Basically he wants us to write about three Career Clusters that interest us, six sentences each, eight words minimum. Then we have to pick nine jobs, three from each of the clusters, and write thirty sentences with eight minimum words per sentence. Then six sentences for J.O.Bs.
That's ... awfully specific.
Ok this may not be the best advice, but it depends which way you look at it. Here are a couple tips on how to make tough assignments easier.
If you have a big essay that has to be a certain number of pages and just can't find anymore to write here is what you do. Go to find and change and type . In the find and replace with . But set the replaced one to one size larger font. Bam assignment done. The tiny little periods are all over the place but super unnoticeable at one size larger. Trust me you will add at least an extra page by doing this.
You do realise that we teachers weren't born yesterday, right? In fact, the newest teachers - my generation of teachers - come from the students who invented digital trickery to pull a fast one over our teachers.
Trust me, if I set you an assignment that is 2,500 words long, then I know what a 2,500-word essay should look like. And if it doesn't look like a 2,500-word essay, then I'm going to start wondering why. And when I start wondering why, I'm going to type out the first page of your essay in Word and see if the pages line up.
Another tip of you didn't finish an assignment is make an assignment in word or wherever and call it the name of the assignment and save. Than open it with a text editor to view the code. Delete a random few parts. Than email that assignment to the teach and this will buy you a few more days to work on it since the teacher won't know the file is corrupt until they open it. Obviously a few days later they will email you saying there is some error and you email back your new done assignment with a small apology saying your not sure why it didn't work.
Why do you think we ask for hard copies?
You seem to think that we teachers are complete dummies and that you can rort the system with your technological savvy, but there is a
lot that goes on behind closed doors that you don't know about. If I get an assignment from you that is corrupted, the first thing I'm going to do is ask your other teachers if they've experienced the same or similar problems, because I know that behaviors are both learned and consistent. If you've managed to pull off your little corrupt-the-file trick once before, the odds are good that you'll try it again.
And believe me when I say your teachers know.
You are a teacher? Mmmmmm... do you like setting homework tasks? Maybe you could set me one (NOT)
Yes, I'm a teacher. Yes, I set homework. For almost every lesson. Especially if I'm not going to see that class again for a few days.
Do I like setting it? No. I don't take any perverse glee out of robbing my students of their precious free time. But at the same time, there is a lot of content to get through, and I do have the expectations that my students get through it all.