High School

Well today in computer class our assignment was to type a letter to send overseas to our troops. I typed it as did most others, but some assholes either blew it off or took advantage of the substitute teacher, or both. :rolleyes:

Its a shame that the best students end up going so low with something so serious. All I can say is that our class can expect a good hollering at when we return Monday.
I am curious to see what will happen next.
The normal teacher screams her head off at the slightest little mistake we make, and 95% percent of the people who had her for class hate her. There's been times when she actually forcefully removed a phone from a student's hand. She's also been at the risk of getting fired a couple of times. We'll really get punished on Monday.:nervous:
Wow, that sounds bad! :scared: I knew a teacher like that in high school once.

Do you like that teacher by the way?
No I don't. I hate all my after lunch class teachers. It was alright first semester with gym class and the awesome teacher but not anymore.
I have 4 weeks of School left, finish on the 13th June. Can't wait for that day but until then I have a good 18 GCSE Exams I have to get through which is going to be hard. At least I get study leave on the 23rd.
This is the latest I've ever stayed up to do homework. That's the kind of procrastination that results from 80 degree weather after the coldest winter I've ever experienced.

My homework was quite redundant too. I found the voltage drops of resistors, equivalent resistance, and current of about 40 circuits. I hate the monotony of it. I learned how after the first three...
I have the AP Euro exam tomorrow and I literally reviewed everything - from the Renaissance to the Cold War. Now I just wanna take the test and get it over with.
Got finals starting on 10th June. Only got three more weeks to boost my grade, but it's mostly only about 3% more(have to get an A) to be exempt. English is the only one I'll take no matter what, since I'm a solid B student in there rather than an A-.
My final semester of high school will feature zero exams, or so I learned today. Apparently all the courses I have taken have no requirement for an exam to take place, and as such I don't have to do them.

Best news I could have
I'm so close to being done with putting up with the ridiculous teachers in my school. I have to do an online assignment, but if me breaking a pencil, yes a freaking pencil, to vent my frustration rather than putting a hole in my wall, is any indication, I'm about to blow up on someone.

I have to have the most biased biology teacher in history. We got a free period to talk to one another since we had to do state testing these past three days. Someone pulls out their phone, who has a history of poor behavior, and actually turns the volume up instead of keeping it off. The teacher doesn't say anything. Then, a student with excellent behavior pulls their phone out with the volume off, and the teacher yells almost immediately. :rolleyes:
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I'm so close to being done with putting up with the ridiculous teachers in my school. I have to do an online assignment, but if me breaking a pencil, yes a freaking pencil, to vent my frustration rather than putting a hole in my wall, is any indication, I'm about to blow up on someone.

I'm starting to feel that way. If I was anymore insane I might have got a baseball bat and hit every body on my english teacher's car (which was in the auto shop where I was working on it). Not to mention everyone piles all their assignments at the same time. It actually has me seriously considering dropping from the higher level (university preparation) classes to the lower (college preparation) ones.
The seniors have their last day on Thursday, and Monday is "senior skip day". I can't wait until they are gone because our hallways are so unbelievably crowded, so getting rid of 1/4 of the people is going to help with that significantly.
The seniors have their last day on Thursday, and Monday is "senior skip day". I can't wait until they are gone because our hallways are so unbelievably crowded, so getting rid of 1/4 of the people is going to help with that significantly.
In my school people always seem to be walking five wide and only leave half a lane open for those walking the other direction. I know how crowded hallways feel.
Of course. At my school they like to walk as slow as possible too.
The thing I don't get is that people walk so slow, then flip out on the teacher when they say something about the student being late, sometimes the students say that we need more time in between classes even though we have four minutes. Then they seem to know exactly where you're at when you try to go around them. I also have to navigate around a circle of people here and there that are so spread out, covering the entire width of the hall.
The thing I don't get is that people walk so slow, then flip out on the teacher when they say something about the student being late, sometimes the students say that we need more time in between classes even though we have four minutes. Then they seem to know exactly where you're at when you try to go around them. I also have to navigate around a circle of people here and there that are so spread out, covering the entire width of the hall.
Only 4 minutes between classes? We here have 7 minutes between classes, doesn't help that my classes interchange between the 2 ends of the campus :indiff:.
Today was good up until lunch. I remembered that I needed money for the bank account-like way the school has us pay for lunch, and I had to give up $5. That $5 is on top of $10 that I wasn't looking to spend because I placed a $40 order on a product that doesn't come in until late August. Well, go figure that when I brought the lunch money issue up, someone had to jump to conclusions again and get me all peed off. The amount of money may not seem like a lot, but considering how I don't have a job, and once had $100 stolen off me, I'm trying my damnest to keep as much money on me as possible.
Well I have three weeks left of school unfortunately. My friend just found out that he made this drum corps called the Madison Scouts (this is an incredible accomplishment, they are at least top 12 in the world every year). So he has 5 days left. But he has to finish everything in those 5 days. Gonna be rough for him. But so worth it.

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