Hah, all we get in our school is detentions for lunch, and we still get half our break.
Worse then that we get a slip to get signed by our parents. After that we get a report card to be signed by all our teachers after each class and to be signed by a teacher. And then comes suspension and expulsion.
Heehee. Report cards, most students are proud to have them here.
Anyway, I've got some School Ball business to talk about.
You see, the school ball is in about 1 and half months, and this interests me, and do you want to know why? Let me explain.
You see, people are getting so excited to unknowingly waste hundreds of dollars on formal attire, money that they could have spent on something more useful. Spend a little more money to get a flash ride into wherever it is, only to waste more money to get into a room full of nervous men and women, all hoping not to 🤬 up and have their date or whatever run out of the building shouting, "what is wrong with you!!!!" Some people talk about their latest adventures of imagined reality. All while some badly chosen and dull background music plays to the men and women doing things with cheesily sweaty hands and even more cheesy forced smiles. And then they all leave and arrive home, they hold their hands to their face in the realization of how mind-numbingly awful the night really went and how they just wasted $600 for almost no reason.
Now, if they got me to organize it they would have the greatest night ever. You see, first, you would need two Alfa Romeo 8C's surrounded with microphones. They would supply the music. Maybe an Aston Martin if you can't get the Alfa's. At the door are 7 ft tall Bouncers who only let you in arrived in a car with 400 horsepower or over. Of course there are exceptions, like TVR's and Lotus'. Food would be a fine range of meats, ranging from Nissan Micra heated steak, to Alfa Romeo heated steak. The drinks are, beer, bourbon, wine, or straight alcohol if you're really up for it. And lastly, there would be a burning Toyota Prius in the middle of it all, and the dances are rituals to never let this Prius be driven again, called Deepriusleaveexistencess. There would be a dance where you avoid the gunfire of the drunk student who's had a little too much at the bar, called the Hoobity Boodladead.
But mostly there is the Service Center. This is just in case the lady you arrived with doesn't approve of the ball. You see, there is a special dance that is a lot like Hoobity Boodladead, but it is supplied by the rather insane chap with the googly eyes who was standing around outside. Then she'll stop complaining. And there will be some outdoor car park games at the after parties involving the stereos that have been being used for the event.
Just imagine that, everyone would love it!
Edit: Guess this post was timed badly, as when there's two big posts (mine and Bob's), one always gets all of the attention... And as normal, the serious takes it out.