High School

IT BEGINS. Today was my first day back, though it was only an hour long. Tomorrow will begin my first full day. Last year I got locker 729 on the second floor, which actually worked, but this year I'm stuck with 106 on the first floor. Why is this a problem? Okay, it's close to my first class, but IT'S ON THE BOTTOM. Also, I'm starting Grade 9. Isn't 9 an upside down 6? Cause I started Grade 6 in 2009. Yeah, nobody cares. Here's my schedule, but it doesn't seem all that final yet, and I think it's only a Day 1, don't know Day 2. Or maybe it is, but I'm not taking it as final just yet. I'll just go by it for now.

Period I: Art (Same teacher as last year!)
Period II: English
Period III: Math
Period IV: PE (Wonder what grade I can stop having to do it)
Period V: Science
Period VI: Social Studies
Period VII: Something involving computers, introduction to programming or something
Period VIII: Course Support

I'm okay with this. The only class I probably won't care for is PE, cause I'm not the athletic type. Wonder how this will play out over the 2 day schedule. We'll find out. The tenth 10 month grind has just begun.
Had my first day today. Nice to get back, but then all the lectures from teachers about GCSEs and stuff really put a downer on the good mood. My form is pretty decent, though it's in the art department which is nowhere near anything else, and so far my teachers are ok too. Plus, only 7 weeks until half term! Yay! :dopey:
I think I still hold the world record for fastest time to get expelled from a High School... I didn't even do anything... :confused:
My first day back is tomorrow. It depresses me thinking about it. Just looking at my uniform hanging off my wardrobe doors. It's just staring at me. I hate it. It's just... bleh.

I know for a fact I'll get the worst teachers and the worst kids in my classes. The only classes I know of the students in them are Maths, which is pretty much the same as last year, P.E., which is also pretty much the same as last year, French which seems to have an alright mix of people in, and I know of one or two people in my History. I have a gut feeling I'll be the only girl in my Resistant Materials class, as there is only one other girl I know of that chose it too, and we probably won't be in the same class. I'm going to have all the dumbpoops and chavs in my Science because I chose BTEC Science... sometimes wish I hadn't.

Ah well. Another 18 months or so and I'll be off to college to study motor vehicle engineering. :D
Roger the Horse
I think I still hold the world record for fastest time to get expelled from a High School... I didn't even do anything... :confused:
Silly horse. Schools are for kids.
My first day back is tomorrow. It depresses me thinking about it. Just looking at my uniform hanging off my wardrobe doors. It's just staring at me. I hate it. It's just... bleh.

I know for a fact I'll get the worst teachers and the worst kids in my classes. The only classes I know of the students in them are Maths, which is pretty much the same as last year, P.E., which is also pretty much the same as last year, French which seems to have an alright mix of people in, and I know of one or two people in my History. I have a gut feeling I'll be the only girl in my Resistant Materials class, as there is only one other girl I know of that chose it too, and we probably won't be in the same class. I'm going to have all the dumbpoops and chavs in my Science because I chose BTEC Science... sometimes wish I hadn't.

Ah well. Another 18 months or so and I'll be off to college to study motor vehicle engineering. :D

I wanted to do car designing, but for some reason they put me in psychology O_o
Hate when that happens.

It took me about twenty minutes to realize I was in the wrong class and my ex probably gonna be in my orchestra class. We have block days
A days
Japanese 2, social studies, gym, English
B days algebra 2, psychology (going to switch to car design), biology and orchestra.
Well, I was correct in assuming that this year would suck. I hate all except one of my classes, one other one is meh. Right now I have...

Block 1- Web Design (I'm trying to get it changed to photography)
Block 2- American Studies, only one that seems okay.
Lunch- Only know of one person I'm friends with in it.
Block 3- Geometry- Probably my most hated class of all since I hate all except, oh, three people?
Block 4- Wood Manufacturing, seems meh. I have a good friend in this one at least.

Plus I had a schedule which was wrong so I had to awkwardly sit in the wrong class until I was sent to the office to figure it out...
Well, I was correct in assuming that this year would suck. I hate all except one of my classes, one other one is meh. Right now I have...

Block 1- Web Design (I'm trying to get it changed to photography)
Block 2- American Studies, only one that seems okay.
Lunch- Only know of one person I'm friends with in it.
Block 3- Geometry- Probably my most hated class of all since I hate all except, oh, three people?
Block 4- Wood Manufacturing, seems meh. I have a good friend in this one at least.

Plus I had a schedule which was wrong so I had to awkwardly sit in the wrong class until I was sent to the office to figure it out...

Who needs photography when you have GT5? Lol and have fun with wood manufacturing, try and build a Morgan
My Spanish teacher decided to switch classrooms without telling anyone. Sure, it's a small school, but 360 people in that small of an area is still crowded. Everyone was late and she still counted us as late. In chemistry, my teacher had decided to try and flip the class, so if that is successful, we will be done with that class in half a year, though pretty much all we've done so far in there is watch science videos.
My Spanish teacher decided to switch classrooms without telling anyone. Sure, it's a small school, but 360 people in that small of an area is still crowded. Everyone was late and she still counted us as late. In chemistry, my teacher had decided to try and flip the class, so if that is successful, we will be done with that class in half a year, though pretty much all we've done so far in there is watch science videos.

My history class is a freezer. Brrr
Who needs photography when you have GT5? Lol and have fun with wood manufacturing, try and build a Morgan

:lol: I'd rather do photography than web design. I was gonna try to make a wooden Porsche emblem if I can. I dunno how hard it'd be to paint though...
:lol: I'd rather do photography than web design. I was gonna try to make a wooden Porsche emblem if I can. I dunno how hard it'd be to paint though...

Make a McLaren logo. It's easier and it's cooler
Alex- You should probably stop double-posting. The mods dont like that.

School today was quite easy as usual. I sort of feel like a prick for saying it...
Senior year is sooooo easy.
Alex- You should probably stop double-posting. The mods dont like that.

School today was quite easy as usual. I sort of feel like a prick for saying it...
Senior year is sooooo easy.

Tomarrow is my first day, and my best friend neighbor who has been home-schooled for her whole life her parents are letting her go to public school for the first time, she has been posting on Facebook about how she is scarred of the bells :lol:

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