HKS controller

  • Thread starter ForNgoods
Very strange way to approach the steering I think, would be cool to try out if it actually became available(though very few peripherals ever get sold here in Oz).
I don't think this thing is actually being produced. I ordered from gamestop a week prior to the release of GT5.. at that time, it was supposed to be released the day before GT5, that day has since come and gone... and the date is now pushed back.

my advice.. don't hold your breath.

Mine order has a tracking number and the status say in transit. Amazon says in stock. I'll hold my breath
I think the company is small and can't really produce a lot of these. If you want to buy one I'd jump on it soon. I want a wheel but I'm a 3rd person racer. I know it sounds weird but thats how I'm fast. I tried and tried bumper cam but I struggled getting gold. Then I switched back to my 3rd person view and started getting gold on everything. It's how I always raced NASCAR so thats my style I'm use to. Plus if this thing sucks its only 45 bucks. Oh well.

But mine is on the way. Amazon sent me a email saying my order has been shipped :-)
Why doesn't someone make one like an RC controller?

You would have all of the steering, throttle, and brake control you would want. The controller on this thread can only be used for racing games, so I don't see why an RC style of controller wouldn't be the best way to go. Some PC games even let you use your current 2.4 RC controller to play the games with it. I know it would take the game to be developed to use a real RC controler, but I don't see why one that's devoted to racing games couldn't be made, or even an adapter with the software built in to use your current RC controller with any racing game your playing. If it was an adapter you would have alot of options as far as what controller you could buy and use for your games.
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Why doesn't someone make one like an RC controller?

You would have all of the steering, throttle, and brake control you would want. The controller on this thread can only be used for racing games, so I don't see why an RC style of controller wouldn't be the best way to go. Some PC games even let you use your current 2.4 RC controller to play the games with it. I know it would take the game to be developed to use a real RC controler, but I don't see why one that's devoted to racing games couldn't be made, or even an adapter with the software built in to use your current RC controller with any racing game your playing. If it was an adapter you would have alot of options as far as what controller you could buy and use for your games.

There actually have been controllers made that were a lot like RC controllers. I know there was one for the PS1 that people liked for GT, it looked kinda like a big Wii nunchuck with a R/C style wheel on top of it. Also, there apparently WAS an R/C controller made by Hori for the PS2:
Anyone got this controller yet? Post up your reviews of how the controller is like while playing GT5 ASAP!! I'm really interested in this controller.
Ok I got my controller two days ago. Now I work two jobs so I don't play much though out the week. First take is not as good as the PS3 controller :-(

Pros...Throttle control is way better, going half throttle in the middle of a turn is spot on. My braking distance seems to be a little better to. I'm guessing because you know when your 100% braking with this thing. The top trigger buttons are better. Better to gas and brake with these also.

Cons. What you gain in throttle control you lose in steering. The joystick is good. It doesn't feel cheap. But I cant steer as with it.(yet) Now this may be because I'm so use to the reg. PS3 controller. The joystick has a smaller sweet spot for your thumb. Which in time should provide quicker left to right action. But IDK if its more precise. One huge flaw is the dual shock. Its so strong you feel like you have a hitachi magic wand in your hand(google that one if you don't know what it is) It vibrates a lot. This may be because my car is bottoming out, so in that regard
it lets me know my car's shocks aren't where there suppose to be. But to play I have to turn it off. I don't like that. The wheel thing where the d pad should be is useless. It's a great idea, but not fast enough. There is a delay.

I have to also say I'm kinda a noob to GT5. I played GT1. Yes I'm 30 years old. But since then I'm mainly a NASCAR guy. As the 3 avatar should clue you in. So I'm not really comfortable with this game yet. Not enough laps on it. I will keep this controller for NASCAR THE GAME 2011 as throttle control is really key in a NASCAR game. I will try to get use it and maybe give an update in a week. Nothing is truly bad about the HKS controller. I may just take time to get use to. Kinda like going from a PS3 controller to an XBOX controller. Sorry if I didn't give a buy or don't buy with this thing. Really I don't have enough laps on the game and with my cars. I'm still just to dial in my GTR 09 VSPEC. Kinda hard to setup a car on a game your not use to with a controller you've never played with.
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Not really sure why someone would purchase this instead of a proper wheel. There is no way this will be as realistic nor as successful at getting fast lap times as a wheel. The reason I use a controller to play sometimes is to just relax and not think about anything while racing in comfort, this controller negates that idea since it is wired forcing you to be tethered to your PS3 for just a controller.

Poorly thought out product in my opinion, no matter how well it performs for a controller. (Obviously not true if it performs better than a wheel, but there is no way that is the case.)
Not really sure why someone would purchase this instead of a proper wheel. There is no way this will be as realistic nor as successful at getting fast lap times as a wheel. The reason I use a controller to play sometimes is to just relax and not think about anything while racing in comfort, this controller negates that idea since it is wired forcing you to be tethered to your PS3 for just a controller.

Poorly thought out product in my opinion, no matter how well it performs for a controller. (Obviously not true if it performs better than a wheel, but there is no way that is the case.)

because I race 3rd person and don't wanna spend 500 on a wheel
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Ok, so I own a wheel, but during the GT5 E3 hype I purchased this on Amazon. What a surprise I had totally forgotten I'd purchased it, but I'll probably use it for lazy moments on the couch. So, no biggy.

Anyway, my first impression is that it is good quality. Almost every time I get something like this, I'm disappointed by its quality. So, good job to the creators at not cutting corners in the important places.

The cord is pretty long, the "steering wheel" is rubber and grips well, the analog Gas/Brake feel good to. While the unnecessary buttons are pretty bad. But thats not important in my opinion, since this controller was bred for a purpose.

Now, to the driving. Personally, I loved the steering. I think it is waaaaaay better than I remember on the Dual Shock. It takes a second, but you'll get used to it.

The throttle/break control is pretty good as well. Here is the key, don't use the "GT" set up (button/switch on the back of the controller). GT5's software recognizes very little throttle/Break control on the "X" and "[]". So, I thought the controller sucked pretty hard at first, because GT5 would give me "Full Throttle" when barely pressing the "X". In fact, the controller has a digital number on the front and it will tell you how much you are pushing the "X". And stupidly, GT5 was reading my 27% pressure on "X" as "Full Throttle".

So, I was all over the road. But, then I had an idea. Go to the menu and set Accelerate/Brake to R2/L2. GT5 will recognize a full range (100%) on those buttons. And because the Controller (thank god) has a switch on the back that switches the "X" and "[]" to L2/R2, I was able to have full Analog control over Gas/Brake.

I hope this makes sense. :crazy:

By the way, when the switch on the back is set to turn the X/[] to L2/R2, it makes the menu's un-navigable. So, you will need to switch it back and forth when going from the menu to the race and then back.

Overall, I think it is a good pick up for people who don't have a wheel. Especially if you don't have the space for one. So, I would say, that if you are playing with the Dual Shock, and a wheel is not in your future...

Pick this controller up. I bet once you get used to this controller, your times will fall and it will be much easier to drive (faster cars especially).

Oh, if you have a wheel and this controller, then I don't think both can be used at the same time. So, if you are expecting to have 2 player battles like that, I don't think you can do it. GT5 seems to disable the steering function of any controller when a wheel is plugged in.

Hope this helps guys. :)
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I received mine today and my initial impression is that it's going to take a while to get used to it. I'm hoping the buttons break-in a bit, but the overall quality is good. The cord is sort of annoying in this day and age, it's hard to believe they couldn't bother with adding BT.

I'm still waiting on an RC-style controller with force-feedback.

(and no, I don't want a wheel and pedals in my living room)
Just got it today. My first feeling was disappointment. But I started to like it the more I used it.

The gas and brake are not as precise as I had hoped. The gauge in the center shows how hard you are hitting the accelerator. But the full range for either "pedal" isn't being used, at least in gt5. There is a slight dead zone when you first press it. This dead zone isn't as much of a problem with the accelerator as much as with the brake. Lightly brushing the brakes doesn't do what you expect, causing you to press down harder, which is usually too hard. And the accelerator is at full throttle when pressed down (exactly) 25%. About the same with the brake.

But the steering is a great improvement. I wish there was a little more resistance. And maybe force feedback, which is probably a bit much to ask for in such a small device. Its no steering wheel, but certainly gets the thumbs up.

I think the problem with the "pedals" is with gt5 itself. The range is there, but only 25% of it is being used in the game. 75% of the travel is just full throttle or full brake.

Overall, I'm a little disappointed, but I like it. Its a great idea. If it weren't for the gas and brake this would be a 9/10 for me. I only wish they made one for the 360 to use with forza. The 360 controllers are crap for steering. This would be a 100% improvement for the 360, but the ps3 controller is already pretty solid for racing. Basically $45 for a better "steering wheel" and more car like button placement. May be worth it to some, but not to others.
Ok, apparently the problem is with the precision the ps3 will allow for the X and [] buttons. If you use the switch on the back to set it to NFS mode, it switchs x and [] with l2/r2. This gives the throttle and brake full range. You'll have to remap the buttons accordingly in options for gt5.

This makes this controller almost perfect. Its exactly what I had hoped it would be now. This will make your lap times better. A definite must buy. 👍

Now only if it were wireless... :)

Oh, and the bottoms of L2 and R2 buttons are kinda sharp. Its rubbing my index finger raw. No big deal
I got mine today. If anybody in the western US wants one and doesn't wait to wait for one to come in the mail, by the way, Fry's Electronics has them. They had two whole pegs plus a couple on the "floor" of the shelves, like 12 in total, at my Fry's, and nobody's buying them because it's not listed on the website, so nobody knows Fry's has them, I guess.

OK, anyway...

The first thing you'll notice is that it'll looks quite nice. The red paint and decals are well-applied, and the styling's not bad. The only complaint is that the black parts are a little rough around the edges. It doesn't feel as nice as it looks, it's lighter than you might expect and the shell feels thin and kinda brittle. The buttons are better - the "pedals" are nicely textured and the analog stick has the best grip material I've ever encountered on a controller. The wheel is slightly rubberized and feels nice, however the little grip ridge on top of it starts to hurt after two or three hours of playing. The whole bottom half of the controller is made of a black material with a slightly rubberized finish. The controller number lights are blue, the LED display is orange, and the MACRO button, which actually just remaps the buttons, lights up orange when programming. The cord is, well, a cord. Not much to review. I'm ok without BT, the cord reaches my couch and I'd rather save the $15 that it'd probably cost, and I've yet to see an aftermarket controller without a dongle, which takes away half the reason for BT, IMO.

In use, it comes together pretty well. I was going to complain about the 30% on controller = 100% in GT issue, but I'm going to switch to the L2/R2 mapping and report back on that, as Scope72 suggested. The wheel is better than I expected, it's very precise, and I feel like I can place the car and take lines in ways that were never possible with an analog stick. Even with only 30% of the travel, the "pedals" are a huge improvement over the DS3's buttons, and I find them vastly more intuitive to use than the triggers. Speaking of the triggers, though... they kinda suck. They don't feel the same left and right, and my R2 button isn't as easy to press as a DS3. This is pretty much ok considering what kind of games the controller is for, but it wouldn't be acceptable for an FPS or similar. Rumble is much stronger than usual, as others have noted.

Overall I like this controller, and it'll be my new standby for GT. For my style, at least, it's without question better than a DS3, and I'd recommend it to anybody seeking a better control for GT without the expense and hassle of a wheel. If you've already got a good wheel, I wouldn't trade it for the HKS controller, but this could be a great second for split screen and for taking with you when traveling. I haven't tried it on a PC yet - if I can get it working, this would be an amazing accessory for the racing gamer's laptop.



Thanks for your reviews guys. I'm still waiting on mine to arrive next week from J&R. Takumi can you post up your review after adjusting the modulation for the gas/brake?
OK, I've got like 8 hours on the controller now, with it in "NFS" mode and GT's gas/brake mapped to L2 and R2. I discovered that the switch actually swaps L2 and square, and R2 and X, so I set upshift to X and downshift to Square, which ends up with them being on the controller's actually L2/R2 buttons, if that makes sense. It's also possible to navigate menus with the controller in this mode, using R2 instead of square. You can actually navigate menus one handed this way, which is kind of interesting, and works pretty well once you're used to it.

So, the actual gas/brake. The brake still doesn't show on the LCD, if that matters. The gas is now much better. The full travel still doesn't work, but I'd say that 90% of it is sensitive, and that they probably did this intentionally so you wouldn't have to press super-hard to keep it at 100% throttle. It's now quite easy to accurately modulate throttle and brakes.

With that issue fixed, I can now totally put my recommendation behind this controller, in terms of functionality. We'll have to see how the controller holds up in the long run, but it feels well enough made.
great reviews fellas.... i dont' want to shell out for a steering wheel setup... cost and space issues. Anything that can can give me more steering control :)
I only have one question about this controller:

Is the steering "wheel" an actual steering-wheel axis, or an alternative way of operating the left analogue stick?
I haven't seen that made clear anywhere. If you go quickly to full left-lock at speed, is the result the same as if you had a wheel (direct control of steering angle) or is the result the same as if you pushed the left stick to the left?
interesting- to the guys who've tried it, is the steering control speed sensitive, like the stick on the DS3? or not- like a proper steering wheel?

Shame there's no Negcon equivalent these days- that was such a great controller for GT1 and 2.
L2/R2 don't have the same range as the DS3, it's almost an on/off feel. I missed a few shifts because of this. Also the wheel started to stick on full right lock a few times but it seems to be better.

EDIT. I've given up on the wheel as it's sticking enough to cause the car to swerve off course, so I still use the controller using the analog stick.
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Well, not even a week with the controller, the wheel is sticking on full lock to the right just enough the cause the car to veer off course. That being said I am comfortable enough with the throttle/brake 'pedals' to continue using the controller using the Analog stick for steering.
Been rocking mine for a week now and really liking it... I'm not having any issues with sticking steering thus far. I haven't tried remapping the buttons for throttle and brake, but I will tomorrow... let's see how it works out.
My wife has ordered one for me as one of my christmas presents. And pricewise it was very reasonable too. Cant wait to try it out as Im hoping it my make the X1 challenges a bit more manageable
actualy using the NFS setting makes 89% pressure 50% throttle in the game, it then spikes in that range and i think it does the same with the wheel as it seems ot have similar results.

the brakes on the other hand are fine to me.
I have this controller and I love it. The X and [] as gas and brake have a pretty good dead zone in them, but work fine for up shift and down shift. R2 for gas and L2 for brake work great. You first push down on R2 and that's like 1/4 throttle then you squeeze it alittle harder the the desired throttle, up to WOT. L2 braking is the same. Very handy if you run no ABS. The steering is very precise IMO. You can go around long sweepers with alittle more confidense. Not "ON/OFF" like with the anolog. The other bad thing besides not being wireless is there is no Right anolog anymore so taking pics is almost impossible but that's not what this controller is for... its for racing which it does brilliant, again IMO. This is def worth $45 they're charging.
I'm actually thinkin of pulling the HKS and a original ps3 wireless controller apart and see if I can make the HKS a wireless hybrid of some sort. That is really my biggest gripe about this controller.
My buddy Lexbur got me an HKS controller for Christmas. IT RULES!*
(* "rules" being way better than the DualShock/Sixaxis)
Of course it's not meant to be better than a wheel and pedals though. But if you're like me and would rather have a hand held controller, whether it be for ease of use, space issues, or the cost of a wheel, this is a killer controller. I can't decide if the thumb wheel is the best part or the gas an brake buttons but both give you way more feel than the regular Sony controllers. It only took me a few race laps to get used to it. I used it for several hours today including getting all golds in the Special Events Advanced Rally races.
Like the reviews say, the only real drawback is that it isn't cordless.
Anyway, if you plan on staying with hand held controllers, do check out the HKS!


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