High School

I thought Geometry was a freshmen level course these days?

Here Geometry is like an advanced thing for freshman and algebra is for the dummies like me.

Edit: I think, anyways.
Naveek, id kill for those grades.
Yeah, 71 might not be that bad. But keep in mind that I got 88 last term, and I have been getting over 80 in every subject except PE, though I'm not very athletic. Not that 76 isn't truly bad.
I thought Geometry was a freshmen level course these days?

Here, that all depends on what diploma you are working towards. In NY, you have 2 choices, the normal Regents Diploma (like an advanced local diploma) or an Advanced Regents Diploma. If you take the first (which I chose), you can take Algebra in Freshman year for either a year or a year and a half (slow class, most people do that) and take Geo your Sophomore year if you did the fast class (after passing, no more math is needed to graduate). The advanced requires a senior Math too (you'd take Trig in 11th and Pre-calc you're senior year). If you do the year and a half course, you take algebra all of 9th and half of 10th, then geo for the rest of tenth and all of 11th, makes sense right?

However my situation is different. I took the year and a half algebra, but failed. So I made that up in 2 quarters, and then took the speedy Geo for this year which I'm in. So all my math is done because you only need Algebra and Geo to graduate. So I just half to pass these next 5 weeks to make it too my senior year.
Naveek Darkroom
Yeah, 71 might not be that bad. But keep in mind that I got 88 last term, and I have been getting over 80 in every subject except PE, though I'm not very athletic. Not that 76 isn't truly bad.

I've failed everything except health and gym. Which is weird considering I'm the definition of the opposite of athletic (ok I'm not that bad) and and I'm pretty unhealthy. There is a kid here that goes into a nervous breakdown everytime he gets anything less than an A-.

Edit: back in 7th grade l did a huge test by a place called Sylvan I think, and the results were that my math skills were those of a 3rd grader and reading was actually off the scale.
It makes sense...
I took geometry in 7th grade, algebra 1 in 8th and Algebra 2 and Trig. in 9th
im in pre-calc next year going to be in calculus AB,they dont offer calc BC:(...
Talk about contrast compared to my high school education.

Standard was Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Trig/Pre-Calc, then Calculus for Senior year. 3 years math required, regardless, and most of us took 4 years. I did 5 years of science in high school as well - Biology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics, and AP Physics. AP Chem and Physics were taken at the same time (Junior year) which pushed my 3rd year of French back to my Senior year. 4 years of History and English as well, and 2 of the Arts, plus performing arts. 1 year of Physical ED with Track and Field as well. Plus a year of Health courses.

I don't see why Trig wouldn't be required though - it is quite useful in a lot of very practical applications I feel. At least the fundamentals of it are.
I've found out today that there is a year 11 that is in half of my classes... I'm a year 12. I feel stupid, but then again. He is a bit of an intense geek in the brain department. :P

Grade 12? I thought you were 16...

One time someone was watching heavy metal on Youtube when we had science on the projector and the music started blaring over the speakers.
That is freaking hilarious! :lol:

Found out I was able to get my 17% overall in Geometry up to a 68 and pass this past set of 5 weeks. What a relief.
I'm glad for you, saw the 17% before and was a bit worried. And yeah, you shouldn't have to learn Spanish. I had to learn French but I just didn't do it and after a while they exempted me from it. DO I LOOK FRENCH?
SAY FRENCH AGAIN 🤬! I dare you, I double dare you...
Talk about contrast compared to my high school education.

Standard was Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Trig/Pre-Calc, then Calculus for Senior year. 3 years math required, regardless, and most of us took 4 years. I did 5 years of science in high school as well - Biology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics, and AP Physics. AP Chem and Physics were taken at the same time (Junior year) which pushed my 3rd year of French back to my Senior year.

I don't see why Trig wouldn't be required though - it is quite useful in a lot of very practical applications I feel. At least the fundamentals of it are.

Trig. in my opinion, fairly straight forward. Not that hard to understand..
Talk about contrast compared to my high school education.

Standard was Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Trig/Pre-Calc, then Calculus for Senior year. 3 years math required, regardless, and most of us took 4 years. I did 5 years of science in high school as well - Biology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics, and AP Physics. AP Chem and Physics were taken at the same time (Junior year) which pushed my 3rd year of French back to my Senior year.

I don't see why Trig wouldn't be required though - it is quite useful in a lot of very practical applications I feel. At least the fundamentals of it are.

It's only required if you take the Advanced Regents Diploma, you have the option. I think they know that most kids just don't give a **** about school and fail anyways, like me.

Overall to graduate I need:

4 years of English
4 Years of Social Studies/Global/US History
2-3 Years of Math
2 Electives
1 Year Art/Music
2 Years of a Language
3 Years of Science (Bio, Living Enviroment, Earth Science, Chemistry if you pick the Advanced)
I think there was a few more too. Overall you need like 24 credits to graduate.

On top of that, there is the option of going to BOCES, which is like a trade school. Some classes offer 2 credits per year, some 1.5 etc. BOCES can get up to 4 per class, sometimes 6, per year. So if you go for 2 years...
People really need to care more about education. Probably only the most important and phase of your life, all things considered.

Though most young people don't seem to appreciate why some history is a useful thing to know, or how learning even part of a second language can make life much easier.
People really need to care more about education. Probably only the most important and phase of your life, all things considered.

Though most young people don't seem to appreciate why some history is a useful thing to know, or how learning even part of a second language can make life much easier.

The public school system would be much better if most kids would realize this IMO.
I feel like I'm held back A LOT by the kids that could care less.
I understand education is important, but honestly, l care but mostly l don't. What I'm about to say just screams EXCUSE but ever since mid 5th grade is when my grades started dropping and is also when l got depression. The worst point was in 7th grade. I don't really wanna go there now though unless someone wants me to.
So get treated for depression? Blaming poor grades for your depression is a rather massive cop out, because it is self induced.
So get treated for depression? Blaming poor grades for your depression is a rather massive cop out, because it is self induced.

You say that like l haven't been on serious meds for 3 years and been to the mental hospital 3 times and a "half" hospital twice and almost went back twice. And thats only the start.

Towards the beginning i was taking 15 pills a day, not including the cut ones. I was 12...

It wouldve been 4 hospital stays but for some reason after my second suicide attempt they didn't think l needed to stay.
Depression? It is certainly not self-induced.

Read how he stated it again - poor grades then depression. Word order and such is important.

You say that like l haven't been on serious meds for 3 years and been to the mental hospital 3 times and a "half" hospital twice and almost went back twice. And thats only the start.

Towards the beginning i was taking 15 pills a day, not including the cut ones. I was 12...

Sounds like you have something more than depression. Or daft doctors. Even a moderate cocktail of SSRI and non SSRI anti-depressants will never hit 15 pills a day.

And based on how quickly you are to bring up suicide attempts, at a young age, honestly makes it sound like having it as an excuse.
That's better than what I've had the previous years, I literally had a 0% for Spanish 5 years in a row (only required 2 years) because I refused to do learn it simply for the fact that I shouldn't have to be forced to learn a language because the US can't get their **** together and keep illegal immigrants out. They ended up pushing me through. =P

Wow... Now that's a good way to look at things. How about they are affording you the opportunity, for free, to learn the basics of a second language. That's an employable skill and will help with traveling a whole lot, or tourists. Do you have any idea how much more people make in a numbering professions just because they have the basics of a second language down. Nice work...

Talk about contrast compared to my high school education.

And so so so much different than Canadian schools. In high school math 8-11 is mandatory to graduate. There are 3 levels of math, applications (basics, doesn't meet university requirements), principles (standard), and honours (same as principles just a faster pace and cover an extra unit or two). Math 12 is optional as is Calculus 12 but I took Math 12 as it looks good on a transcript and math was in my best subjects. The mandatory math courses cover everything except calculus. Trig, algebra, geometry, and probability are all covered at some point unless you take applications. Everybody graduating a Canadian high school has done some trig, some algebra...

For sciences there is broad Science 8-10 that cover all subjects and then in grade 11 and 12 you pick which sciences you want. I did bio 11-12, physics 11 and Chem 11-12.

English all the way to grade 12 is mandatory to graduate but is the only mandatory grade 12 course.

I think they know that most kids just don't give a **** about school and fail anyways, like me.

Again you need a reality check. Most kids in my high school did give a *censored* and for the most part we tried hard. Of course people fail even when they try. I failed a university course last year... But I studied and gave an effort so I can live with that. Education is the best thing our governments do for us and why some arrogant people decide they can just throw that away is beyond me. There are a lot of people who never get these chances in life and your education sticks with you for life. You have to be there anyway so what's the extra hour of effort a night? Can't post a few more times in GTP? Maybe one or two less races a night? Is that really that big of a deal? No its not. So what's the point in yelling at teachers who are there to help you and provide on with an education, of skipping classes and failing like it's no big deal and telling them you won't do their mandatory classes because you think the only reason they teach Spanish is because of illegal immigrants... Get a grip. There is a bigger picture in life than what's happening Friday night.

Read how he stated it again - poor grades then depression. Word order and such is important.

Sounds like you have something more than depression. Or daft doctors. Even a moderate cocktail of SSRI and non SSRI anti-depressants will never hit 15 pills a day.

And based on how quickly you are to bring up suicide attempts, at a young age, honestly makes it sound like having it as an excuse.

I said poor grades and depression, not poor grades then depression.

My doctor was Dr. Valeña, probably one of the best mental health doctors in Indiana.

And it isn't just depression, if l listed everything, mods wouldn't be happy because of such a long post. (Slight exaggeration)
I understand education is important, but honestly, l care but mostly l don't. What I'm about to say just screams EXCUSE but ever since mid 5th grade is when my grades started dropping and is also when l got depression. The worst point was in 7th grade. I don't really wanna go there now though unless someone wants me to.

Same exact story for me, bro.
Then don't blame it on one thing.

Why past tense on doctor? Did you find a new one or what? And a second opinion is never a bad idea, especially with psychology.

Your wording implied poor grades then depression also followed, simply because of the order and lack of a declaration of cause and effect. Not really your fault though - English and writing education is pretty poor in this country. And, from what I recall, the mid-west states tend to have even more trouble in that regard.
Thanks for basically insulting my English skills, which aren't perfect.

But "was Dr. Valeña" is because she was my assigned doctor at the hospital, can't think of the right word.
You can't blame depression on bad grades, as Azuremen said. Troubles at home, abuse, similar I could understand as a reason. But if your sad because of grades you can improve them, simply by working harder. Take me as an example. I usually have 70s in my classes. This year I've put school as my number 1 priority, and my marks have increased significantly. Then again, just because I have high marks doesn't mean I'm really smart, it simply is a representation of my commitment to my learning.
You've never had major severe depression (sounds weird i know, but that's what l was diagnosed with) l take it. It takes a toll on you, you don't understand until you've had the worst of it. I'm not even through it yet.
Thanks for basically insulting my English skills, which aren't perfect.

But "was Dr. Valeña" is because she was my assigned doctor at the hospital, can't think of the right word.

Attending physician?

Your welcome for illuminating the misunderstanding that arose from how you presented your story. Clearly being able to communicate via written word is one of the most important skills a person can have. It is also a great way to stand out from one's peers when looking for a job, in addition to many other nice things.

Or you can get upset that I pointed out why I misunderstood you.

Your choice.

You've never had major severe depression (sounds weird i know, but that's what l was diagnosed with) l take it. It takes a toll on you, you don't understand until you've had the worst of it. I'm not even through it yet.

But I have!

Playing the "you've never" card is a great way to have the argument pushed back in your face, especially on the Internet.
Thanks for basically insulting my English skills, which aren't perfect.

But "was Dr. Valeña" is because she was my assigned doctor at the hospital, can't think of the right word.

It's not insulting your English skills it's how it comes across. If you were to say that to me in person the exact way it was written it would come across the same way.

Anyway you need a second opinion. As Azuremen said especially with psychological issues its extremely important. No 12 year old should ever be on that many pills at a time and I can say that confidently. Depression runs in my family and many have spent time in hospitals for it and some tried to take their lives. Not one of them was taking 15 pills a day and even the worst suffer of it has lived a very productive and enjoyable life including a degree in bio chemistry.

I've got a disease and my first specialist was horrendous despite coming highly recommended. I didn't know better until it escalated and I switched doctors. I've never been healthier until after I switched.

I made it through high school with an A average despite spending half my days in bathrooms and missing over 3 weeks per semester in grades 10 and 11. I'm not gifted I just work hard. A disease, illness or condition doesn't have to be a reason to give up. It should provide a source of motivation to show people it doesn't matter what *censored* happens to you that you can do what you set your mind to.

I realize depression is hard and is a grossly misunderstood disease. I've experienced it second hand all my life. It's great you've already started to seek help and that's often the hardest step. But if something isn't working you need to try again. A second opinion would be a great idea and just because a doctor tells you something doesn't automatically make it true. If I believed everything doctors told me I'd be missing half an intestine, on steroids and have a wrist pinned straight.
I wasn't getting upset over anything. You seriously don't know what this is, it's terrible, and you clearly don't understand that.

And also l can't count how many different psychologists and such I've been through.

And l missed over 3 months my 7th grade year due to fake illness and hospital visits.

And probably over 4 months 8th grade.

9th grade they're catching on and calling police on me when l try to stay home.

And plus you probably don't even know what Trichotillomania is, now do you? Yea, l went completely bald because of it.

Azureman l said that to CMvan. I wouldve quoted you.
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Please, lean on those crutches some more.

Honestly, you seem to like falling back on numerous excuses, which even if they are all valid, are still excuses.

The fact your school is calling the police on you means you've either failed to notify them properly of your condition(s) or can't provide proper documentation.

The fact you are constantly adding on things to justify yourself screams attention seeking.

The fact you trying to be clever about a compulsive disorder you have, which isn't relevant to the topic at hand so much, further backs that up.

I'm going to give you the biggest news-flash ever: you are not a unique snowflake. Everyone has problems, some of us have more than others, but to think you are some how excused from all things society considers useful is silly.
First of all, it's my mom calling the police, not the school. And if l wanted attention, trust me, l wouldn't be on a forum for Gran Turismo. And what you said after that completely makes no sense at all. And when did l say I'm the only one like this? Go ahead and quote me on it id like to see it. And same thing for the next part, l never said l think I'm excused from anything. Now if l did, please quote me on it.

I'm going to bed. Goodnight to all.