High School

Last time it went off was in P.E while playing dodgeball when this guy called Bezza (nickname) absolutely belted a ball at my bestfriend's face, he ducked and it hit the fire alarm.
Was quite funny outside when the teachers all went "Everyone shush, this is a very serious situation" :lol:
I'm falling behind in English class, my teacher approved me to listen to an audio version of Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger, because I have over 200 pages left to read in the novel.
I haven't had a fire drill in about a year. Last time it went off in last period and we all went home late! :grumpy: And we have such a big rivalry with a local school, we are banned from playing rugby against them as it always ended in a fight. :lol:

Are you talking about Trinity? I know you said you went to Whitgift somewhere...

Got end of year exams next week, barely revised so I'll just have to hope the tests aren't too hard :scared:
It's a lot of work, that's why my life will boring because all I'll have time for is homework.

But at least with history you already have the answers...Just read the text or google it.

With Physics, you have to worry about calculators, functions, anal teachers on units used...
Just to confirm, you go to a public school, right?

I know of many teachers who sort of support the fight for better education, but dislike the way the union is doing it (i.e. job actions).

Yeah, my school is self paced, I think it might be the only one in the country. Basically you do your courses like everyone else but you don't get in as much trouble if you finish late.
Today we received information on AP U.S. History and Honors English, and holy hell am I in for a boring year.

Try Canadian history. It's all about boring politics with a few wars where we won tough battles (we beat you guys in 1812 FYI). The rest is all "the British/Americand did this so the government did nothing/said please don't."

P.S. sorry for the double post, for some reason I ran out of characters.
Yeah, my school is self paced, I think it might be the only one in the country. Basically you do your courses like everyone else but you don't get in as much trouble if you finish late.
Sounds like a system similar to that of Kumon's. Basically, everyone gets work based on their skill level, and not their Grade, age, or whatever. It's a lot more "personal" in the sense that if somebody in your class doesn't get this or that, you won't get dragged down along with them. And if you're the one that needs help, you will get personalized teachers (for lack of a better term).

I can promise you that I learnt math a lot more quickly in Kumon than in school. Not to mention that the level of math in Canada is three grades lower than that of the equivalent international grade. So if you're learning Grade 10 math, chances are that others have learnt it already in Grade 7.
Sure, just visit any country outside of North America.

I did that stuff when I was 13 years old, and I'm not entirely intelligent.

Students of my grade (10) in my school still currently struggle to do basic algebra. (e.g. 2x+5=20)
I would like to see the average 13 year old do exponential/periodic/quadratic functions...

I did exponential and and quadratic last year as a 13 year old and I'm in America. There's a lot of nonsense being taught here but it's not completely horrible like everyone thinks.
I'm falling behind in English class, my teacher approved me to listen to an audio version of Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger, because I have over 200 pages left to read in the novel.

And I thought my parents said that reading the book yourself was faster than an audiobook. That doesn't really make sense, at least to me.
Our entire class is pretty much those three. Spent a month or two on quadratics alone, so many tests... Our class is actually called "functions", so we go pretty in depth, we did a bit of it a few years ago but nothing like this.
Sounds like a system similar to that of Kumon's. Basically, everyone gets work based on their skill level, and not their Grade, age, or whatever.

It's still based on grade, we do the same curriculum, we just get 2 classes a week of each subject and the rest of the time is supposed to be organized by yourself. Some of my friends still haven't finished grade 10. It's nice for math though, I can finish in half a term. Only take the tests.
Our entire class is pretty much those three. Spent a month or two on quadratics alone, so many tests... Our class is actually called "functions", so we go pretty in depth, we did a bit of it a few years ago but nothing like this.

Our class is called "functions" but most of the time was spent on quadratics.
Just found out because I'm not doing a resit in science (along with 2 of my friends) we don't have to do jack all in science lessons for the next 3 weeks :D
What the 🤬

I hate my state. We get out later than everyone, and go back in earlier.

Well I'm in Ireland like and most secondary schools (High Schools) get out at the end of may and go back in September.
We normally go back around August 15th but we are switching to a different schedule next year so we are going back on the 1st.
It's technically my last day tomorrow, but exams go on until 20th of June so I'll be in most days to either do exams or give work to teachers to mark for me..
You are all extremely lucky ... My school ends 12th of July and there's an half an A2 module to learn by then in every subject :( though I get 3 weeks off starting tomorrow at least :D