Applied for Gr11 Accounting for summer school.
P.S. BTW, before anyone makes any judgements about me going to a Catholic school, I've actually been an atheist for 1 and a half years now, but that's for a different thread
That's funny because the juniors (which I am) rule my school. The seniors got in a massive fight with us for some stupid reason and got destroyed. Then the entire high school spanning grades 9-12 got into a mob fight with over 30 people in it and the entire track team and probably another 50 came and watched it. Yes the cops got called etc. But get this, the fight was over supposed "scumbags" versus the "popular" kids. I would have been in the fight but I wasn't in town when it happened. I couldn't decide what side I wanted either because I have friends on both sides. There is videos on YouTube but I won't post it out of respect. 2 days later everyone was cool with each other. So stupid.
High school can be full of drama and fun times from what I've learned. My 9th grade year all me and my 2 best friends did all year was goof off in all our classes and somehow managed to pass. The one kid decided it would be funny to get in a rolling garbage can (that we dumped all our locker garbage into at the end of the year) and get pushed by the other as fast as possible down the hall. Well he let go, and I was at my locker cleaning it out. All I heard was my name being screamed and I looked to my left and then I see him come barreling right at me lol. He crashed into me, and everything in my locker and can flew across the hall. We got up laughing extremely hard. I was like what a way to end the year!![]()
sumbrownkidWhy wasn't my highschool like yours? Anyway in my junior year my friend was getting picked on by a senior after school. After a week of it happening, me, him, my bro and his friends stayed with him after school. Sure enough, that guy backed off when he saw us ready to lay him out. He backed down. He was what we thought he was: a punk.
I know fighting is bad and all, but sometimes when words cannot accomplish its role, someone has to get layed out.
I was bullied a little in my sophomore year, but a surprise punch to his gut made him back off, and later we became cool. Bullies like to pick on those who won't fight back.
sumbrownkidNo worries.
It's just basic guy psychology at the end of the day.
My policy is to leave others be, but if someone tries to harm me, I will go Al-Qaeda on them. Even if I lose, they at least know that I won't tolerate their crap, and make them think twice next time.
MedigoFlameI can NOT stand high school kids who joke about how bad they drive. The bad drivers I mean... Nearly everyday I hear some (unfortunate to stereotype, but...) girl talking about how close she was in an accident. Being such a car nut, hearing them laugh about driving badly enrages me.They shouldn't have a car...or a license at ALL. I think the fact that I don't have my car anymore kind of adds to this feeling
I may sound jealous, but I know it's just how unfairly stupid this country is. The worst is when I'm walking home and watching all these kids driving by like total idiots...
Same. I nearly got into a fight with this guy for joking with one of my family members.. u know, someone makes a statement, and immediately some egghead goes just like yo moma!
I wouldn't last a day over there haha. Good job to those who do.![]()
MSTER232I've lasted nearly 3 years in a school with compulsory uniform, so anyone can.
Nearly 10 years for me.(7 at primary school, 3 at secondary)
I'm Year 9.MSTER232I am in Year 8, but I wouldn't really count my primary school uniform because we had non-uniform days on a regular basis to raise money for charity. Some bit of flexibility there.
I dunno. Year 9 is people of ages 13/14, so that should allow you to line up the years/grades.BubbleBelly542Is year 9, let's say, the same as 9th grade?
Is year 9, let's say, the same as 9th grade?
MedigoFlameI can NOT stand high school kids who joke about how bad they drive. The bad drivers I mean... Nearly everyday I hear some (unfortunate to stereotype, but...) girl talking about how close she was in an accident. Being such a car nut, hearing them laugh about driving badly enrages me.They shouldn't have a car...or a license at ALL. I think the fact that I don't have my car anymore kind of adds to this feeling
I may sound jealous, but I know it's just how unfairly stupid this country is. The worst is when I'm walking home and watching all these kids driving by like total idiots...
xXKingJoshXx9th graders here are 14/15.
BubbleBelly542Well, I'm 14, and many are 15 in 9th grade. Seniors (12th grade) are usually 17-18. That is when public school ends.
I know this is offtopic, but my ex is being a bit strange, one day I feel like everythings fine and she still has feelings and whatnot, and now she looks like pissed on a whole nother level. I bore her to death when i walk with her and talk, and i havn't talked to her in a while maybe thats why? She's confusing me.. Any help?
SttrobeI know this is offtopic, but my ex is being a bit strange, one day I feel like everythings fine and she still has feelings and whatnot, and now she looks like pissed on a whole nother level. I bore her to death when i walk with her and talk, and i havn't talked to her in a while maybe thats why? She's confusing me.. Any help?