High School

Prom to me is just a waste of time and money, I've got better things to do than pay $60 for something I could get into for free or a few dollars any other "dance" or occasion at the school.

And another several hundred for dress clothes etc.

Hence why on the previous page I made a gigantic post stating how pointless it is and why I could of organized something way better. :P
Well. This is a long story and it will take a bit of explaining, here's abit of a backround of me.

Most of the popular people at my school went to the same primary school as I did, so I know them pretty well. I was really nerdy in years 7 and 8 going to computer club every lunch at stuff. I then decided that I no longer wanted to be like that. For the next 2 years after that I was hanging around with them, they bullied me abit, however it was them or proper nerds who I could only really hang out with, so I kept to it and now for the past year they have accepted me finally and lifes been good. However girls still see me as the nerdy person I was in year 7 and 8. Therefore I get invited to no parties, hence never been drunk before, while still being friends with the popular people.

I'm still nerdy on the inside, and within the top 1% in maths in my year in the uk (based on a national maths challenge.). I just hang around with the cool people who smoke and stuff (so do I.), and they are all planning to go to someones house for predrinks (don't know who's house yet, but as you may guess I will just follow the rest.)

This has been my plan to get through high school, it could have gone better if I could get a girlfriend. However next year I'm going somewhere were only the top 50% can get in, hence making me less of a minority, then I can go on to do mechanical engineering degree and hopefully do a job doing what I love.

I think that covers most of it ;). Hope that makes some kind of vague sense.

What I have to tell you is:

Don't get drunk, or drink for that matter.

Don't do drugs and smoke, just because it's "cool" means nothing.
No, it's held in a building, with a stage loaded with something V8 or V12 powered, and a burning Prius in the middle of the room... And maybe a firing squad. :P

:lol: That works too... I want to drive over the Prius with the truck I'll hopefully own.
:lol: That works too... I want to drive over the Prius with the truck I'll hopefully own.

I already managed to pull off crushing a Prius last summer with mine =P

Prius vs 7000lbs does not end well.
As promised yesterday here is my prom suit.

I like that suit, looks good. Loving the teddy bear too! ;)

Yeah, that photo was taken in our spare room, my bedroom was decorated a couple of weeks ago and the mirror isn't back up in there yet. Hence the amount of crap on the floor.
What I have to tell you is:

Don't get drunk, or drink for that matter.

Don't do drugs and smoke, just because it's "cool" means nothing.

I agree with the drugs part (especially anything stronger than marijuana), but as for the drinking.. Why not? He might already be of legal age (not sure about the drinking laws in the UK, but over here in Switzerland it's 16 for beer/wine, 18 for everything else. But bars serve everyone, $ $ $ ), and if not, nothing's wrong with the occasional casual drink. If things get out of hand and he decides to wring up a 300 chf bill (long story...), he'll learn and [hopefully] control himself next time around.

If he's mature enough, it's not really going to affect the academic side of things. At least, for me it didn't. In fact, my grades got better lol :P .

So yeah, lbsf1, enjoy life (: . Nice prom suit btw. I'd wear a light grey/dark grey tie with that though. And some dark shoes.
I agree with the drugs part (especially anything stronger than marijuana), but as for the drinking.. Why not? He might already be of legal age (not sure about the drinking laws in the UK, but over here in Switzerland it's 16 for beer/wine, 18 for everything else. But bars serve everyone, $ $ $ ), and if not, nothing's wrong with the occasional casual drink. If things get out of hand and he decides to wring up a 300 chf bill (long story...), he'll learn and [hopefully] control himself next time around.

If he's mature enough, it's not really going to affect the academic side of things. At least, for me it didn't. In fact, my grades got better lol :P .

So yeah, lbsf1, enjoy life (: . Nice prom suit btw. I'd wear a light grey/dark grey tie with that though. And some dark shoes.

Thanks for that. The law in the uk is you can't buy it until 18, however with a guardians consent you can drink at home or a friends house (just googled that to make sure it is the law.). My parents won't mind me drinking at a party, and understand that after the prom we all will be, so legally I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm reasonably responsible and don't intend to get too pissed, however anything can happen and I haven't got school for 2 months afterwards :).

I haven't got my tie on in that pic (it just looks like it.) My tie is a dark purple.
Thanks for that. The law in the uk is you can't buy it until 18, however with a guardians consent you can drink at home or a friends house (just googled that to make sure it is the law.). My parents won't mind me drinking at a party, and understand that after the prom we all will be, so legally I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm reasonably responsible and don't intend to get too pissed, however anything can happen and I haven't got school for 2 months afterwards :).

I haven't got my tie on in that pic (it just looks like it.) My tie is a dark purple.

Dark purple will look classy. Well enjoy the prom/after-party (: . Unfortunately i've got another month of exams, but once those are over and done with. :dopey:
Dark purple will look classy. Well enjoy the prom/after-party (: . Unfortunately i've got another month of exams, but once those are over and done with. :dopey:

My proms not yet, it's on the 28th June. However my mum made me get the suit early incase they ran out.

My first exam is on monday, parents are forcing me to revise all weekend. :(
My proms not yet, it's on the 28th June. However my mum made me get the suit early incase they ran out.

My first exam is on monday, parents are forcing me to revise all weekend. :(

I had my prom last month (We don't finish school until next month though, don't ask). Wasn't expecting it to be very good but it was an absolutely great night. Hope you enjoy it. 👍

Back to exams for me now. :grumpy:
My first exam is on monday, parents are forcing me to revise all weekend. :(

Back to exams for me now. :grumpy:

Mine started last week. What kind of exams? Official ones, or school ones? I'm doing my IGCSEs. Then I've got 2 years of IB, then university. Then real life lol.

I technically finished school on the 31st of April. I just go to school to sit my exams now. June 12th I'll be long gone.
Mine started last week. What kind of exams? Official ones, or school ones? I'm doing my IGCSEs. Then I've got 2 years of IB, then university. Then real life lol.

I technically finished school on the 31st of April. I just go to school to sit my exams now. June 12th I'll be long gone.

Yep they are proper exams. I'm in year 11 however I'm doing a philosophy AS level exam, if which I have the first of 2 on monday, on thursday I have computing gcse, next week I have english gcse and then the second Philosophy exam. The week after that I have an additional maths exam (a bridge between gcse and A level.). Then I have a week off. Then I only have to go in for History gcse and Tech gcse until their exams.
Technically I finished school yesterday, although we are strongly encouraged to come to school and carry on as normal, except for exams, until our last exam. Basically no study leave at all, although if you didn't come in I don't think they can really do anything. All they're saying is that you have to come in.

I've been doing GCSE exams since year 9, although parents don't seem to quite grasp that and think they are all starting now and those previous ones weren't real.

All GCSE's. How are you doing AS Levels in Year 11 ?
Our school almost doesn't want us to come lol. However, the regular 10th grade (year 11) classes still have school until the end of June.

I've got 23 exams to do, but I did 4 last year (French), and I've already done 5 this week. 14 left. Almost there...
Technically I finished school yesterday, although we are strongly encouraged to come to school and carry on as normal, except for exams, until our last exam. Basically no study leave at all, although if you didn't come in I don't think they can really do anything. All they're saying is that you have to come in.

I've been doing GCSE exams since year 9, although parents don't seem to quite grasp that and think they are all starting now and those previous ones weren't real.

All GCSE's. How are you doing AS Levels in Year 11 ?

I'm doing an AS because I did science a year early and therefore finished it in year 10, I have a lesson once a week of it to keep it in my mind and spend the rest of the time doing Philosophy and Ethics AS level.

Our school you have to come in until half term for all lessons. However the year 11's in the nearest other school to us have now broken up and only have to come in for exams. So lucky, they post all of their pics of prom and party on facebook aswell, almost mocking the collingwood students (us) who have to stay in school. GRRR
As promised yesterday here is my prom suit.

How much money did that waste? :P

My proms not yet, it's on the 28th June. However my mum made me get the suit early incase they ran out.

Your prom is on the same night as the school ball over here. That means there are going to be people more people soaked in regret that day. :P And a lot more people who are happy with their choice to go.

Yeah, that photo was taken in our spare room, my bedroom was decorated a couple of weeks ago and the mirror isn't back up in there yet. Hence the amount of crap on the floor.

Huh? There is barely anything on that floor! I can still see it for starters. And that teddy... Should be a pony. ;)
Man, I can't believe finals are just a few weeks away. I just have to get through them so that I can get to the make-up Sophomore trip.
Tomarrow I have a math exam in Statistics, Since i'm always nervous which causes me to fail, what could I do this time to change that? I want to bring a good grade, but even when I study, I pass on the edge of failing..