SHORTY!!! YOU'RE SHORTER THAN A ASIAN!!!! China- 1 America -0
Psh, I'm 5ft tall. Or should I say, 5ft small.
Today wasn't that bad. For the first period we stayed in our form rooms (or 'base' rooms as we call them in my school) to get our new planners and timetables and catch up on what everyone did over the summer break. I admit, my timetable did surprise me and the teachers aren't that bad. The classes however, have almost no one in that I talk to, and the ones that do, my friends are sat on the other side of the room. That makes me turn into a mute and go all shy and if I need help I'm too shy to ask for it.
I started with double History today, which wasn't that bad, apart from the fact I was shivering all the way through because someone thought it'd be a nice idea to have all the windows open, when the room is on the very top floor of the school. I mainly chose History because we're learning about American history, 1919 - 1929 in paticular. The Roaring Twenties and Moonshine interests me a lot, paticularly because when my great grandad lived in Canada he did a lot of Moonshine business... so I'm told, anyway

. Then after we've finished that topic we move onto German history, mainly Hitler's Germany, how he ran it, and what went on before the war started, how it started etc., which interests me too. Then we'll move onto Britian through the World Wars, what life was like back home, how Britain coped, how they tried to keep peace and stuff. So History isn't that bad.
Then I had Maths, which is virtually the same class as last year, except one of my friends moved into it and the annoying popular guy moved out, although my friend sits on the other side of the room, so... made no difference. We were just basically revising angles and stuff... bleh.
Then I had Science, and discovered that it was indeed full of chavs, and nobody I knew was in there. So, what did Miss decide to do? Work in groups the whole lesson! So I was that kid who's left over after everyone gets into groups and is awkwardly looking around. Yeah... that wasn't fun. I even asked to change from BTEC to Dual Core & Additional, but my brilliant school basically just went, "...Cool story bro!" and ignored my request to be moved.
I haven't had Resistant Materials (woodshop, basically) yet, but I know the other girl I know who chose it isn't in mine because she started with double Resistant Materials today. Euughh.
We also have 'life skills' as a subject now. Rumour has it that we learn to iron and stuff in it. Right. Should be interesting watching the lads do that.