High School

Were going to narrate it in French to make it count. But I just thought it was fun anyways.

Anyone care to take a crack at what car noise is played for the Tracker/Vitara?
Something serious has just happened at my school. On Friday, a website was set up with a list of 4 schools around our area and names of people who are (🤬 to keep this AUP friendly) with unsavory content taken from their Facebook accounts (some of them were private and taken out of context :scared:). The police got involved and it got shut down.

But now it's apparently back online and now has 22 schools from as far north as the southern suburbs of Sydney (about 60km north from where I am) to the next district along (about 50km south from where I am). We had an extra ordinary assembly today, mainly just info that was handed down from the police, but now the whole school knows about it. Quite disturbing, it just reaffirms that there are some sick people in this world
Something serious has just happened at my school. On Friday, a website was set up with a list of 4 schools around our area and names of people who are (🤬 to keep this AUP friendly) with unsavory content taken from their Facebook accounts (some of them were private and taken out of context :scared:). The police got involved and it got shut down.

But now it's apparently back online and now has 22 schools from as far north as the southern suburbs of Sydney (about 60km north from where I am) to the next district along (about 50km south from where I am). We had an extra ordinary assembly today, mainly just info that was handed down from the police, but now the whole school knows about it. Quite disturbing, it just reaffirms that there are some sick people in this world

Woah, that is messed up... :crazy:

Anyway, I had an entire lesson without a teacher today. We had cover work set out for us but a cover teacher just didn't appear... I did the work, finishing it about halfway through the lesson and then just sat there chatting. Some less intelligent people haven't done any work and had a 'Paper Plane Fight', so they will probably be in bother next lesson...
Woah, that is messed up... :crazy:

Anyway, I had an entire lesson without a teacher today. We had cover work set out for us but a cover teacher just didn't appear... I did the work, finishing it about halfway through the lesson and then just sat there chatting. Some less intelligent people haven't done any work and had a 'Paper Plane Fight', so they will probably be in bother next lesson...

That happens surprisingly regularly for me. :lol: We're meant to send someone to the office if nobody turns up after 10 minutes, but we usually 'forget'. :D
^ We had that happen once. It's pretty fun.

Edit: @E28

Also, I'm normally not a grammar nazi but our homeroom teacher is the school's top english teacher. On the board he wrote "Lit. Books due Tuesday (put them on there backside)" or something like that.
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My class sat in the room when this happened with the lights off to fool any passing admins, and windows open so we could see. The admins patrol the halls at my school and it was funny when they caught the people that did it. They came up with some bull crap excuse for why the lights were off.
Woah, that is messed up... :crazy:

Anyway, I had an entire lesson without a teacher today. We had cover work set out for us but a cover teacher just didn't appear... I did the work, finishing it about halfway through the lesson and then just sat there chatting. Some less intelligent people haven't done any work and had a 'Paper Plane Fight', so they will probably be in bother next lesson...

The rule at college is 15 mins then tell the office if still no teacher then your free to go and the lesson is off.
Something serious has just happened at my school. On Friday, a website was set up with a list of 4 schools around our area and names of people who are (🤬 to keep this AUP friendly) with unsavory content taken from their Facebook accounts (some of them were private and taken out of context :scared:). The police got involved and it got shut down.

But now it's apparently back online and now has 22 schools from as far north as the southern suburbs of Sydney (about 60km north from where I am) to the next district along (about 50km south from where I am). We had an extra ordinary assembly today, mainly just info that was handed down from the police, but now the whole school knows about it. Quite disturbing, it just reaffirms that there are some sick people in this world

:yuck: Ewww!
Our english teacher returned today after being off for 3 weeks, no explanation or anything. Just straight back to her usual bellow par teaching. What is annoying though is how the head of english agreed with us last week when she was teaching us that our normal english teacher wasn't doing what she was meant to be doing and that the head of english would help us to prepare for the exam. However today the head of english came into our lesson, complaining on how we weren't being co operative to our teacher who was away for 3 weeks, and how much extra work she put in and now we weren't listening to our teacher (even though the extra work she put in was because of our teachers failings.), and we have all lots any respect for this teacher who was away because she seems to have a thin vineer of caring put apart from that isn't prepared to do anything. She says that its unfair we don't pay much attention because of the amount of effort she puts in to planning lessons, however all she does is print off a poem, and occasionally a model answer of the AQA websie and then get us to discuss them and write our own.

Worst of all our exam is on Thursday, and I know hardly anything of it, and best of all our last lesson before the exam she is making us all take a test instead of allowing us to revise what we think we need too.

Rant over.
Thurday is going to be terrible, I just know I'll fail my English. Well at least if I do it's only lit not language so it's not as necessary, right?
I know, this kind of thing hasn't happened before (to my knowledge) on this scale :ill:.

I got questioned by an officer for supposedly creating a fake account on FB for my best friend for supposedly harrasing him. I was like WTF? He's my best friend lol I would never do that.
So I'm basically about to "ragequit" on my French group. Here's a brief narrative-

Instructor-"The Final project can be presented in any fashion, within reason. Each person must tell a story, or part of a story, in past tense, 25 sentences. Time is limited to 12 minutes "
Carson-"Ha! Yes! Lets do a movie!"
Me-"Totally! Like a James Bond style thing?"
Carson- "Yeah!"
JJ- "Oh, count me in!"

-More thought occurs-

Me- "We need a girl, obviously. Just as a stand-in. Lets ask (The most attractive girl in French class, who is actually intelligent, and actually talks to us)"
Her-"No Sorry! find a random girl at the dock and pay her to do it!"

-Some days go by, And I get an UNSOLICITED text from Emily, the subject of my current interest. Important to know that we're friends anyways-

Emily- "So what is your project?"
Emily- "So can I be in your group?"
Me- "Oh yeah, sure, totally that will work!"

-Next day-
Carson- "WHAT?! You told her she could be in?! Thats literally 100 sentences in a 12 minute video!"
Ryan- "No no, it's totally cool. It will work. Trust me."

-Another day-
Emily-So when is the filming?
Me-This weekend, both days. But it's cool cause we'll get to hang out a bunch.
Emily- Oh.. Well my Birthday party is on Saturday, so can I just come in the morning? Im totally free Sunday
Me- Yeah! We can do that!

Carson- .... Wow. You're really good at being whipped by someone who isnt even your girlfriend!

So we get the filming done, but still need to narrate the thing in French, otherwise it's just a really sick video

The filming- A day out at the lake, on a SAILBOAT (So Awesome) with all 4 of us. So much fun. And I got to drive her around to and from the lake, to go get lunch, all that good stuff.

Me- So after school this week, like Tuesday and Thursday?
Everyone-Yeah that will work

(School gets over at 2:30)
Emily- I can only stay after school till like 3:45
Thought to self- WHAT?! No! That isnt anywhere near enough time!
-Calls carson-
Carson- Hell no! This is going to take at LEAST 3 hours.

And now I wait to see how late she can actually stay. And now my mate Carson is a bit peeved that this is all going wrong as a result of me not controlling my actions when a girl asks me something.
School is getting easy, you just have to put up with it these days, we're almost to the end of the Year, and I'm doing well. I think so, anyway, Sheepies is the plural of Sheep right?
*English Exam*

Thurday is going to be terrible, I just know I'll fail my English. Well at least if I do it's only lit not language so it's not as necessary, right?

Are these mocks or the full blown exams? I've got mid-years coming up so we've only been halfway through all the topics. What stuff are you guys learning for English? I've got A Streetcar Named Desire, I Henry IV and some poems.
On a more positive note- Here is the Intro for our French film.

A Massive thanks to my Film-School bound mate Carson!

And for those who missed it, here is the original Teaser. I am the goofy-looking one who is driving the Tracker/Vitara

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School is getting easy, you just have to put up with it these days, we're almost to the end of the Year, and I'm doing well. I think so, anyway, Sheepies is the plural of Sheep right?

That color font is SO annoying.
School is getting easy, you just have to put up with it these days, we're almost to the end of the Year, and I'm doing well. I think so, anyway, Sheepies is the plural of Sheep right?

The plural form of sheep is sheep.
That color font is SO annoying.

Good thing everything on the phone is one standard, black font.

But I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail math, science, and english. Actually i know I will. I passed math last semester with a 60.08%, and have like a 40%-50% now. I failed science and english. I might pass health, and might pass computer apps, but one thing is for sure is that even if I fail my gym exam I'll still pass it (I have an A-) I'm already doing summerschool which really shouldnt be that bad. School ends Thursday and then I have a week off and then back to school.
Good thing everything on the phone is one standard, black font.

But I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail math, science, and english. Actually i know I will. I passed math last semester with a 60.08%, and have like a 40%-50% now. I failed science and english. I might pass health, and might pass computer apps, but one thing is for sure is that even if I fail my gym exam I'll still pass it (I have an A-) I'm already doing summerschool which really shouldnt be that bad. School ends Thursday and then I have a week off and then back to school.
I'm on the app, I still see it.
And that teaser video is really cool, needs a real gun though.

No, it's so flashy, and distracting that I can't even focus on what he's trying to post.
It would get snnoying if every post was like that, but doing one like that is pretty cool.
I don't think thst anybody would always do that, just click the quote button on his post...
My school blocked GTP. :grumpy: Apparently because I use it too often, completely avoiding the fact that all my work is done. :rolleyes: Oh well, there's always GTP's sister site. ;)
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I should just bury myself. My Graphic Design 2 Flash Project worth 100 Points Corrupted right when I was just about to turn it in. I also have 4 D's.. I hate life.
Are these mocks or the full blown exams? I've got mid-years coming up so we've only been halfway through all the topics. What stuff are you guys learning for English? I've got A Streetcar Named Desire, I Henry IV and some poems.

Full blown exam, 1.5 hours of analysing poetry, oh yay.