High School

My school blocked GTP. :grumpy: Apparently because I use it too often, completely avoiding the fact that all my work is done. :rolleyes: Oh well, there's always GTP's sister site. ;)

:lol: It wasn't blocked for me, but then mysteriously a few months ago it was suddenly blocked. I wonder why... :D
:lol: It wasn't blocked for me, but then mysteriously a few months ago it was suddenly blocked. I wonder why... :D

I don't bother using the computers at school anymore. They got some program that blocks anything cool or useful. Even our teachers are pissed because we just got projectors everywhere but they can't show videos on them.
Still isn't blocked for me, but they blocked tetras and 9gag. The whole school was sad about that (even some of the teachers).
:lol: It wasn't blocked for me, but then mysteriously a few months ago it was suddenly blocked. I wonder why... :D

:lol: I'm just going to sit there all spell every spell and do nothing, and when asked why I have suddenly stopped working, it's because there is nothing to distract me, and so I can't push myself to work because I know I won't get distracted. It will most likely result in a visit to the Deputy Principal or Withdrawal, but it will be worth it!
:lol: I'm just going to sit there all spell every spell and do nothing, and when asked why I have suddenly stopped working, it's because there is nothing to distract me, and so I can't push myself to work because I know I won't get distracted. It will most likely result in a visit to the Deputy Principal or Withdrawal, but it will be worth it!
A heroic tactic, but I'm not sure it'll work. :lol:
A heroic tactic, but I'm not sure it'll work. :lol:
Works at my school because the teachers get a little confused and just tell you do get on and do your work. Only works with some teachers though. Anyway, I got my options back today. I got:

Art Photography
Triple Science
Works at my school because the teachers get a little confused and just tell you do get on and do your work. Only works with some teachers though. Anyway, I got my options back today. I got:

Art Photography
Triple Science

Triple? Good luck dude, all the people (not including me only double) who do that at my school say it's aggonising to learn. Maybe they're just being whiny 🤬's though :lol:
Triple? Good luck dude, all the people (not including me only double) who do that at my school say it's aggonising to learn. Maybe they're just being whiny 🤬's though :lol:
Yeah, my school does have a special science status though. I think we have different teachers for each one as well.
Triple science wasn't too bad when I did it .. though I had the first two exams multiple choice, and then two written papers in each subject. It's much better to learn each science individually, go into greater depth, shows you what each ones like
Triple? Good luck dude, all the people (not including me only double) who do that at my school say it's aggonising to learn. Maybe they're just being whiny 🤬's though :lol:

I have to do triple science. You can only do double if you are really struggling and they think you'll fail your GCSE.
Wow... in our school 5 and 6 are the (how to put it nicely) 'quite low ability' set. Most get E's.

In our school, 5 and 6 are the bottom two sets, so they are relatively not as clever.
In our school, 5 and 6 are the bottom two sets, so they are relatively not as clever.

We have sets:
1 (Triple Science A*)
2 Me(Double Science A's and B's)
3 (Double Science B's)
4 (Normal C's)
5 (Normal C's D's)
6 (Normal D's E's)
7 ('Special science') Not to be cruel but it's how it goes
The English school system sure sounds confusing. I just have 2 sciences left to finish grade 11 then the only courses I have to take for grade 12 is english and 3 electives.
What we did is we had to tick a box if we wanted to do it which I did and then they just picked people that they thought would pass the GCSE.
We were told we were doing a BTEC instead of our GCSE.

We went on strike and I am not kidding the whole class walked out of the science lesson we were told in.

Did the GCSE after much protest.
Works at my school because the teachers get a little confused and just tell you do get on and do your work. Only works with some teachers though. Anyway, I got my options back today. I got:

Art Photography
Triple Science

Geography is easy as long as you know basic economics, i.e. why companies have factories in poor countries and R&D in rich countries. As long ad you follow the news and use your common sense you'l be fine.

Triple science was probably the hardest thing I've done so far.
Sounds like I would hate Britain. Your school system is bonkers. I like Canada, same from kindergarten to grade 8. High school for the first two years is either applied or academic (or essential if you have a lot of trouble learning). The last 2 years is either college or university prep courses. Course codes are simple, the first number indicates your grade, letter indicates the level of the course, and the next number shows the credit value of the course. For example, grade 9 applied english is ENG 1P1, academic would be ENG 1D1. Grade 11 College prep english would be ENG 3C1, university would be ENG 3U1.
Anyone else get excited when someone new joins your year? I know I did today, and the first question that was asked was "Is she fit?" :lol: Turns out yes but she got excluded from her last school for beating up 3 people so I'll watch from afar.
Anyone else get excited when someone new joins your year? I know I did today, and the first question that was asked was "Is she fit?" :lol: Turns out yes but she got excluded from her last school for beating up 3 people so I'll watch from afar.
Sounds like someone from my school. She got kicked out of her old school for beating people up but she is fit. I don't know if it's good or bad that I flirt with her a bit. :lol:
I have to do triple science. You can only do double if you are really struggling and they think you'll fail your GCSE.

I'm in SAL (Accelerated Learning) and they just automatically put you down for triple, and set 2 and below do double I believe.
Anyone else get excited when someone new joins your year? I know I did today, and the first question that was asked was "Is she fit?" :lol: Turns out yes but she got excluded from her last school for beating up 3 people so I'll watch from afar.

Hahaha I use to be like that at school. As soon as a new girl came.. Fit? Keen?...
Sounds like someone from my school. She got kicked out of her old school for beating people up but she is fit. I don't know if it's good or bad that I flirt with her a bit. :lol:

Well she's from one of the schools that hates us if that makes a difference. Which brings me onto another question, anyone else schools have rivalry's because we have 3 :lol: Woop!
Well she's from one of the schools that hates us if that makes a difference. Which brings me onto another question, anyone else schools have rivalry's because we have 3 :lol: Woop!

Not really. A few of the... less pleasant people at my school like to insult students who go to an expensive private school nearby.