High School

Ugh. I strongly dislike my substitute German teacher. My normal one is on maternity leave, so, you know, we need a new teacher.

This sub is our second one. 2nd. The first took up a new job offer, the second/current is from Britain (apparently) and has the most stereotypical English accent I'e ever heard. No English person sounds as faked as she does. That's not why I don't like her, it's because she doesn't know German.

Seriously, her German is painfully inaccurate. She's always telling us "oh, you're Honors German 2H, you should behave" (which I do), but it's hard to when you can't even speak German!

So, help us!
Language Teachers are always difficult to get, we only have 1 Japanese Full-Time Teacher and 1 Casual. You won't get any luck with their 2nd Choice and I doubt the Teachers wanted to teach the Language too but they are pretty much forced to.

Your best plan is to do a lot more of independent studying.
Got my report card in for the firat nine weeks (1/4) of the school year today.
As usual, straight A's across the board! :D

Had a mini heart attack when I first took a look at it, though. My Language Arts teacher accidently ented a grade in wrong, so it said my grade was a 71%. Talked to her about it and got it all cleaned up.

Pleasantly suprised with my Trigonomitry and Economics grades, 90% and 94%, as those are my two workst subjects.

One down, three to go, then it's off to Graduation!
Got my report card in for the firat nine weeks (1/4) of the school year today.
As usual, straight A's across the board! :D

Had a mini heart attack when I first took a look at it, though. My Language Arts teacher accidently ented a grade in wrong, so it said my grade was a 71%. Talked to her about it and got it all cleaned up.

Pleasantly suprised with my Trigonomitry and Economics grades, 90% and 94%, as those are my two workst subjects.

One down, three to go, then it's off to Graduation!

Lucky. My quarter doesn't end in a few weeks, anyways, but I don't think my parents will be happy when they see that some are closer to 85 than 90.
I got mine, not sure how it works in America though but my School System have 4 Categories.

Overall Grade
Exam Rank (only matters if you are going for an ATAR)
Course Rank

Grade was fine, I'm one of those people who can't get an A even if I tried my best and I rarely get any B's. I always get C's and sometimes a D appears which is understandable in the subjects I got D in. I never get E's.

Exam Rank is something I don't bother because I am not going for an ATAR but the interesting thing was I came 26th out of 76 Students and I got a 26% on the Exam, that shows you how brutal the Math Exams are.

I am proud with the Overall Ranks, coming 5th in English Studies (be in mind that I was in the 2nd Highest English Class throughout Year 9 and 10 and Studies is the lowest English Course), 11th in Maths and the rest, I beat more than 50% of everyone else EXCEPT, for Drama but everybody else except for 1 other person has been doing it since Year 9 and I started in Year 11 so I'm still happy I got a C in Drama :).

Effort was really good too, with the Exception of Ancient History, I got Very Good Effort (2nd Best) or higher.
Teachers try to avoid giving out E grades whenever and wherever possible. They can still happen, of course, but to get there, something has to have gone horrendously wrong.
I never see that kind of mind set in my School, in fact everyone of my friend's (minus a few) have had there reports littered with E's, and I know other kids that I wouldn't call friends have gotten E's.

Either that, or everyone in my School is doing horrendously wrong :lol:.
Exams start tomorrow for me. I only have to sit five, as I completed my Year 12 exam last week. The first exam will be the English one.
My grades are;

Psychology - C+ (78%)
Recreational Sports - A (100%)
Geometry - C+ (78%)
German II - A (94%)
English 11 - A (97%)

I've attended school every day so far up to this point (that will change when I go on vacation in early December) so naturally my Rec. Sports grade is a perfect 100%. Psychology I couldn't keep up with or understand many of the projects I was assigned. Geometry is improving but those proofs are still killing me greatly. English is my biggest surprise because the past couple of years, I'd only got B's and C's.

I'm unbelievably impressed with my grades, though I need to get Geometry up more than anything else. Also in case you're wondering why I'm only taking Geometry now, is because I switched from integrated mathematics to core, meaning my class is overloaded with freshmen and sophomores.
Well, I did the English exam. It wasn't too bad, but I spent too much time on the first essay, not leaving enough time to finish the second one. Still, I did better than I expected. Going to have a Maths and Software Development exam tomorrow.
Weird week this will be because I have Wednesday off for Veterans Day. November is always a crazy month in terms of days off.
My friends were making fun of me for buying an "outdated" TI 82 graphing calculator over the recommended TI 83 but now I'm the one laughing because I have better grades than them.
Pfft. It's all about that TI-84 life.

Anyways, I really, really, regret taking AP Bio (Bio 181). I'm not ready for it and it's an uphill battle for me. So far I'm only managing a 69% in that class and I need a C before the semester ends, or else I get kicked out and miss my chance to have a free college class.
Did my Maths and Software Development exams yesterday. I did decent on the Maths exam, but I lost some easy marks because I wasn't prepared enough. The Software exam seemed easy.

I had a Physics exam today. Once again, I lost potential marks because I wasn't prepared enough. I spent all my time making a cheat sheet while I should have been revising as well.

I'll be doing my second Maths exam tomorrow but I'm more worried about my Chemistry exam on Friday. There's an alarming amount of things to revise for.
Heheh, all you guys are busy sitting exams and here I am busy setting them.

I won't be laughing for long, though - once they come in, I've got 75 essays to mark and a week to do it. Thankfully I don't have Year 11 and Year 12 are done, so I have a lot of free time. And I set the exam, so that makes it easier, since I know what I am looking for.
Everyone is taking the PARCC while I'm sitting here not taking it because I have the required subjects in Second Semester :P My friends hate me :lol:
It sure has been a while since I last posted in here, just this site in general even. I'll get you guys up to speed on stuff about me.

I'm in 11th grade now and school related things are about the same as they were last year, but they are mostly better though. I failed English last year so I have two English classes this year, 10th and 11th grades. I'm still a part of the Votech program and I'm still taking auto mechanics there, but I'm once again a morning Votech student since I failed English 10. But other than failing the class, this year is slightly better. And thanks to some mostly positive personal things that have occurred since around the first week of last month, I've been brought up emotionally a good deal. Especially over this week. And while things aren't really perfect, they're damn close. Even with having to repeat a class. So long story short, things are looking up for me and it's definitely right when I needed it most. :)
Did the Maths exam, I thought I did pretty good. Then again, the last time I said that I ended up getting 50%...

One more exam to go now (Chemistry) and then that's it for the year :D.
I stayed home from school today because of a nasty headache (feeling tons better now), but I have a strange, maybe a little funny, story to share that I just remembered:

About two months ago during gym class, we were outside playing baseball and all of a sudden every principal, superintendent and such came out and sent us back inside. It turned out that the high school and the middle school (which is on the same property) were put on about a 30-45 minute lock down due to, from what I overheard on a principal's hand radio, "a major security threat." And exactly what was that threat? A student rode their bicycle to school with a bag from a sandwich shop strapped to their back, and a teacher supposedly thought that the student was a member of Isis and the bag was the flag of Isis.

What, now? :boggled:
While everyone was taking the PARCC, the rest of us were in the auditorium listening to some guy about how to be successful and then we watched The Million Dollar Arm. There was a part where they shouted INDIA at one time so being the Pakistani I am, I shouted PAKISTAN ZINDABAD! All the Pakistanis looked and got a smile while all the Indians went straight faced. :lol:
I stayed home from school today because of a nasty headache (feeling tons better now), but I have a strange, maybe a little funny, story to share that I just remembered:

About two months ago during gym class, we were outside playing baseball and all of a sudden every principal, superintendent and such came out and sent us back inside. It turned out that the high school and the middle school (which is on the same property) were put on about a 30-45 minute lock down due to, from what I overheard on a principal's hand radio, "a major security threat." And exactly what was that threat? A student rode their bicycle to school with a bag from a sandwich shop strapped to their back, and a teacher supposedly thought that the student was a member of Isis and the bag was the flag of Isis.

What, now? :boggled:
I can't even.
It's been a long time since I posted here. Figure I'd give some updates.

To begin with, I'm now a Junior in High School and it's been a weird first couple months (I'll get to that in a little bit). Anyways the first marking period ended on Tuesday and most of the grades are in. So far they look like this:

English 3: 94
Algebra 2: 91
U.S History 2: 94
Chemistry: 81
Personal Finance: 96
Auto/Trans Tech: 98
Art: 93

Pretty good except for Chemistry.

Now about the weird couple months. It seemed everything was fine, until October. On the 2nd or 3rd day of October we get a bomb threat. The whole high school evacuates to the middle and elementary schools. We sit for roughly an hour and a half and return to the school as it was a false alarm. Then on the 28th we get another one. Same outcome, false alarm. And then 6 days later on November 3rd (which was career day for us) we get yet another one. Same outcome. Needless to say the school is pissed off (I can't really blame them). Now in order to rectify the problem we must sign in and out by the bathroom to use it (before it was you take a pass from your classroom). The school thinks that this will deter people from writing bomb threats on the wall. It's working for now, but we'll see how long this will last.

That's it for me, at least for now.
Found out that I failed my latest geometry test today. 61, and that's after getting a 65 and 70 on the two latest quizzes, which is basically failing in my mind. I'm really sucking at math this year. At least the rest of my classes are in my usual 90+, so I guess I don't have too much to get annoyed about.
Well, I did my Chemistry exam. I didn't go particularly well, I had to skip a few questions because I forgot how to do them. On the bright side, that was my final exam for the year :D.
Today I heard something that I really hope isn't true. Today in Votech, before my school arrived, a girl in the class (auto mechanics) got a hood shut on her hand. That's true and I know that because I heard it straight from her, but the thing I'm hoping isn't true and something she didn't say, is that the instructor just angrily said "and that's why we pay attention. Come on guys" and sent her and a fellow student down to the health class to get taken care of.

And one other thing I hope isn't true, a guy at the high school hit a girl and apparently he didn't get in any trouble at all for it despite at least seven people reporting it and the student being called to the office.

Sure, this is high school we're talking about, where rumors are quite abundant. But still.