auditorium. We were literally herded down the hill from the school into the stadium. No one would tell me what was going on, so I had no clue along with the rest of the students for ablut 10 minutes. The principal then got our attention and told us that a bomb threat had been received which was the reason for the evacuation. He then proceeds to tell us that we have to go back to class and that the school is safe. On the way back to class, a fight broke out. The vice-principal ended up getting punched in the face by a student. About 15 minutes later, the same vice-principal comes into the cafeteria along with 2 coaches and informs us that we are dismissing for the day not 20 minutes after we had been told that the school was safe and we were going back to class. Not your average day if you ask me.
That is one thing I hate about those things. The lack of communication to the students. I feel I have a right to know if there is a threat in my school so I can take appropriate action. I'd rather not get blown up and not know what happened (not that it would matter because I'd be dead). Pisses me off they don't tell us anything. I would obviously leave and they know that. I think they do it to stop panic but seriously as a human I have the right to know.
My school has complete control over our computers and can watch what we are doing.

One time my buddy was playing a game on the computer and the teacher didn't want to get up to talk to him, so he took a on screen paint brush and wrote in HUGE letters across the screen GET OFF NOW and then they had an argument through the internet browsers url adress box XD

They just log us off if we do that.