High School

We don't get to do dissections either, not as far as I know anyway. And to be honest I'm not really bothered about it.
We had done a frog today, which I gagged a lot and spent more time looking at the wall than the frog. Tomorrow and Friday, we are doing fetal pigs. :yuck:
We dissected fetal pigs in gr.11 biology. One kid fainted but other than that it was really cool!
They disected a frog and dear hear last year and I refused to do it. Yet I gut animals when I hunt lol.
Thanks to having the most awesome teacher last year, we did loads of cool experiments (lots of fire :D ), one of them was a disection of a heart. The problem I have though is that blood/gore makes me faint. I managed to stay in the room for about 10mins and then had to go sit outside. My dad had the same problem, he once cut his head on a rafter in the loft it wasn't a bad injury it just bled quite a bit, he then passed out in the loft because of the blood.

I do like the experiments with fire though, that's more my kinda stuff. Plus to top it off I got 100% in my Physics GCSE.
Thanks to having the most awesome teacher last year, we did loads of cool experiments (lots of fire :D ), one of them was a disection of a heart. The problem I have though is that blood/gore makes me faint. I managed to stay in the room for about 10mins and then had to go sit outside. My dad had the same problem, he once cut his head on a rafter in the loft it wasn't a bad injury it just bled quite a bit, he then passed out in the loft because of the blood.

I do like the experiments with fire though, that's more my kinda stuff. Plus to top it off I got 100% in my Physics GCSE.

I'm not squeamish when it's me bleeding, but am when it's someone else or something else. Strange...

And 100% in Physics GCSE! :eek:
We did dissection of a pigs heart last year, I found it pretty horrible. :yuck:
That's what we did, although we did it this year. Only 2 people had to go outside and I felt a little light headed after we did it. We found a blood clot in ours and as our Science teacher said all of the pigs died of Natural Sources we determined that the blood clot killed it. :lol: We had to wear rubber gloves though which I found annoying.
I'm not squeamish when it's me bleeding, but am when it's someone else or something else. Strange...

And 100% in Physics GCSE! :eek:

I don't even need to see actual gore to go faint, once my brother was having a lovely discussion with my mum about organ donations in the car, it made both me and my dad feel very ill to the point where my dad needed to pull over.

I found the physics GCSE so easy, there was very complex maths, it was just most common sense to me. AS physics on the other hand is mind bogglingly hard. I'm not so good at Biology and chemistry though (only got 93% in biology and 85% in chemistry ;) ).
I wanted to get a 4.0 all through high school. Looks like I'm going to miss it by like 2% in one class. I didn't even take any AP classes. All hopes of 4.0 gone in my first year :( .
Remember how I felt unprepared about the math test yesterday? Well, this was just a rerun of the English test episode. When I faced the test, it was way easier than I expected, or at least felt that way. Now all I have to do is wait to find out if I got into Honors 9.
I've had a Shakespeare quiz today. It was multiple choice and could be passed even if you've skipped all of this week's classes. My teacher is seriously bad at creating fake answers (not that she's a bad teacher). Here's an actual question:
Where did Shakespeare spend most of his life:
(A) Tokyo
(B) Dubai
(C) New York
(D) London
^Haha. One time in biology we were asked who was the first to study genetics. One of the answer choices was Albus Dumbledore.
Today I had an AP test. I'm not supposed to discuss it. If I did discuss it, I would say that the multiple choice was easy, and I wrote a killer essay about the USPS.

So, wake up early for AP testing. Get excused from the rest of the school day. Go hang out at the park with friends.

Dang. I have practice. Havent eaten anything, havent been drinking water, got like 3 hours of sleep....

"WEST! Do you have your Blue Card (Administrative approval for sporting activities)?"

"(mutters) ****" "No.."

"Good! That will be 1000 yards of running, and do an up-down every 5 yards!"

So for my end of the year Modern World History project, I'm thinking I'll talk about Ayrton Senna. It just has to be someone that has brought major change into a country/s outside the US.
Any ideas?
So for my end of the year Modern World History project, I'm thinking I'll talk about Ayrton Senna. It just has to be someone that has brought major change into a country/s outside the US.
Any ideas?
Senna wouldn't be bad considering he was major figure in Brazil for his charity rather than just being a F1 driver. I don't know if he would be considered a major change to the country though except for the country coming together for his passing.
So for my end of the year Modern World History project, I'm thinking I'll talk about Ayrton Senna. It just has to be someone that has brought major change into a country/s outside the US.
Any ideas?

Yeah. Dont pick any of the low-hanging fruit(sarcasm) like Castro, Mao, Stalin/Lenin, Gorbachev, Noriega, Gandhi...