High School

I can relate. The majority of my friends were seniors, and today was their last day (senior's are off a week before the rest of us at my school).


Next Thursday, my Junior year of high school will be over. During my elementary - middle school years, I'd always think "man, it'll be forever until I'm in high school." Now, in what seems like the blink of an eye, my final two semesters are approaching.

And to think that I brushed it off when my parents would tell me "it'll be over before you know it." :indiff:
I was a senior my own self. Graduated May 28th and it hasn't hit me that I won't be coming back except for visits. When they say high school goes by quick, they weren't kidding. Throughout all of the ridiculous papers and presentations, you get lost in the sense of "this needs to be over" and look forward to each summer. What you didn't realize was that it was less than a handful of times before you're out of there. When senior year hits, you're shocked that you even made it that far, and after more papers and work, it's over. Like that.

My senior year could've went a lot better... too much drama for me to even want to go through it again. But I'll miss my teachers and a good chunk of people I did socialize with.
This year's prank was to buy an ad in the paper selling the school. 2011's prank was to barricade everyone outside with desks from classrooms, zip tie every locker that didn't belong to a senior, put Vaseline on every locker, TP the school, put Icy Hot on all the toliets, and also made a pyramid in the cafeteria using all the lunch tables and chairs. Now I will admit that the ad was pretty slick, but nope- still doesn't compare to the 2011 prank. I still remember how pissed off the principal was that day, and that guy is so easy going that you have to try to anger him. :lol:

When I was a high school student we had tiny spoofs of some students plunging porno comics they brought from home in other students' lockers they place their own schoolbags, and as you say TPing in the toilet, but never had such a prank as building a pyramid with all the tables and chairs and gluing lockers with a zip tie. If we do so here in many cases we end up being scolded by teachers for doing this kind of absurdity. :lol:
When I was a high school student we had tiny spoofs of some students plunging porno comics they brought from home in other students' lockers they place their own schoolbags, and as you say TPing in the toilet, but never had such a prank as building a pyramid with all the tables and chairs and gluing lockers with a zip tie. If we do so here in many cases we end up being scolded by teachers for doing this kind of absurdity. :lol:
True story- one year, long before I was a high schooler, some students replaced Channel One with a Porno scene for a prank. One of my old teachers still says that's the greatest prank he's ever seen in his time as a teacher. :lol:
Just got home from what was my last day of Junior year. I'm ready to feel sad about it for a while, get excited as the new school year approaches, then go back to dreading mornings all over again. :D
Also a Sophomore now, Some of my good friends are gone now though. I still see them around, just not in school.
True story- one year, long before I was a high schooler, some students replaced Channel One with a Porno scene for a prank. One of my old teachers still says that's the greatest prank he's ever seen in his time as a teacher. :lol:

A couple of this years seniors tried to block all the entrances to the High School with hay bails. It was going to work until all the custodians showed up at like 5 in the morning to get it all cleaned up...

Also every year at our Pep Rally, the Seniors throw toilet paper at the 8th graders (there's not enough room for them, so they have to sit on the floor). But over the last couple years there has been none of it because the principal has zero tolerance.

I am no longer a freshman. Now I can stop being hated for no reason.

Freshman deserve to be hated because they are freshman. But 8th graders...I absolutely despise them; they're a bunch of little runts.
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I never had problems when I was a freshmen because I never acted like a badass and was courteous to virtually everyone there. But as a whole, the pick on freshmen thing is warrented because of the fact that most think they're gods just because they were top dogs a year before. I lost count of how many times freshmen thought they were the kings of the castle during my tenure as a student (including people from my class).
My freshman year was filled with getting played around with since I had a lot of Senior friends, so I couldn't really avoid it.
And today, my high school days come to a close. Except for the English provincial on Friday, and the report card pickup at the end of the month. Now, I have to figure out what to do next. Maybe I'd want to take a break after, but I don't know what my parents would say. I might want to look into college or university, but I'm not in a big rush. Maybe I could use a break.
And today, my high school days come to a close. Except for the English provincial on Friday, and the report card pickup at the end of the month. Now, I have to figure out what to do next. Maybe I'd want to take a break after, but I don't know what my parents would say. I might want to look into college or university, but I'm not in a big rush. Maybe I could use a break.

I'm not rushing either, but ill be working with my dad as much as possible to see if i want to take the family business on or not. I've worked in the summer with him and during school on and off but trying it day in and day out is the only way I will know if I want to do it. Rushing into school is just a waste of money.

Anyways after our exams we went to McDonalds and right after we went on a 7km hike.

Don't ever do that.
I'm not rushing either, but ill be working with my dad as much as possible to see if i want to take the family business on or not. I've worked in the summer with him and during school on and off but trying it day in and day out is the only way I will know if I want to do it. Rushing into school is just a waste of money.

Anyways after our exams we went to McDonalds and right after we went on a 7km hike.

Don't ever do that.
Although I don't know how my parents would feel, I'm not sure if I really want to go straight to post secondary. With my high school stint pretty much done other than a couple small things, there are some things I want to do. One thing I want to do is get my drivers' license, and maybe get a job. I want my drivers' license because then if a time comes up where I'll ever need to operate a vehicle (My parents currently don't own a car), then I can. And it's ID, which is worth something.
Although I don't know how my parents would feel, I'm not sure if I really want to go straight to post secondary. With my high school stint pretty much done other than a couple small things, there are some things I want to do. One thing I want to do is get my drivers' license, and maybe get a job. I want my drivers' license because then if a time comes up where I'll ever need to operate a vehicle (My parents currently don't own a car), then I can. And it's ID, which is worth something.

I find it odd that someone on a racing game forum doesn't have their liscence at your age (asuming you can get them at 16 in BC and that you are almost 18)

Atleast if you get a job you can put it towards a car or future schooling, thats what i am kinda doing atleast.
I find it odd that someone on a racing game forum doesn't have their liscence at your age (asuming you can get them at 16 in BC and that you are almost 18)

Atleast if you get a job you can put it towards a car or future schooling, thats what i am kinda doing atleast.

Yeah, you can get a license as early as 16 in BC. But I've never gotten around to it. It probably has to do with me having more focus on school, and not having an absolute need for a car. Even if/when I end up getting my license, a vehicle is not a top priority since I can get around via transit. A license is more for in case I need it, not so much an absolute need yet. The train by my house is supposed to be in by early 2017. I just hope it is.
Graduation is going on right now for Seniors, meanwhile I'm at home. 3 more years then I'll be in that position. :D
I was supposed to go to school today, but who cares. It's the start of Winter holidays tomorrow anyway. Besides, several classes have been relatively empty lately - my maths class had 10 students yesterday, the media class only had 12 students, the history class had 13 and the art class didn't have any more than 12 either. It's not just year 10, kids from all year levels simply haven't bothered to turn up.
Final week starts today. I can finally rest.

Really not sure why I've had to go to into college when I finished all of my exams like 3 weeks ago but oh well
True story- one year, long before I was a high schooler, some students replaced Channel One with a Porno scene for a prank. One of my old teachers still says that's the greatest prank he's ever seen in his time as a teacher. :lol:
In the year I graduated, a group of students got three juvenile pigs together. They painted a number on each one - number 1, number 2 and number 4 - and let them loose in the school. No-one has been able to top it since.