High School

23 days left of my Sophmore year. I'm sitting on a 3.5 GPA, which to me, isn't all that impressive. I don't like my classes, and don't like most of my teachers either. I find it so hard to stay focused when all I ever do is sit in a room, doing random assignments that do nothing for my grade.
Today was...an interesting day.

We had a knife throwing competition today during lunch. IDK why, it was just random. Little do my friends know that I actually knew how to throw a knife haha. Got 1st in my sector. However, I got 2nd overall, since apparently there was a guy in my school who was a skilled marksman. Challenge accepted ;D

I also finished my Muay Thai training today. Sparring is tomorrow.
In school????

We've had guys in the welding/machining classes manage to sneak out custom made 32 inch swords under there coats, Yikes!
No, that's not how it works.

How long have you been doing MT?

I know it's in their best interest to keep me safe, but if I feel extremely threatened then why shouldn't I be able to leave? It's not how it works, I know, but I find that kind of stupid that I'm forced to stay when obviously my life is in danger. If say a bomb detonates, I could be toast because I wasn't allowed to leave. For some reason I feel your point is going over my head. Care to explain a bit more?
On the topic of throwing ****, I've realized my calling in life, throwing a frisbee for ****ing miles. I managed to throw this arc, while it being around 30 ft. in the air consistently.

And the best part about it was that someone dove and caught it, I may have messed up the end of the line because it was about 10 ft. from the sidewalk, but that's about the closest you'll get to a perfect drawing of it :lol:

EDIT: Also, from those trees to the right is a downward hill in the direction of the line.
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That is awesome. I'd never be able to do that lol

Yeah, Ultimate Frisbee is fun in Gym because my team just uses me to throw it from our endzone after they score, and I can get it at least to half. For a comparison, our field is a full sized soccer field with the endzones being the 18 yard box.
Lol slashfan. I saw you on yahoo about the Dallas timberwolves uniform article. But how is your last week going?
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I'm graduating Monday the 21st!

I also got an appraisal on my E30 and it's going to cost my friend $4,500 to fully fix it.

Despite the negative!
1. I have no one to go with
2. I have no interest in getting dressed up to stand around for x amount of hours
Because prom is stupid and not worth $40+ when it's like every other dance you could go to every other year that costs like $3 to get in and dressing up is dumb
I think we are all in a way fairly introverted. Nothing wrong with not going to prom. I didn't go and I just enjoyed my day. I myself didn't have someone to take.

I also heard that my prom was pretty boring also.