High School

I'm not proud I'm wondering if it's legal what they are doing because they didn't expel me they just told me not to come back this year
Quite possibly they're just suspending you for several weeks, just in time for the end of the school year. I'm not too sure if they can do that, though.
I'm not proud I'm wondering if it's legal what they are doing because they didn't expel me they just told me not to come back this year

I found this after a quick search but it's not too helpfull. http://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2010/titlexv/chapter193/section193-13/

If they don't let you pass grade 9 because of this, I think you and your parents should go talk to an administrator. I know that here, you wouldn't get suspended for skipping. You might get told that you should consider not showing up at all instead of being a distraction but that's not the same as being told not to come back. How bad was your vandalism?
Yeah... You might have some trouble with getting some sympathy.

On the other hand, why can't you just finish grade 9 in September and start grade 10 a month late?
Yeah... You might have some trouble with getting some sympathy.

On the other hand, why can't you just finish grade 9 in September and start grade 10 a month late?

Nobody will stay at the school and do that.

You should be able to make up your credits in summer school. Talk to the administration first. You need this all cleared up.
Christ. Grade 9...Give your head a shake, and take a look at what's really important. I assure you employers aren't interested in your bathroom stall demolition skills.
And its done. Winning.

Behind the Scenes(Actually worth watching):

Im the one in the various Nike polo shirts.
The tree that i nearly hit was about 2 inches from my front bumper. We didnt get the time that I nearly hit the Blonde kid with my car...

And the SWAT team? Yeah. That went down like 2 blocks from where I was ghost driving(Or attempting to Ghost drive). I came up the street, saw the cops, hit my seat REALLY fast, and slammed the seatbelt on. No ticket swag.

Main Video(super High quality thanks to my mate Carson.):

and slightly suggestive lyrics.

Feedback Greatly Appreciated!
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Because it's costing us tax dollars to repair your bad decision.

I hope it didnt. At my school you would have been sent an invoice, and if not paid, be sent to a collections agency, and reported to the police for felony vandalism.

I accidentally broke a light diffuser once.
7ft tall ceilings, mixed with my really long arms...
(Winds up to throw, begins forward motion, bangs Football and hand into light diffuser)
*Admin comes around the corner*
"Yeah, I kinda broke this...."

THEY CHARGED ME $30 for LABOUR! In addition to the $15 for the actual diffuser.
I hope it didnt. At my school you would have been sent an invoice, and if not paid, be sent to a collections agency, and reported to the police for felony vandalism.

THEY CHARGED ME $30 for LABOUR! In addition to the $15 for the actual diffuser.

Sounds like the school I went to in 9th grade. You broke even a fork or tray and you'd pay for every fee it came with.
@Noob616: Here they try to burn soap dispensers. I have an Accounting Quiz today which'll take 10 minutes max. I have 84%, I'm not satisfied with that. I'm working hard to get at least a 90 percent.
Some schools just aren't up to date on punishments these days. At the beginning of the year a group of my friends were hanging out before school. We always do, anyways one of my friends decided to dial 911 on the payphone and then hang up right away. Yeah, we all got in crap. The 4 of us bystanders had to stack chairs in all the main rooms for 2 weeks. So basically we all spent about 2 and a half hours each for not doing anything (as opposed to telling the office). My friend who dialled 911 he got sent to the police and they got inn to wash one of their cars. That's it apparently he only spent a half hour.

Sorry for the long post. I rarely get in trouble so when this happenned we were line of pissed at my friend.
I know what you mean, I rarely if ever get in trouble, but when I do, every punishment in the book is thrown at me.

Kind of disappointing considering constant trouble makers get just a slap on the wrist.
Doing some day before revision for additional maths, it depends on the test on how well I do, if some parts come up then I may scrape a B, otherwise it looking more like an E.

Additional maths hasn't been my priority this year, I just saw it as an addon to my GCSE and a taster or A level, I concentrated on other subjects. However as I have now found maths isn't a subject you can let build up.
I'm not proud I'm wondering if it's legal what they are doing because they didn't expel me they just told me not to come back this year
They kicked you out of school & told you not to come back? That sounds a lot like expulsion, suspension at the very least.

And yes, it is very legal. And if what you've done is true, they have a strong case against you.
They kicked you out of school & told you not to come back? That sounds a lot like expulsion, suspension at the very least.

And yes, it is very legal. And if what you've done is true, they have a strong case against you.
From what I remember of it (1997graduate)
Expulsion needs to go through administrative hearings.
Suspensions can be carried out indefinitely.
The state cannoy deny you an education unless you are expelled ( at least back then, in mass).

Honestly, your response and attitude over the matter here show you deserve an expulsion and IMHO a wanton destruction of property charge along with criminal mischief charges. Full restitution for repairs to your school which Includes labor as well as parts, minimum 100 hours community service cleaning public restrooms would be fitting as well.

Harsh, yup. Fitting, yup.
First final was today. It was math. It was horrible. I then went from that to playing Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh with some friends for the following 4 hours when we were supposed to be studying for our next exam. My family calls my school a 'butterflies and rainbows for grades' school.
So math isn't your thing? Math is easy for me. My math final isn't till June 13 I believe.

Had some kind of assessment is social studies class today. Not really a test, just an assessment. It wasn't too hard.
So math isn't your thing? Math is easy for me. My math final isn't till June 13 I believe.

Had some kind of assessment is social studies class today. Not really a test, just an assessment. It wasn't too hard.

what grade are you in? Socials is not the most interesting subject. Especially socials 11 when you're using a really old textbook while learning about "modern" stuff. (Have you heard about the internet yet? :lol:) The provincial is pretty easy though.
I'm an average student in all so I don't really have a thing. I had the biology EOC today and that was awkward because they are trying something new and had us do it on the computer. I was the first done so I had to wait half a hour for everyone to finish, then another hour for the proctors to realize everyone was done. We had 2 and a half hours to do it, and the proctors noticed 30 minutes before the allotted time was up, so I just sat there for a hour doing nothing.
I'm an average student in all so I don't really have a thing. I had the biology EOC today and that was awkward because they are trying something new and had us do it on the computer. I was the first done so I had to wait half a hour for everyone to finish, then another hour for the proctors to realize everyone was done. We had 2 and a half hours to do it, and the proctors noticed 30 minutes before the allotted time was up, so I just sat there for a hour doing nothing.

We had the ERBs last week, so school is technically over for me. Sophomore year starts August 22nd!!

This week and next week, we have something called "Discovery Term" where we have to like take entertaining camps in the school. I took "Game theory" and "The future in 1000 years". No academic work whatsoever. After June 8...SCHOOL OVER!!!
Additional maths wasn't as much of a failure for me as I thought it would be. 4 hours of revision the night before and questions that mostly played to my strengths (problem solving). I still missed out some questions, however came out feeling it went better and was easier than all of the mocks. I asked some of my mates and they all said they found it much harder than the mocks, also people on thestudentroom.com forum who took it are also saying they found it very hard. :) lower grade boundaries means a hopefully higher grade for me.
Well it's been a while since I posted here, but school is pretty much over for me. I have about a week left and all we've been doing is watching movies. The AP World exam 2 weeks ago was quite distressing, but I think I did a fairly good job. I've maintained my grades as well (straight As). Freshman year was OK, met some cool people and had the usual HS drama. Can't wait to leave that school in 2015.

I don't know what I'm gonna do this summer. I really wanna do something other than get headshots all day or hotlapping every car :lol:. Maybe hangout with my friends more and go to the Warped Tour with that girl :)
@pyroboy- if you did that at my school, you would just get ISS for a long time. To get expelled you have to do something unbelieveably bad- I will be a senior in 2 days(taking last final exams as a junior) and I don't think anyone has ever been expelled, although there has been some ****** things(literally) happen. Although they don't hand out expulsions, you get in trouble really easy...and I hate people like you. I'm not saying I hate you, just the people who do stuff like that.

Anyways, on to my story- Like I said, I'm a junior in H.S., about to be a senior. I play baseball for our team as an outfielder. My school opened in 1979 and has made it to the Texas 5A playoffs in pretty much every year but last year and a couple others. I make average grades(mid 80's) in pretty much everything except english, where i consistently make a 72(not that i'm illiterate or anything, theres just too many books to read). For me, H.S. HAS been the best part of my life, due to the fact of things that happened in elementary and middle school.
Unsure of what else to say...