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- MSTER232
- PS3 =/= Xbox 360
So I hate to sound like an old guy telling kids to do well in school...but I am. In high school I was poor, homeless poor, I lived by staying with friends overnight or camping somewhere. I stole things to sell so I could eat, I had to fight grown men to keep my stuff. Everything I owned fit in my backpack and locker. I got in fights often, I won and I lost. I was a good guy but people didn't respect me. I was looked upon as scum, by students and teachers. I got motivated. I failed high school by %.04. I made up the credit in a charter school and joined the army. That was december of 1999. I got kicked out of the army due to "preexisiting" injuries(bad knees). So there I was homeless again, I had 350 bucks in the pocket of my only pants. I went and got a job, worked my ass off for 5.50 an hour 100 hour weeks. Then I got a little better job, and worked my ass off for 6 bucks an hour. Then I stayed there and showed how much I could do for them, made them a ton of money and accalades. They sold the company and the new owner treated me like crap and after a year of flawless work he fired me for no reason, and made it so I couldn't get unemployment. I get another job and guess what... I work my ass off. At this point I meet a girl that ends up being my wife. She works her ass off and we both work 100 hour weeks. I go to trade school, we had some kids. And here I am a 32 year old guy that is working my ass off for $22 a hour. I also have a dream job of monitoring a particular game online...but the whole moral of the story is.. do your F'n homework, swallow your pride and get the most outta your school. You wanna get back at your teachers? Get a better job than theirs. Take the SATs, go to college no matter the cost right now. Or join the job corps. Don't get sent to ISS. Don't dwell on the preppy jerks, or that slutty popular girl. Live your life for you, think about it, in just a few years you're on your own... that teacher will be getting off messing with some new kid. That preppy guy will be preppy still, but never happy. That slutty cheerleader will be a mommy. You? If you worked your ass off in high school you will have a chance at happiness, but that's up to you..NOW!!
So true, reading this actually makes me want to work harder at school than I already do. Thank you for posting this 👍 !