High Speed Ring F430 Z06 GT-R 00-10-20-30-40-50

  • Thread starter Tomf4i03
Where the heck were all of you earlier? I've been here on HSR and on Daytona Oval all weekend and barely seen a single GTP tag! Then again, I usually try to race earlier in the day when I'm both awake and beer-less. I probably wouldn't be much use trying to join in now :)
Where the heck were all of you earlier? I've been here on HSR and on Daytona Oval all weekend and barely seen a single GTP tag! Then again, I usually try to race earlier in the day when I'm both awake and beer-less. I probably wouldn't be much use trying to join in now :)

There's normally 7 or 8 of us knocking about in the 'midnight club' always very good racing. Look out for me, i'm the one bouncing off the walls.
You do not bounce of the walls matt1245, we have had some great races & look forward to many more!!!!
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I'm an irresponsible guy, but this night was one of those when it's hard to stop saying "just one more". Very fast, very clean (with the usual exceptions) racers out there. Thank you all, GT5P should always be this way. 👍 👍 👍

PS - Burnout, you were missed. btw, met tonight two great (I don't mean just "good", I mean "great") PTs, like you and me. "Mestre_Andre" (red Ferrari) and "MASF_BRA" (black GTR). If you guys read this, hope to meet you again soon on the track.
very good night of racing..big thank you to fellow GTP,GTPR & independent racers for many memorable battles (especially GTP_Sarlech but it's already in another thread)

big props to GTP_maX for afternoon racing,you are one hell of a fast&clean racer out there in your black GT-R,it's good that we put behind some past misunderstandings..I look forward to racing you again..cheers
(...)PS - Burnout, you were missed. btw, met tonight two great (I don't mean just "good", I mean "great") PTs, like you and me. "Mestre_Andre" (red Ferrari) and "MASF_BRA" (black GTR). If you guys read this, hope to meet you again soon on the track.

Thanks, I just could not stay connected. Every 5/6 races I would see the grid full of GTPers, join, and when I was about to start racing: "You have been disconnected from the server". I think from 23.30 to 1.30 I did 2 or 3 races. I was going bonkers, I'm sure tonight it will be better, even if it means hacking the neighbors WiFi :)

About MESTRE_ANDRE, I can confirm your impressions although I only raced him twice.
Hi guys,

If you should see me online today and I really suck, it's because I'm still practicing with my G25. Just so you know :sly:.
Hi guys,

If you should see me online today and I really suck, it's because I'm still practicing with my G25. Just so you know :sly:.
Ha, when I get back home from work in a few hours, I'll certainly give it a try, because it might be the only opportunity for me to beat you for once with the Z06. :dopey:
Thanks for som good racing last night. Lots of fun. Tell me does anybody know whats the reasons for grid positions?

I'm getting a lot of position 10, 11 and 12 even if they are all same cars. My friend Stealthwinner usualy gets higher positions and there are no differenses in win statistics or anything else between us.

Conserning the racer with connection problems. I had the same going on some days ago. I removed power to the router a while - problem fixed. Only time it's happend to me and after that night there's been no trubble.

Sorry for my bad spelling - and my dubble posting - should have used the edit button
happy racing!
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I'll be as soon as my son(10months old) falls to sleep or my wife gets home from work...
Right now it's impossible to drive since i gotta hold him on my lap(he's bit overtired)

Btw me and JuqqA are on skype allways when we race(if you got comp and skype near where you play, add zd_inkkari to your skype contacts)
Thanks for som good racing last night. Lots of fun. Tell me does anybody know whats the reasons for grid positions?

I'm getting a lot of position 10, 11 and 12 even if they are all same cars. My friend Stealthwinner usualy gets higher positions and there are no differenses in win statistics or anything else between us.

Conserning the racer with connection problems. I had the same going on some days ago. I removed power to the router a while - problem fixed. Only time it's happend to me and after that night there's been no trubble.

Sorry for my bad spelling - and my dubble posting - should have used the edit button
happy racing!

Your starting position is based on the PP of your car. So if its a 600PP race and your car is set to exactly 600PP then you'll be near the back of the pack. I often set my car to 595PP so I can start up front or at least be in the front half of the pack.

EDIT: For this particular race, I think the GT-R starts up front, then the Ferrari, and then the Z06 based on stock PP ratings. I believe it randomly picks the order of the Ferrari's if there happens to be more than one in the race - same for the other models also.
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EDIT: For this particular race, I think the GT-R starts up front, then the Ferrari, and then the Z06 based on stock PP ratings. I believe it randomly picks the order of the Ferrari's if there happens to be more than one in the race - same for the other models also.

I don't think it's random, since I can see a pattern. As an example, there was one night where in almost every ocasion I would be always the last Nissan, and Slicecom the 1st Ferrari.

One other pattern is that, when ENERGIYA is racing (GTR, like me), 99% of the races he starts behind me.

I think maybe it has to do with your connection, or the timing of you hitting "X" (Start), don't know ...

A few things worthy of mention. Since the update, I notice many more "strange" things happening in the start of races. Mostly they make me laugh, like once last night when Southslider (I think it was him) came all the way from the back at maybe 300 km/h, on the grass, completely without control of his car, and passed the entire field (I just imagined what his face would be like at that moment, like "whooooaaaaaaa ....." :lol: ).

The strangest thing also happened to me (and this one didn't make me laugh :dopey: ) and it was beggining the race - with a GTR - at the back of the field, behind maybe 10 Ferraris. It was a nice race, slipstreaming all the way and finishing 5th or 6th (I guess it was 5th, because sausages stopped just before the finish line, don't know why).
I don't think it's random, since I can see a pattern. As an example, there was one night where in almost every ocasion I would be always the last Nissan, and Slicecom the 1st Ferrari.

One other pattern is that, when ENERGIYA is racing (GTR, like me), 99% of the races he starts behind me.

I think maybe it has to do with your connection, or the timing of you hitting "X" (Start), don't know ...

A few things worthy of mention. Since the update, I notice many more "strange" things happening in the start of races. Mostly they make me laugh, like once last night when Southslider (I think it was him) came all the way from the back at maybe 300 km/h, on the grass, completely without control of his car, and passed the entire field (I just imagined what his face would be like at that moment, like "whooooaaaaaaa ....." :lol: ).

The strangest thing also happened to me (and this one didn't make me laugh :dopey: ) and it was beggining the race - with a GTR - at the back of the field, behind maybe 10 Ferraris. It was a nice race, slipstreaming all the way and finishing 5th or 6th (I guess it was 5th, because sausages stopped just before the finish line, don't know why).

Maybe the randomness includes basic things like the color of the car. ;)
I don't think it's random, since I can see a pattern. As an example, there was one night where in almost every ocasion I would be always the last Nissan, and Slicecom the 1st Ferrari.

One other pattern is that, when ENERGIYA is racing (GTR, like me), 99% of the races he starts behind me.

I think maybe it has to do with your connection, or the timing of you hitting "X" (Start), don't know ...

A few things worthy of mention. Since the update, I notice many more "strange" things happening in the start of races. Mostly they make me laugh, like once last night when Southslider (I think it was him) came all the way from the back at maybe 300 km/h, on the grass, completely without control of his car, and passed the entire field (I just imagined what his face would be like at that moment, like "whooooaaaaaaa ....." :lol: ).

The strangest thing also happened to me (and this one didn't make me laugh :dopey: ) and it was beggining the race - with a GTR - at the back of the field, behind maybe 10 Ferraris. It was a nice race, slipstreaming all the way and finishing 5th or 6th (I guess it was 5th, because sausages stopped just before the finish line, don't know why).

I've got a whhooooooaaaaa yesterday. Starting speed 358. Verry suprising. I had to wait for prudebear halvf a lap to have some god racing.

Conserning the quest for starting grid i dosent seem to be connected to when youre hitting the X. We've tried this and it didnt seem to have any effect on the positions.

Maybe i need to change the car color:dopey:
big props to GTP_maX for afternoon racing,you are one hell of a fast&clean racer out there in your black GT-R,it's good that we put behind some past misunderstandings..I look forward to racing you again..cheers

Always a pleasure racing with you also mr_geez , and i apreciate the nice words.
Hi everybody

After a very nice battle against Racer_LP yesterday, I decided to join this forum aswell. It seems like the GTP-Drivers don't drive with the stockcar rules, but are keen on some real racing. I appreciate that and looking forward to more races like that!

If you should see me online today and I really suck, it's because I'm still practicing with my G25. Just so you know :sly:.

Does that meen, that you drove that fast with the normal controller yesterday?
Wheel seems to be working real fine....

It has its moments :sly:

Of course HSR isn't really that difficult. If Suzuka 600pp was still available I wouldn't be that competitive yet. :ouch:

Hi everybody

After a very nice battle against Racer_LP yesterday, I decided to join this forum aswell. It seems like the GTP-Drivers don't drive with the stockcar rules, but are keen on some real racing. I appreciate that and looking forward to more races like that!

Does that meen, that you drove that fast with the normal controller yesterday?

Yep, I was using the SIXAXIS. I just bought a G25 this morning. :sly:

And welcome to the forum, mate 👍
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:scared: Oh my.. all this time you were on Sixaxis ?... there goes my HRS podium.


I saw you race time the last race I did before taking a break. 6'08.9xx, wasn't it? really crazy time :scared:
Best I did with the sixaxis was 6'10.xxx yesterday. After one day of practice with the wheel, I'm down to 2'12, so not far from my best pace. Doing mid 1'12's in online TT.
Sven1972BE sorry for the cut in on the first corner of HSR, totally my bad:nervous::nervous:

No problems mate, I was probably in the way anyhow.

I need a lot of work still, most of the time i manage to ride a very good lap, 3 average laps and 1 totally crap lap in a race, 5 very good laps would be great !

Aye' sorry it was a typo , but you got the point.

Best I did with the sixaxis was 6'10.xxx yesterday. After one day of practice with the wheel, I'm down to 2'12, so not far from my best pace. Doing mid 1'12's in online TT.

you mean this ? .. well it was trully a great race but we both helped eatch other to pull that off , while we passed eatchother couple of times. The online boost can really boost 2 cars if both of them are fast to start with.

I saw you race time the last race I did before taking a break. 6'08.9xx, wasn't it? really crazy time :scared:

but on this one i was on my own .. was in 1'st from start to finish and it really felt fast for my old GT-R , but everyone has his fast and less fast moments .
It's really a privilege to race with you guys 👍

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