High School

Our food is absolutely disgusting...No one eats it because we all get sick on it
I tried convincing them to put in a Subway line. They had it all ready to go and then they withdrawed for some reason. I was pissed.
So is mine. We get "credit cards" to buy our food with. The speciality are the brownies. They just taste so good. Also the wraps and panini's are a daily thing for me.

We have "credit cards" too, though we call them "smart cards". Very quick and easy to play with, a great help when I'm holding a plate of food but have to pay for it before I eat it.

My school has a biometric system. Simply put your finger on the little scanner and you've payed for your food.

My school started selling Dominos Pizza not too long ago.

Good to see they are supplying you with plenty of vegetables. :lol:
We don't get school lunches.:D Sandwiches and Breakfast Rolls for me.;)

Anyway, as for my school day, had History, which was just doing nothing and listening to old music. Geography, rubbish. Art, was tracing something.:D Maths, did work(can you believe that?:() ECDL, computer stuff and just messing about, the teachers an ass. English, we were going to go to the library but that didn't happen so we went to the computer room, and then religion, which I went into the wrong class on purpose 'cause my religion teacher is annoying.
There are dinner ladies. You put your finger on the scanner, your account pops up and the dinner ladies tap the appropriate button, and you've paid.

Snap. That's the same system as our school, we tried cashless catering first, spent £10,000 and it broke. So now were all biometrically scanned, and it's much easier system. Though one wonders whether the data gets passed onto the government anyway ...
At college to pay for food they have been an ass to us.

You can't pay by card we have no machine, use the cash machine (which is next to the canteen) It charges you £2 to withdraw cash.

That and awful food is why I will always buy my food elsewhere.
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My school has the card things but we never use them. We just give them cash. Sometimes we put money on our account via Paypal and when you checkout at the line they charch the account.
I'm already disappointed with my high school career.

We're going into the 6th and final six week term of the year starting Monday and I can't wait until it's over. What I really need is time to regroup. Here is the list of what I need to do over the summer to make my sophomore year much better than this year:
I) Lose weight, get in shape
II) Learn how to be more social
III) Focus on drumming so I can be good in marching band.

That's what I need.
I wouldn't be a big fan of having to give my fingerprint to get a lunch. After all, why should I allow a company to have my fingerprint in a database? I just don't get it. Anyways, my day sucked, except for math class.
Some idiot student complained that my Spanish teacher didn't give enough work. So now she has to.

What. The. Hell?!

I hate people like that.
It's even worse when they do that and then do 🤬 in class.
Who the hell would complain about having less work than usual? That's crazy! If you want more work, ask the teacher for an extra assignment, don't complain.
There are dinner ladies. You put your finger on the scanner, your account pops up and the dinner ladies tap the appropriate button, and you've paid.

That's basically how our system works, except with a card. :)
I hate people like that.
It's even worse when they do that and then do 🤬 in class.

Or when there's homework due and no one has done it so when she/he asks "Have you done it?" we all go "It was for next lesson". But there's always some t**tbag who has to say "No it wasn't, it was for today" :mad:
I was a loser in high school. I was pretty beta, had a few female friends but 'friends' is the key word in the sentence. Late physical developer, easily distracted, hated most people.

Best years of your life my arse. Everything has increased ten-fold since.

I have no female friends let alone girl friends because everyone thinks I'm ugly and ignores me :( .

High school sucks. As does teen life, though that could be me not having any friends.

Not just teen life, life in general sucks. School sucks too, I'm always buried in homework at the weekends so I have no time for anything else. And it hasn't even got to the worst part in terms of H/W yet.
I have no female friends let alone girl friends because everyone thinks I'm ugly and ignores me :( .

That was me up untill about year 9 then this girl came up to me and started talking to me, she was sort of emo tomboy sort of but she's insane just like me, and now she's one of my closest friends and probably the only one who I can act 'like me' around. Maybe I'm just lucky. And btw if they ignore you it's because they're pompus 'popular pretty girls' who hang round with the 🤬

Edit: 500th post :D Because I'm cool like that lol
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That was me up untill about year 9 then this girl came up to me and started talking to me, she was sort of emo tomboy sort of but she's insane just like me, and now she's one of my closest friends and probably the only one who I can act 'like me' around. Maybe I'm just lucky. And btw if they ignore you it's because they're pompus 'popular pretty girls' who hang round with the 🤬

You are lucky. Appreciate what you have 👍 .
My school has a biometric system. Simply put your finger on the little scanner and you've payed for your food.

I wish I had that at my school. Because my mum always complains when I forget the "credit card" to pay for my school dinner.
Or when there's homework due and no one has done it so when she/he asks "Have you done it?" we all go "It was for next lesson". But there's always some t**tbag who has to say "No it wasn't, it was for today" :mad:
I had a group of students try that on me once. They thought they were very clever until they realised that I write down exactly what I set as homework when I set it.

And also because I set homework every lesson.
I had a group of students try that on me once. They thought they were very clever until they realised that I write down exactly what I set as homework when I set it.

And also because I set homework every lesson.

Luckily most of my teachers don't, unless it's on a website in which case we can't get out of it.
I had a group of students try that on me once. They thought they were very clever until they realised that I write down exactly what I set as homework when I set it.

And also because I set homework every lesson.

You are a teacher? Mmmmmm... do you like setting homework tasks? Maybe you could set me one (NOT) :lol: ?
I had a group of students try that on me once. They thought they were very clever until they realised that I write down exactly what I set as homework when I set it.

And also because I set homework every lesson.

I have teachers that write the homework they set down, and some that don't. After a couple of weeks I learn who does which, then the problem is sorted. :sly:

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