Well. This is a long story and it will take a bit of explaining, here's abit of a backround of me.
Most of the popular people at my school went to the same primary school as I did, so I know them pretty well. I was really nerdy in years 7 and 8 going to computer club every lunch at stuff. I then decided that I no longer wanted to be like that. For the next 2 years after that I was hanging around with them, they bullied me abit, however it was them or proper nerds who I could only really hang out with, so I kept to it and now for the past year they have accepted me finally and lifes been good. However girls still see me as the nerdy person I was in year 7 and 8. Therefore I get invited to no parties, hence never been drunk before, while still being friends with the popular people.
I'm still nerdy on the inside, and within the top 1% in maths in my year in the uk (based on a national maths challenge.). I just hang around with the cool people who smoke and stuff (so do I.), and they are all planning to go to someones house for predrinks (don't know who's house yet, but as you may guess I will just follow the rest.)
This has been my plan to get through high school, it could have gone better if I could get a girlfriend. However next year I'm going somewhere were only the top 50% can get in, hence making me less of a minority, then I can go on to do mechanical engineering degree and hopefully do a job doing what I love.
I think that covers most of it

. Hope that makes some kind of vague sense.