High School

So I hate to sound like an old guy telling kids to do well in school...but I am. In high school I was poor, homeless poor, I lived by staying with friends overnight or camping somewhere. I stole things to sell so I could eat, I had to fight grown men to keep my stuff. Everything I owned fit in my backpack and locker. I got in fights often, I won and I lost. I was a good guy but people didn't respect me. I was looked upon as scum, by students and teachers. I got motivated. I failed high school by %.04. I made up the credit in a charter school and joined the army. That was december of 1999. I got kicked out of the army due to "preexisiting" injuries(bad knees). So there I was homeless again, I had 350 bucks in the pocket of my only pants. I went and got a job, worked my ass off for 5.50 an hour 100 hour weeks. Then I got a little better job, and worked my ass off for 6 bucks an hour. Then I stayed there and showed how much I could do for them, made them a ton of money and accalades. They sold the company and the new owner treated me like crap and after a year of flawless work he fired me for no reason, and made it so I couldn't get unemployment. I get another job and guess what... I work my ass off. At this point I meet a girl that ends up being my wife. She works her ass off and we both work 100 hour weeks. I go to trade school, we had some kids. And here I am a 32 year old guy that is working my ass off for $22 a hour. I also have a dream job of monitoring a particular game online...but the whole moral of the story is.. do your F'n homework, swallow your pride and get the most outta your school. You wanna get back at your teachers? Get a better job than theirs. Take the SATs, go to college no matter the cost right now. Or join the job corps. Don't get sent to ISS. Don't dwell on the preppy jerks, or that slutty popular girl. Live your life for you, think about it, in just a few years you're on your own... that teacher will be getting off messing with some new kid. That preppy guy will be preppy still, but never happy. That slutty cheerleader will be a mommy. You? If you worked your ass off in high school you will have a chance at happiness, but that's up to you..NOW!!

So true, reading this actually makes me want to work harder at school than I already do. Thank you for posting this 👍 !
So I hate to sound like an old guy telling kids to do well in school...but I am. In high school I was poor, homeless poor, I lived by staying with friends overnight or camping somewhere. I stole things to sell so I could eat, I had to fight grown men to keep my stuff. Everything I owned fit in my backpack and locker. I got in fights often, I won and I lost. I was a good guy but people didn't respect me. I was looked upon as scum, by students and teachers. I got motivated. I failed high school by %.04. I made up the credit in a charter school and joined the army. That was december of 1999. I got kicked out of the army due to "preexisiting" injuries(bad knees). So there I was homeless again, I had 350 bucks in the pocket of my only pants. I went and got a job, worked my ass off for 5.50 an hour 100 hour weeks. Then I got a little better job, and worked my ass off for 6 bucks an hour. Then I stayed there and showed how much I could do for them, made them a ton of money and accalades. They sold the company and the new owner treated me like crap and after a year of flawless work he fired me for no reason, and made it so I couldn't get unemployment. I get another job and guess what... I work my ass off. At this point I meet a girl that ends up being my wife. She works her ass off and we both work 100 hour weeks. I go to trade school, we had some kids. And here I am a 32 year old guy that is working my ass off for $22 a hour. I also have a dream job of monitoring a particular game online...but the whole moral of the story is.. do your F'n homework, swallow your pride and get the most outta your school. You wanna get back at your teachers? Get a better job than theirs. Take the SATs, go to college no matter the cost right now. Or join the job corps. Don't get sent to ISS. Don't dwell on the preppy jerks, or that slutty popular girl. Live your life for you, think about it, in just a few years you're on your own... that teacher will be getting off messing with some new kid. That preppy guy will be preppy still, but never happy. That slutty cheerleader will be a mommy. You? If you worked your ass off in high school you will have a chance at happiness, but that's up to you..NOW!!

Brainslapped. That's all I've been thinking about, is doing better in school all I have is a 69.9 average. I had a 84+ average the first month of 8th grade, and it has been getting worse. I don't know what do to I study, Convince my self i'm going to ace the test, and I get on the edge of failing. Even when I study my ass off, i'm going to a new school where I took an entry exam and failed both Math and English exams since I never understand what my teachers are saying (they speak arabic sometimes, I'm in IGSCE but in a arab country) My math teacher makes everything confusing, even when I go home to review I just want to get a 80 average nothing more nothing less. Why is it so hard. I have good behavior in class try not to talk as much as I used to, Study for my exams, and still have a 69.4 average, and I still can't seem to find the problem, it's been a issue since 3rd grade.
Brainslapped. That's all I've been thinking about, is doing better in school all I have is a 69.9 average. I had a 84+ average the first month of 8th grade, and it has been getting worse. I don't know what do to I study, Convince my self i'm going to ace the test, and I get on the edge of failing. Even when I study my ass off, i'm going to a new school where I took an entry exam and failed both Math and English exams since I never understand what my teachers are saying (they speak arabic sometimes, I'm in IGSCE but in a arab country) My math teacher makes everything confusing, even when I go home to review I just want to get a 80 average nothing more nothing less. Why is it so hard. I have good behavior in class try not to talk as much as I used to, Study for my exams, and still have a 69.4 average, and I still can't seem to find the problem, it's been a issue since 3rd grade.

You are stressing about your problems a little bit too much, which in turn causes you to fail your exams or get a mark much lower that you was expecting because you can't think straight. My advice is not to change what you do now, but try to have a more relaxed state of mind while doing tests and while studying, and that will hopefully give you a better mark.

And since Arabic was your first language, when your teachers speak in Arabic that shouldn't be a problem? Just don't worry about it, 69 is a very nice number if you get what I mean 👍 .
You are stressing about your problems a little bit too much, which in turn causes you to fail your exams or get a mark much lower that you was expecting because you can't think straight. My advice is not to change what you do now, but try to have a more relaxed state of mind while doing tests and while studying, and that will hopefully give you a better mark.

And since Arabic was your first language, when your teachers speak in Arabic that shouldn't be a problem? Just don't worry about it, 69 is a very nice number if you get what I mean 👍 .

True, don't stress too much. It never helps.
Yeah we have that. At the moment there is this kid who has been in there for over 3 months and counting for his own protection because no one likes him and he has no friends to back him up.

Some I'd at my school recently got put in suspension for his own protection. A girl recently passed away at my school (RIP) and he spat on her memorial by the school gates. Half the school now wants to kill him... :scared:
Some I'd at my school recently got put in suspension for his own protection. A girl recently passed away at my school (RIP) and he spat on her memorial by the school gates. Half the school now wants to kill him... :scared:

That's his fault for being a heartless piece of 🤬! Dick!
Some I'd at my school recently got put in suspension for his own protection. A girl recently passed away at my school (RIP) and he spat on her memorial by the school gates. Half the school now wants to kill him... :scared:

That guy deserves to have those people want to do that. That is blatant lack of respect and that is disgusting. If you can't respect a person who has died, you don't deserve respect.
Some I'd at my school recently got put in suspension for his own protection. A girl recently passed away at my school (RIP) and he spat on her memorial by the school gates. Half the school now wants to kill him... :scared:
I won't say what I want to say because it violates the AUP multiple times but that is the most disrespectful and nasty thing that you could do. If I were that girls dad, I would most likely end up in jail for murder.
Some I'd at my school recently got put in suspension for his own protection. A girl recently passed away at my school (RIP) and he spat on her memorial by the school gates. Half the school now wants to kill him... :scared:

Well I wouldn't be surprised because that is a total lack of respect for someone who has lost their life. He doesn't even deserve life if he can't respect someone's memorial.

Oh, and to that little girl that died, rest in heavenly peace.

Do any of you like it when more then half the class is gone? That happened today and it felt weird.

I love when that happens, I usually can concentrate more because there tends to be less noise than usual. But unfortunately for me, small class sizes at my school isn't the norm :crazy: .
So I hate to sound like an old guy telling kids to do well in school...but I am. In high school I was poor, homeless poor, I lived by staying with friends overnight or camping somewhere. I stole things to sell so I could eat, I had to fight grown men to keep my stuff. Everything I owned fit in my backpack and locker. I got in fights often, I won and I lost. I was a good guy but people didn't respect me. I was looked upon as scum, by students and teachers. I got motivated. I failed high school by %.04. I made up the credit in a charter school and joined the army. That was december of 1999. I got kicked out of the army due to "preexisiting" injuries(bad knees). So there I was homeless again, I had 350 bucks in the pocket of my only pants. I went and got a job, worked my ass off for 5.50 an hour 100 hour weeks. Then I got a little better job, and worked my ass off for 6 bucks an hour. Then I stayed there and showed how much I could do for them, made them a ton of money and accalades. They sold the company and the new owner treated me like crap and after a year of flawless work he fired me for no reason, and made it so I couldn't get unemployment. I get another job and guess what... I work my ass off. At this point I meet a girl that ends up being my wife. She works her ass off and we both work 100 hour weeks. I go to trade school, we had some kids. And here I am a 32 year old guy that is working my ass off for $22 a hour. I also have a dream job of monitoring a particular game online...but the whole moral of the story is.. do your F'n homework, swallow your pride and get the most outta your school. You wanna get back at your teachers? Get a better job than theirs. Take the SATs, go to college no matter the cost right now. Or join the job corps. Don't get sent to ISS. Don't dwell on the preppy jerks, or that slutty popular girl. Live your life for you, think about it, in just a few years you're on your own... that teacher will be getting off messing with some new kid. That preppy guy will be preppy still, but never happy. That slutty cheerleader will be a mommy. You? If you worked your ass off in high school you will have a chance at happiness, but that's up to you..NOW!!

I'm sorry you had those experiences, but I'm glad you are doing better. The difference between you and those raised in rich homes is that you deserve every penny you have and probably more, you have worked hard and built a life on your own drive and have become a better man than most of them will ever be. Thanks for sharing this with us, it would take a fool to ignore this advice.
Some I'd at my school recently got put in suspension for his own protection. A girl recently passed away at my school (RIP) and he spat on her memorial by the school gates. Half the school now wants to kill him... :scared:

I'm sorry for bringing this back up, but suspending that disgusting excuse of a human being won't stop people from sorting him out. He deserves a hiding for what he did.
I would have literally walked up to him and knocked him out with one hit. What a douchebag.
Whoever did that has no respect for the dead. Even if he didn't know the girl, he should at least show sympathy.

My day went well. Don't go tomorrow, yay 3 days off. Two days ago we had a math test. Today I got it back, and I got 93.6%. Oh yeah.
Do any of you like it when more then half the class is gone? That happened today and it felt weird.

That happened Tuesday because of a funeral for a kids suicide.
Last day I ever had to wear school uniform today. Exams start on Monday, got a philosophy AS level in the afternoon, looks like a have a fun weekend of revision ahead of me.

I have 7 exams, 5 are before half term in three weeks. After then I only have to go in for lessons I have yet to have the exam in. (history the first week back and tech 1 week later). Then it is the end of the high school era for me and of to the 3rd largest sixth form in the uk in September. Wow, excited yet its slightly scary.

On another note I now have the suit for my prom and transport sorted. The suit is grey and looks pretty awesome (I'll post a pic at some point.) and my transport is in a bus with loads of other people. The only problem I have though is that everyone is going for pre drinks before hand, however I have never got drunk so I'm gonna have to find a way to seriously limit myself so I still get let into the actual prom, after that I don't care what happens aslong at I'm at some party.
You guys get drunk before prom?

Bad idea. 2 full tables were missing from my prom. One because a girl stumbled out of a limo into a teacher clearly drunk so the whole limo wasn't allowed in because of alcohol in the limo. Another group smelled of alcohol and wasn't allowed in... If you'd like the chance of missing out on all of it then that's your choice but your already underage to begin with.
You guys get drunk before prom?

Well. This is a long story and it will take a bit of explaining, here's abit of a backround of me.

Most of the popular people at my school went to the same primary school as I did, so I know them pretty well. I was really nerdy in years 7 and 8 going to computer club every lunch at stuff. I then decided that I no longer wanted to be like that. For the next 2 years after that I was hanging around with them, they bullied me abit, however it was them or proper nerds who I could only really hang out with, so I kept to it and now for the past year they have accepted me finally and lifes been good. However girls still see me as the nerdy person I was in year 7 and 8. Therefore I get invited to no parties, hence never been drunk before, while still being friends with the popular people.

I'm still nerdy on the inside, and within the top 1% in maths in my year in the uk (based on a national maths challenge.). I just hang around with the cool people who smoke and stuff (so do I.), and they are all planning to go to someones house for predrinks (don't know who's house yet, but as you may guess I will just follow the rest.)

This has been my plan to get through high school, it could have gone better if I could get a girlfriend. However next year I'm going somewhere were only the top 50% can get in, hence making me less of a minority, then I can go on to do mechanical engineering degree and hopefully do a job doing what I love.

I think that covers most of it ;). Hope that makes some kind of vague sense.
Well today's been pretty good, BBC did a special Question Time at my school with George Galloway on the panel :D.

However also found out I'm friend zoned :/ I'd always suspected but didn't have clarification. Well whatever she's awesome to keep as a friend anyway and now at least I can enjoy my best friends failed attempts at trying to 'woo' her, so cute seeing him try :lol:
On another note I now have the suit for my prom and transport sorted. The suit is grey and looks pretty awesome (I'll post a pic at some point.) and my transport is in a bus with loads of other people. The only problem I have though is that everyone is going for pre drinks before hand, however I have never got drunk so I'm gonna have to find a way to seriously limit myself so I still get let into the actual prom, after that I don't care what happens as long at I'm at some party.

Have a nice waste of a lot of money. :P
Prom to me is just a waste of time and money, I've got better things to do than pay $60 for something I could get into for free or a few dollars any other "dance" or occasion at the school.

And another several hundred for dress clothes etc.