High School

Yeah, it's horrible to even think about what they did.
And then some little 🤬 draws swastikas all over the place.
Lol ghost Jesus
Thankfully no one did that here and everyone was very respectful.
At least it knocked a bit of sense into them, I meant in general when you go into the washroom and there is that kind of crap everywhere.
It's kind of sad at how people can be so ignorant about stuff like that, if everybody spent one HOUR in the shoes of a person inside a concentration camp, then there would be far less racism in the world.
Thank god to get out of it..the worst was year 10-11, I was alienated by the classmate (of year 10-11) esp the males because I sometime hang out with a male friend, a year lower than me who is quite effeminate. When it comes to finding a partner in the science lab/sharing a book/etc anything that has to be with another person, everyone tries to avoid sharing/sitting with me unless he doesn't have a choice. It certainly helps to enforce the loner status since year 9.

Apparently, the reason why the males (especially the jocks) are kinda distant with me is because they thought I'm gay.

The jocks spread their stupid conclusion (with me not knowing) to the rest of the year 10 and 11, because I hang out with an effeminate friend :rolleyes: (A female classmate told me this).

I manage to get through the last year with a fight with a tomboy girl who is so sure that I was gay because I sometime act quite childish (was 14-15 y/o and was the youngest child).

Most of us when to our different college after we finish our O'levels..

The jock group likes to act (very) gay sometimes to each other like hugging, almost kissing, seating on each other's lap, etc2 especially in class . Most of the jocks went to a different college than mine but still in one district and I heard through the same old female classmate who goes to the same college that some of them are now (sort off) openly bisexual/gay....

At first I was like :odd: and then :eek: when she really confirmed it.

Then I was :mad: because of them spreading stupid rumors about me in HS while some themselves are closeted gay/bi and you know what really :irked: me is that they weren't alienated or whatever like they did to me because most of the them are rugby players = apparently helps to boost your social hierarchy position to a very high one

Another strange thing is that 80% of the year 11 males in HS who went to the same college with them didn't treat them like they did to me where most of the guys was a little bit homophobic to me. No, they happily accepted them :)


Double standard much?

They're using me as a scapegoat all this time :banghead:

Remember the girl I had a fight with?

She is now a bisexual human being and currently in relationship with a girl..:rolleyes:

Thats really screwed up, good luck man. I made the mistake of choosing to hang out with one small group of friends in middle school and now all but one of them have moved away or gone to higher level schools. As a result, when the last in my group moves away at the end of this year, I won't have anyone to hang out with. I have plenty of school friends, (I'm pretty distant at first, but once you get to know me I'm an incredibly loyal friend.) but none on the level where we go do stuff together. And in high school grade 11 when the social network of relationships is nearly set like concrete, its nearly impossible to join a new group, the people seem so shallow to me anyway. So I mostly use my time after school working out, studying and playing video games. However I suspect college is going to be better, because I went to a leadership conference in DC, I met a whole new set of people and became great friends with them in 5 days. The only difference was, that the friendship was mutual. When we divided into groups multiple small groups wanted me to join them. What I need is a fresh start, and anyone else out there having trouble, it will get better. Sorry about the UBER MEGA post, and if you actually read all this you are great.If you didn't I'm not offended.👍
I'm not saying that, I'm saying they haven't figured out that people besides themselves are important too and aren't mature enough.

Bopop4 I'm in German III and some dirtbag has etched a swastika into the back of my textbook. Needless to say I don't study my German book in classes with people that don't know me. Its easy to draw conclusions about a guy studying German from a book with a swastika on the back.
We finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front today in English. The next thing we are reading is gonna be Life of Pi. I have never heard of that book before in my life.
Hmm how do I sum my high school up, actually I can't without breaking some form of AUP rule.
But what I can say is that teachers expect far too much of you, I'm in top set for French and I got accused of not revising for a test because I got an F (everyone else got A-C) when in fact I'd revised my sweet little tooshie off for a week straight, why can't she realise that I can't actually do the damn work!
Well at least I have science and maths on my side aye...
Had a big lock down today. This is what l posted in the other thread.

Its been interesting. I've had some bad reactions to some meds so l was in and out of the nurse all day. Well when i went into there during lunch there was apparently a suspicious person walking around the cafeteria right during lunch. We went into lockdown. Found out it was some crazy old guy that said he just graduated and wanted his transcripts. Everyone was forced into a room because we didn't know if this guy had a gun or anything. I was leaving for doctor right as groups of sheriffs stormed in. And thats all l know.
In our Grade 11 English class we are in novel study groups, either reading To Kill A Mockingbird or Life of Pi. I'm glad I chose to read To Kill A Mockingbird, because the group reading Life of Pi says that book sucks.
Hmm how do I sum my high school up, actually I can't without breaking some form of AUP rule.
But what I can say is that teachers expect far too much of you, I'm in top set for French and I got accused of not revising for a test because I got an F (everyone else got A-C) when in fact I'd revised my sweet little tooshie off for a week straight, why can't she realise that I can't actually do the damn work!
Well at least I have science and maths on my side aye...
I feel for you I hated school too.
Phew well knowing I will finally get away from the bloody chavs (at school at least) is quite a relief. Being a nerd I really haven't got much defence despite being 6'0 tall :D


At college the teachers respect you as equals. At my school teachers seemed to think they were better than me. Also lessons are going to be what you want to study not a random maths lesson that you find boring for example. (Not that you don't like maths its an example)

Also as a whole college is better. You get more free time (Well I do) and there are things you can actually do such as there is a common room at my college with an xbox, gamming pc's, music etc.
Hmm how do I sum my high school up, actually I can't without breaking some form of AUP rule.
But what I can say is that teachers expect far too much of you, I'm in top set for French and I got accused of not revising for a test because I got an F (everyone else got A-C) when in fact I'd revised my sweet little tooshie off for a week straight, why can't she realise that I can't actually do the damn work!
Well at least I have science and maths on my side aye...
Wait, so you're saying that it's ridiculous for a teacher to expect you to get a better grade than an "F"? If you don't understand something, it's your fault; it's your responsibility to learn whatever you need to catch up with the rest of your class.
Nice, I have to do R.E as it's compulsory in my school (Catholic) and I find myself asking the same question. Why?!? I think doing some extra science lessons would help me a damn site more and I actually find it interesting... okay maybe that's partially down to my science teacher being really fit but my argument still stands!
Wait, so you're saying that it's ridiculous for a teacher to expect you to get a better grade than an "F"? If you don't understand something, it's your fault; it's your responsibility to learn whatever you need to catch up with the rest of your class.

She just thinks that my grade is so low because I've been doing jack all when in fact I've been doing quite the opposite. However I do see your point and it's a valid one I'll accept.
Got my mid-term report card today. I have 75 in Marketing, 84 in Accounting (4M online course), 89 in Functions (3M Math), and 92 in English (3U). Kind of shocking, considering that English used to be my weakest marks until last year. I've given 110% effort every day, and am proud of what I have achieved so far, have to keep up the good work.

At college the teachers respect you as equals. At my school teachers seemed to think they were better than me. Also lessons are going to be what you want to study not a random maths lesson that you find boring for example. (Not that you don't like maths its an example)

Also as a whole college is better. You get more free time (Well I do) and there are things you can actually do such as there is a common room at my college with an xbox, gamming pc's, music etc.

Can't wait for college, although high school isn't bad nowadays as it's easyish, compared to what A-levels look like anyway :scared:. What subjects did you take ?

CallumfromLeeds I agree 100%. I don't even go to a religious school but we still waste hours doing pointless subjects such as RE, at the expense of science lessons, naturally.
Can't wait for college, although high school isn't bad nowadays as it's easyish, compared to what A-levels look like anyway :scared:. What subjects did you take ?

CallumfromLeeds I agree 100%. I don't even go to a religious school but we still waste hours doing pointless subjects such as RE, at the expense of science lessons, naturally.

Taking A Level History, Sociology and Philosophy first year. Its not as hard as it looks once you start it.
I just remembered a saying which goes hand-in-hand with high school:
Those who can, do, those who can't, teach, and those who can't teach, they teach aswell.
What's history like ? To be honest it looks fairly easy, compared to Physics and Maths anyway.

Physics I tried for a week. Was never good at maths so don't take my word for it but dropped out. I took it as I was good at science at school and thought I could get by in the maths area. Above GCSE science requires good amount of maths.

History is quite good. Done one topic on British politics 1918 to 53 and now doing a source based exam in may on Germany 1933 to 63.

People get caught out in history though as the way you write essays is very different to school.

BTW I am offering help in history as its my best subject for anyone. (They don't do sociology and philosophy below A level do they?)

Although I am off to bed. Got 6 hours of lessons tomorow :grumpy: But then WEEKEND :D
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Nope no sociology or philosophy. I find History extremely easy in school, I'm sure it's the exam board making it far too easy though as nobody pays attention in class but we all still get at least B's. It is always interesting too so I think that helps.

I'm bad at science but good at maths, so I hope to take Physics. Only got a B in Physics and I'm hoping my Maths results will be enough to get on the course although I can't be sure.

Science is probably one of my worst subjects as I spend hours revising it and still only scrape through. :indiff: Whereas Geography and History I do next to no revision and get better grades. I see little value in taking Geography in College though.
I'm not saying that, I'm saying they haven't figured out that people besides themselves are important too and aren't mature enough.

Bopop4 I'm in German III and some dirtbag has etched a swastika into the back of my textbook. Needless to say I don't study my German book in classes with people that don't know me. Its easy to draw conclusions about a guy studying German from a book with a swastika on the back.

You could try to fill in the lines to make it a window shape.
And in grade 9 or 10 (I forget) history, we watched "The boy in the striped pajamas", I don't think that anybody said a single word during the last quarter of it.
Today after school I was learning traditional grip for snare since it looks like I might have to play snare and be section leader this year (which is actually bad), and there was an announcement for everyone to leave the building. I don't know what happened but there were police and dogs. Do you think huge drug bust (less likely because people have left) or bomb scare or what? They wouldn't tell us.
I have a problem on my hands between my two friends.

I have one friend (Sam) who hates one of my friends (Maurice) and no matter how much I try I can't make amends between them.

Sam thinks that Maurice is plain annoying and makes rude remarks to mostly everything Maurice says.

Maurice is friends with me and is seldom rude to Sam.

How do I fix this??

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