High School

My school district just called and told us that we're operating on a normal schedule instead of having a delay.

The damn schools are cold enough as it is now. The heat barely kicks in and they can hardly afford anything. To hell with them.
The first second I was born, and no.


It's the only rational explanation
Well, those whose schools don't have a delay, don't read the rest of this post.

I now have a two hour delay. :)
My school has no delays. Its either start to finish (which is 99% of the time) or no school at all.
In my home county, there's two main districts, and Tecumseh is one of the two. Typically speaking, if one (or both) close or delay, every other districts plays follow-the-leader and delays or closes. The other major district closed due to the impending cold/extreme wind chills (predicting -30F with wind chill with the chance that they could get even colder). I have a good feeling that Tecumseh Public Schools might close as well, but it doesn't impact me as much since I'm no longer a student in the district being that I'm now a college student.
Wow, that's pretty deep. Thanks.
It's not deep. It's reality, and it's the first thing that I tell any new Year 11 class. The five points become a bit of a motif throughout the next eighteen months.

Thanks for the advice 👍. I'll keep it in mind next time I have an essay to write.
Oh, that's only the beginning. I can only speak for English because it's my primary subject, and I have no idea how helpful this will be since I teach an entirely different curriculum to your teachers. Nevertheless:

We are looking for a process that we call synthesis. That is, your ability to take ideas from multiple sources and bring them together to make something new - your understanding of a concept. This starts with a thesis, a statement of your understanding that you will demonstrate in depth throughout your essay. The texts that you study will be the means to achieve this, not the ends in and of themselves. This last point is particularly important; once you wrap your head around it, it becomes much easier.

In their first term of the HSC, my Year 12 class studied the concept of "Discovery" - what it means for an individual to find out something new; how it affects them and shapes their understanding of the world around them and of themselves. The text that they studied was The Motorcycle Diaries, Che Guevara's recount of a journey he took around South America that was instrumental in developing his Marxist ideology.

When writing an essay response to this, my students would start with a thesis of what "Discovery" is. For example, they might say "Disvovery exists in a state of dynamic disequilibrium - it is constantly changing and reshaping our understanding of ourselves" (in plain English, discovering something new about ourselves will subtly change everything that we know of ourselves, and will change the way we can experience subsequent discoveries). They will then go on to show this idea in action, using examples from The Motorcycle Diaries (and a text of their own choosing) to illustrate it. So they might discuss two diary entries - one where Guevara and his friend Alberto meet a Chilean woman suffering from crippling asthma, and one where they go to a leper colony in San Pablo. In this way, they will discuss how Guevara and Alberto experience each situation, and how those experiences shape their understanding of themselves.

When writing a response in English, build your paragraphs out of STEEL. Start by making a STATEMENT, a topic sentence for that paragraph. Next, name the literary TECHNIQUE that the composer uses when they are exploring that idea. Provide an EXAMPLE of that technique being used (and if you say a composer uses it multiple times, make sure you give more than one example!), then describe the EFFECT that this has on the audience. Finally, LINK all of this back to your statement to tie it off nice and neatly, and move on to the next paragraph. You will need to refine and polish it - which is what the editing process is for - and you will get better over time, but if you follow STEEL, you're generally okay.

At its heart, English is about two questions: "what do you know about this concept?" and "how do you know it?"
School is cancelled tomorrow (today now) again. I'm not even mad. :lol: It's too cold when my hands go numb after only being outside for a few minutes. I checked the weather before I left to get groceries (I walk to the store) and it was 1 degree Fahrenheit with wind chills round -10. It's expected to be even worse tomorrow, good thing I got the food today (yesterday).
Everyone but me. I like anything below 40 degrees (fahrenheit), I even have a window open while asleep when it's cold.
I'm from Houston and today it was -22 degrees F and I had to wrap myself up in like 10 layers and have my cars heat on full blast just to feel comfortable on the drive to my school today lol.

In other news, one of my newer friends are going to be entering my schools talent show, I've entered every year (my best place was third when I was a freshmen). Its still a month away, but I think we have decided on the song that we are going to preform. Other than that today has been very short. Had a 2hr delay, which was the first in my schools history for the first 2hr delay because of the temperature. None of the teachers expected it to happen, so we haven't really done anything today.
Temperature has been under 10 degrees all day long, yet we still have school, but that's not even worth saying given what happened today.

Today was likely the most terrible day I've ever had as a high school student. It started before we even boarded the Votech bus. My homeroom teacher held us in the school until after the morning announcements. We're supposed to be boarding the bus as the announcements are starting, not after they're complete. Upon boarding the bus, we all got yelled at by the driver for being late. Everyone did, including those who were on the bus on time.

On the way to Votech, things got worse. There's a group of five people sitting in the back, all using vapor pens. It was bad enough to create a cloud of haze on the bus. When people put their windows down to get some fresh air to be able to breathe, the driver yelled at them, with the haze somehow going unnoticed.

Then things were even worse when back at the high school. A different group of guys and one girl got caught smoking weed in the one girls bathroom. They only got detention rather than the 10 day out of school suspension that the handbook says they're supposed to get, at least for right now. However, the entire student body in the entire high school is now banned from the hallways when not between class periods. If anyone has to use the restroom, they have to be to the point of about to go in their pants, and they must have an adult escort. But there's been no teachers so far that have been willing to escort students. This whole deal is to last until the end of the school year, and the school resource officer is to be fully uniformed and have everything with them that they would have when responding to a call on the streets.

Two of the people who were caught smoking weed were two distant friends of mine. Not anymore. I'm done with the two of them. I don't need those kind of people in my life. I've had to put up with it before, and from someone in my extended family no less. One person is enough.

This all comes one day after catching my crush staring at me, and her reacting in a way that made me know right then and there that she was interested in me. Today, nothing. She didn't give any signs at all of wanting even the slightest thing to do with me. I tried saying hi, but she wanted none of it. She knows that I know the one kid who was caught smoking. I don't know if anything is connected, but it goes without having to say that I'm more than a little "on edge" if you will, and that's because of everything that happened today.

Bottom line, it was a long freaking day, and I'm so unbelievably glad that tomorrow is Friday. More glad than I've ever been before.
Temperature has been under 10 degrees all day long, yet we still have school, but that's not even worth saying given what happened today.

Today was likely the most terrible day I've ever had as a high school student. It started before we even boarded the Votech bus. My homeroom teacher held us in the school until after the morning announcements. We're supposed to be boarding the bus as the announcements are starting, not after they're complete. Upon boarding the bus, we all got yelled at by the driver for being late. Everyone did, including those who were on the bus on time.

On the way to Votech, things got worse. There's a group of five people sitting in the back, all using vapor pens. It was bad enough to create a cloud of haze on the bus. When people put their windows down to get some fresh air to be able to breathe, the driver yelled at them, with the haze somehow going unnoticed.

Then things were even worse when back at the high school. A different group of guys and one girl got caught smoking weed in the one girls bathroom. They only got detention rather than the 10 day out of school suspension that the handbook says they're supposed to get, at least for right now. However, the entire student body in the entire high school is now banned from the hallways when not between class periods. If anyone has to use the restroom, they have to be to the point of about to go in their pants, and they must have an adult escort. But there's been no teachers so far that have been willing to escort students. This whole deal is to last until the end of the school year, and the school resource officer is to be fully uniformed and have everything with them that they would have when responding to a call on the streets.

Two of the people who were caught smoking weed were two distant friends of mine. Not anymore. I'm done with the two of them. I don't need those kind of people in my life. I've had to put up with it before, and from someone in my extended family no less. One person is enough.

This all comes one day after catching my crush staring at me, and her reacting in a way that made me know right then and there that she was interested in me. Today, nothing. She didn't give any signs at all of wanting even the slightest thing to do with me. I tried saying hi, but she wanted none of it. She knows that I know the one kid who was caught smoking. I don't know if anything is connected, but it goes without having to say that I'm more than a little "on edge" if you will, and that's because of everything that happened today.

Bottom line, it was a long freaking day, and I'm so unbelievably glad that tomorrow is Friday. More glad than I've ever been before.
This is when I would ask my mummy and daddy to have me change schools.

That's utterly ridiculous.
This is when I would ask my mummy and daddy to have me change schools.

That's utterly ridiculous.
If things worked out for me to be homeschooled or go to private school or even go to a different school, I'd really think about it. As it stands now, literally pretty much everything that can prevent me from doing so, is holding me down. Truth be told, I'd probably have dropped out by now if it didn't have such a huge effect on everything moving forward.
I find it so irritating that my school forces parents with kids in the so-called "Laptop Program" (which I'm in) to pay almost $500 for an Ipad instead of buying something like a Samsung Galaxy Tab for half the price. I already have a Mac Book (which I hate, BTW) and it's leased from the school. The total cost of the Mac Book is almost $2000, and my mum purchased a laptop (not for school purposes) for less than $1000 with much better specs. Ipads to me are just another distraction for kids who are not willing to learn. I don't want e-Books either because it is so much harder to flick through them compared to a hard copy. Another problem would be connecting all Ipads to a network. You see, there's this thing called LearningField (yet another piece of bulls***) which allows us to download and read textbooks on a laptop. Configuring the laptop to the network was easy for me, but most had no idea what to do or were simply to lazy. The issues dragged on throughout the year which made it difficult for everyone, really. Another stupid thing was you couldn't download a complete book, more or less individual chapters. So if you didn't download the certain chapter, you're stuffed basically.
I find it so irritating that my school forces parents with kids in the so-called "Laptop Program" (which I'm in) to pay almost $500 for an Ipad instead of buying something like a Samsung Galaxy Tab for half the price. I already have a Mac Book (which I hate, BTW) and it's leased from the school. The total cost of the Mac Book is almost $2000, and my mum purchased a laptop (not for school purposes) for less than $1000 with much better specs. Ipads to me are just another distraction for kids who are not willing to learn. I don't want e-Books either because it is so much harder to flick through them compared to a hard copy. Another problem would be connecting all Ipads to a network. You see, there's this thing called LearningField (yet another piece of bulls***) which allows us to download and read textbooks on a laptop. Configuring the laptop to the network was easy for me, but most had no idea what to do or were simply to lazy. The issues dragged on throughout the year which made it difficult for everyone, really. Another stupid thing was you couldn't download a complete book, more or less individual chapters. So if you didn't download the certain chapter, you're stuffed basically.
So the school forces you to pay for a iPad even though you have a Mac Book?

School, we want our independence. It's our money and we won't spend it now.
My school does something similar with Macbooks, but only charges a $50 insurance fee. They take them back at the end of the year and wipe them though. I still would prefer a cheaper Windows computer if they were going to allow us to pay to keep them.
Ipads to me are just another distraction for kids who are not willing to learn.
It depends on the infrastructure and support that the school has in place. A lot of the problems can be traced back to "iPads, yay! Now, what do we do with them again?" on behalf of the administrators.
I find it so irritating that my school forces parents with kids in the so-called "Laptop Program" (which I'm in) to pay almost $500 for an Ipad instead of buying something like a Samsung Galaxy Tab for half the price. I already have a Mac Book (which I hate, BTW) and it's leased from the school. The total cost of the Mac Book is almost $2000, and my mum purchased a laptop (not for school purposes) for less than $1000 with much better specs. Ipads to me are just another distraction for kids who are not willing to learn. I don't want e-Books either because it is so much harder to flick through them compared to a hard copy. Another problem would be connecting all Ipads to a network. You see, there's this thing called LearningField (yet another piece of bulls***) which allows us to download and read textbooks on a laptop. Configuring the laptop to the network was easy for me, but most had no idea what to do or were simply to lazy. The issues dragged on throughout the year which made it difficult for everyone, really. Another stupid thing was you couldn't download a complete book, more or less individual chapters. So if you didn't download the certain chapter, you're stuffed basically.

The two high schools in my district moved over to an iPad plan back in the 2012/2013 school year, but it's only a been a $50 rental fee for the year… Even now when we upgraded to iPad 4s… This year (but not the last two years) many classes have some form of online textbook/curriculum that's reasonably easy to access and use (while still having the option get a hard-copy text/workbook), and a pre-installed catalogue with student-discounted apps. It sounds like your school is giving out a serious ripoff…

I totally agree with the distraction thing. We still don't have app filters so you can get any games you want, and I went ham with em' my sophomore year - Bad decision. I now have my own personal iPad, and I refuse to get anything more than social media as far as entertainment goes. I'd bet money that our grade average dropped slightly the first year they were introduced because of Clash of Clans alone.
If I was a school principal I would buy Chromebooks: Can't add many "distracting" apps, easy to use, small, and best of all: Wayyyy cheaper than any Apple Product.
If I was a school principal I would buy Chromebooks: Can't add many "distracting" apps, easy to use, small, and best of all: Wayyyy cheaper than any Apple Product.
My school has these, they're terrible and very faulty. They're not even real Chromebooks, they're cheap ThinkPads with "Chromebook" programming.
If I was a school principal I would buy Chromebooks: Can't add many "distracting" apps, easy to use, small, and best of all: Wayyyy cheaper than any Apple Product.

It's actually the previous district school board director in my case, but he was a HUUUGE tech guy, and got the district well-equipped early on. He managed to get good standings with Apple, and the schools are able to get the equipment decently cheaper than normal through the partnership and bulk purchases.

But yeah, for educational purposes, more software filtering needs to happen on the iPads. Right now it only goes as far as the wifi network blocking websites and some social media app connections. (But not GTPlanet... ;))
We have 20 chrome books here. They're really bad. You can't even print documents with them. It's really cheaply made. A lot of the touch pads on them are all slightly stuck. I dislike touch pads in general. I prefer a mouse. The only pros are that they're connected to your Google account so you can easily get files and create file using Drive.
More vapor pens on the Votech bus again today. And to make it worse, its like the bus driver is completely oblivious to it. :rolleyes:

Anyway, today was better than yesterday, but it just took a downward turn. :banghead: