High School

It was weird today the class was so small. Since today was a bad day the counselors were offering the kids to go down to the library. So there were like 750 kids in the library.
Odd. When the caretaker at my old school commited suicide there was just a normal day.

Although I was told he left a note admitting he was a pedo but I don't know how much truth there is in that.
Odd. When the caretaker at my old school commited suicide there was just a normal day.

Although I was told he left a note admitting he was a pedo but I don't know how much truth there is in that.

I feel like committing suicide; my life is so 🤬 !

A girl in a neighbooring school died. It was a boating accident. Her boat flipped and the proppeler destroyed her face. She had surgery, doctors said she was recovering, but died the next day... very sad. She was my friend's(classmate's rather) gf.
I don't bother with girls. I mean, i flirt with them and stuff at break and stuff, but how long is a relationship really going to last, and will it even mean anything?

Also, quit the drift team, and focus on your exams.
I feel like committing suicide; my life is so 🤬 !


Hey, l know how you feel. I take medicine for it and I've attempted suicide 2 times. I know plenty of people who have done it, including the kid that just did last night. You have no idea how many people care about you. Trust me, I've been there.
GSCE Exams, finding it hard to get girls, and have no time for the drift team I'm in or other things I like doing. 'nuff said :mad: .

Bro, you can worry bout girls a bit later in life. Like maybe a year... trust me, when you're busy as hell, don't go for them. And don't act like someone you're not in front of them...they're a waste of time
I don't bother with girls. I mean, i flirt with them and stuff at break and stuff, but how long is a relationship really going to last, and will it even mean anything?

Also, quit the drift team, and focus on your exams.

It will to me, because I think the sexual feelings of growing up kicked in too soon (mods forgive me on this :scared: ). I also stopped my own drift team (Team Galaxy) because didn't have time for it :( .
Don't feel bad man...I recently lost one in a suicide that I tried to prevent, I even made a thread for it here. I'm still really torn over it. That was a few weeks ago now...
Don't feel bad man...I recently lost one in a suicide that I tried to prevent, I even made a thread for it here. I'm still really torn over it. That was a few weeks ago now...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

🤬 !!!!!!!!! I haven't even had one
Don't feel bad man...I recently lost one in a suicide that I tried to prevent, I even made a thread for it here. I'm still really torn over it. That was a few weeks ago now...


Sorry it turned out that way.
Girls at my school must spend so much time getting ready in the morning. I don't know how they find the time, not that they actually look any better or anything. I wake up late, dress like a monkey and arrive late, only to fall asleep in the first lesson... I'm the dopey one who is always broken.
Girls at my school must spend so much time getting ready in the morning. I don't know how they find the time, not that they actually look any better or anything. I wake up late, dress like a monkey and arrive late, only to fall asleep in the first lesson... I'm the dopey one who is always broken.

the girls in my school do their hair and apply makeup during classes... I don't know if that's new to you or anything.
It will to me, because I think the sexual feelings of growing up kicked in too soon (mods forgive me on this :scared: ). I also stopped my own drift team (Team Galaxy) because didn't have time for it :( .

Just because you are sexually attracted to someone doesn't mean you actually love them. Also, a relationship is a responsibility, you can't just ask someone out and then occasionally hug them.
As for the WiFi, my schools passcode is just the phone number. Pretty common knowledge throughout the school and they haven't changed it.
As for the WiFi, my schools passcode is just the phone number. Pretty common knowledge throughout the school and they haven't changed it.

I'll have to try that at my school. See, the have 2 WiFi's. One is for guests and has no password, the other is for the admin. The free guest WiFi is only available in a small racking around the cafeteria, and I've seen the router in the wall. Kind of frustrating when I want to listen to Pandora. Wouldn't be a problem because of my phone buy they block cell signals.
Just because you are sexually attracted to someone doesn't mean you actually love them. Also, a relationship is a responsibility, you can't just ask someone out and then occasionally hug them.

:lol: That's what most people in our school think a relationship is. But after being in a relationship that failed they don't realize that it's a responsibility.

I've found out today that there is a year 11 that is in half of my classes... I'm a year 12. I feel stupid, but then again. He is a bit of an intense geek in the brain department. :P
When you use the internet at our school it pops up on a random teachers screen. So if they're using Facebook they get in trouble because they figure out who it is. I just use my 4g i get 4 gigs / month and don't even use 1/4 of it.

One time someone was watching heavy metal on Youtube when we had science on the projector and the music started blaring over the speakers.
Got my Term I and II marks back. My marks this term have been consistent to last term, and I got a record 94% in English (English IX Honors here I come!), but my Socials mark took a MASSIVE drop. On everything else, the biggest drop was 6%, and my highest gain was 11, on English, not that 83 isn't bad. My Term I Socials mark was 88%, which is good, but it took a massive drop this term, way down to 71.:ouch: Apparently, some others experienced similar drops, but this is still no good. And we had a test today, and I was kind of rusty on some of the material.:scared: I just hope I topped 70 on that test.:guilty:
Found out I was able to get my 17% overall in Geometry up to a 68 and pass this past set of 5 weeks. What a relief.
Naveek, id kill for those grades.

That's better than what I've had the previous years, I literally had a 0% for Spanish 5 years in a row (only required 2 years) because I refused to do learn it simply for the fact that I shouldn't have to be forced to learn a language because the US can't get their **** together and keep illegal immigrants out. They ended up pushing me through. =P

I've had some really, reallllyyy bad grades so I'm quite thankful that I got kicked out of my homeschool. I was a naughty child.

Like yesterday, I freaked the hell out because my teacher lost my math project and wanted to give me a bad grade for her mistake. I mean, wouldn't you be kind of ticked off too?