HKS controller

  • Thread starter ForNgoods
Looks nice. I'm sure it's prob been on the market of some time now, but I never knew it exsited. Had I known, I'm not sure I would have bought my wheel. Not saying this is better than a wheel, but it prob would have suited me better.
Good to see positive feedback on these. 👍
I looked at one yesterday....but got a bluetooth headset instead....:) I wanted both. :lol:

Does it have a reasonable length cord, that is as you say, it's only down side..
I got this and returned it today. The gas/brake pedals were not as sensitive as using the triggers on the DS3 and I could not keep from spinning out with the higher powered cars. I ran a test using the meter built into it that tells you how far you are pushing on the gas with a range from 0-100. Mine was no throttle from 0-10 and full throttle from about 25-100 so there was a very very small region to hit something other then all or none.

This makes it impossible to drive the high powered cars in the game like the minolta or the X1.

The steering was great however so I may have just gotten a bad one.

I am curious though if anyone has one take it out with the minolta and turn all assists off then see if the throttle works properly.

I just remembered this too. I mapped shifting to the bottom trigger buttons and it seemed like they only registered that I hit them about 50% of the time so I continually missed shifts. And I will second the sore thumb from the gas pedal. It is really disappointing because this could have been the ultimate racing controller (besides using a wheel).
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Wheel owners need not read?

Is there some divide between the people with wheels and the people with controllers? What if i'm not happy with my wheel?
I Picked up one just before X'mas and it's already broken... The analog stick would not response to up and down, only left and right. And then the select button requires a hard push before it would do anything...

The steering is a little more accurate than the DS3 analog stick, but then the gas/brake like nerv2112 said, it's useless. Plus they stick out so far, your thumb hurts after playing with it for a while. Would not recommend..
Good to see positive feedback on these. 👍
I looked at one yesterday....but got a bluetooth headset instead....:) I wanted both. :lol:

Does it have a reasonable length cord, that is as you say, it's only down side..

Where did you see it mate? It looks like something that would appeal to me....
The cord is rather long, and it saves from recharging.... :sly:

I do prefer the 'gas/pedal' configuration over the DS3 buttons though. However my 'wheel' started sticking just enough on full right lock *a few weeks ago* that it would cause the car to veer off course . I am comfortable enough using the Analog stick for steering.

I think the right steering lock 'stickiness' seem to be gone after using the Analog stick for a while.

The L2/R2 triggers definitely don't have the same range of motion as Sony's, but I love the texture of HKS's Analog stick.
Sorry for asking here, but has anyone test this controller on other racing games yet? Because if I remember correctly there is nothing wrong with the X and square button on the controller, its just they way PD programmed the deadzone for the buttons to be that way. If you guys had problems with the throttle and brake, try reverting to the L2/R2 button and see if it feels any better...

I did thought of getting this controller someday, but it would probably be more for a collection than actual use. :P (I already have a G25, and gonna buy the T500RS this year hopefully)
Sorry for asking here, but has anyone test this controller on other racing games yet? Because if I remember correctly there is nothing wrong with the X and square button on the controller, its just they way PD programmed the deadzone for the buttons to be that way. If you guys had problems with the throttle and brake, try reverting to the L2/R2 button and see if it feels any better...

That does make sense as to why there is no range for those controls but reverting to the L2/R2 buttons on this controller would defeat its purpose. Those buttons are not analog on it anyway so it would not work.
That does make sense as to why there is no range for those controls but reverting to the L2/R2 buttons on this controller would defeat its purpose. Those buttons are not analog on it anyway so it would not work.

Like I said, maybe its just the way PD programmed how the X and square works for GT5. Try the controller on NFS or WRC or any other racing games, I'm sure the X and square button would feel much better...
Okay, so i picked up the new HKS Racing Controller, and i was wondering if anyone else has it. After some getting used to it, i took out the Tom Supra on Trial Mountian, and it's deffinetly has a learning curve.
I noticed mine is way to sensitive/unresponsive as weird as that sounds. I don't know if it's just getting used to it or what. When i push the gas, it will read out about 25%, but on GT5, it says i'm at half thottle. The steering also seems to be quite prone to understeer. The Brake is very, very sensitive and it's hard to get a good slight braking on some corners as with L2.
Drifting with it takes some getting used too, but after a couple laps at Tsukuba in a GSport FT86, it feels pretty damn fun after a while. I'm sure after racing a while with it, it will feel natural and smooth.

If anyone else has it, feel free to comment and discuss it. I bet some people on here are iffy about buying it.
I picked up one this last weekend since my DS3 was crapping out. So far I only have about an hour on it. The Good: The throttle and brake seem to work as advertised. Much easier to dial in the right amount of power coming out of the corner and trail braking is much smoother. The Bad: The steering scroll wheel is a bit awkward and requires a lot of big thumb movements. I have a hard time moving it lock to lock without repositioning my hand on the controller. If the car starts to drift I often find I can't countersteer far enough or fast enough and crash. Hopefully I can overcome this with more "seat time". I did retry one of the Nascar events and was faster with the HKS than with the DS3, so that's a plus.
I'm considering picking one up, I do have a G27 but sometimes I just don't feel like setting it up, and the DS3 always feels too twitchy.

From what I'm hearing though I'm not too confident. I'm going to maybe go to a few stores and see if any of the guys have one out, otherwise I might wait and see if they release a version two.
got it great to add some enjoyment to the game.. the steering control is kind ok awkward maybe just got get use to it..noticable time gains in laps also which is a major plus..overall fun controller i use it pretty often
I bought this and returned it. The gas and brake do NOT work as expected.
Mine only worked in the range of around 10-25% 10 being no throttle and 25 being full. The brake I have no idea because the meter only worked on the gas.

Take a car out without assists and see what the range is I want to know if I had a bad one or what. Another poster suggested it was because the pedals on this controller are mapped to the X and O buttons and GT expects them to be digital not analog.

Also I mapped shifting the L2 and R2 and they only seemed to work approx 50% of the time.

I suggest if you buy make sure they have a good return policy!
Ive only clocked about 10 hours on this controller and so far the only thing i dont like about it is waht the OP metioned about the controller eing at 20 throttle and the game at 50% throttle. But i do like it because its a different and adds more of a challenge to the game.
Remapping the accelerate and brakes to R2 and L2, then using the NFS settings makes it better to use.
Just remember that X and Square are now in the shoulder buttons for menu usage.

The "Steering Wheel" could use some reworking.
the position used is not the most ideal for me,

I remember someone posted previously that positioning it on the opposite diagonal would be better
or maybe its better that you could rotate it and fix it to the position of your liking 👍

my main gripe about it is that it hurts my fingers when I play with it,
this results in me playing the game less than when I was using the DS3 👎
I actually registered just to post in this topic, I picked one of these up while I await my lowly DFGT on backorder...

I agree with Hokage - it hurts your fingers. I don't think the eagle guys refined the ergonomics on this. It gets so bad I bandage my thumb before extended play so it doesn't get sore. The worst problem for me is the hard ridging on the accelerator/brake sliders - a gentle slope and softer materials with some sort of indentation for your thumb would be ideal.

I've noticed that the range that the controller displays is not the same range in GT5 - 50% throttle on the controller is a different amount in the game. I can work it by feel (as opposed to the readout), but it would be great if I could get the full range out of the slider, it feels I hit full throttle when the slider isn't even 3/4 of the way 'down'.
I have found I've been able to do minute brake/acceleration adjustments by positioning my thumb over the very tip of the accelerator/brake sliders. I wish these two sliders were arranged differently - the brake slider feels like it should be higher on the controller.
Whilst initially finding the steering slider a little awkward I've gotten used to it. It doesn't make for the best 'game grip' when you have to turn hard right/left but you get used to it. It's positioned pretty poorly for turning right (try saying that fast 3 times) - or maybe that's just my thumbs...
This controller feels like it has all the right parts, but they're in all the wrong places. I also think the nazi torture master who designed the PSP controls had a hand in the design of this.

I really wish that enough people buy this so that Eagle3 go and redesign a new version with comfort and precision in mind. They have the right idea but need a few refinements for it to be a worthy replacement to a wheel. I would rather they drop the acceleration amount and have higher quality materials where it counts - it's not like it's even close to accurate to begin with.
Also, a macro key? Is this really useful or necessary in a driving game like GT5?
Been playing with it for about 2 weeks now because I am in the no room or money for a wheel and pedals camp and I liked the steering but was a little disappointed with the throttle and brake sensitivity.

I saw this thread and remapped as described and it was literally game changing. It took about 2 laps to get used to the buttons working a little differently then shaved anywhere from a couple to several seconds per lap on every track I tried it on. The more trouble I had controlling the car with the old settings, the more of an improvement I got with the new.

For me it was most noticeable in heavy braking situations, I was able to brake a lot more smoothly in situations like the first turn on the Indy road course (Challenger seasonal event)
I have one and I like it.

Remapping the accelerate and brakes to R2 and L2, then using the NFS settings makes it better to use. Just remember that X and Square are now in the shoulder buttons for menu usage.

This is a must do to get the most out of the controller. It makes a huge difference.
I got this for Christmas and must say the feel is good, except for the dead zone previously stated. The feel of the "wheel" is good although I still find myself trying to turn with a full turn/lock (either pressed all the way to the right or left.) Which I did with the Analog stick and slows you down as you just glide. But I think that is more of getting used to it than being the controller fault.
I have to check my times going back to the old control to see if my times are better. But to tell you the truth, I don't see myself doing so, it just feels right 90% of the time!

I have completed (Gold-ed) several of the Seasonal events with ease. I recommend it, if you want to step up and do not have enough for a full wheel/Rig set up. 👍
I only have one question about this controller:

Is the steering "wheel" an actual steering-wheel axis, or an alternative way of operating the left analogue stick?
I haven't seen that made clear anywhere. If you go quickly to full left-lock at speed, is the result the same as if you had a wheel (direct control of steering angle) or is the result the same as if you pushed the left stick to the left?

It seems to be identical to the stick in this regard... Which is making it a little difficult for me to get used to. (Running practice laps at HSR for a simple reference.)

Is there a way of making the wheel slider more direct?
It seems to be identical to the stick in this regard... Which is making it a little difficult for me to get used to. (Running practice laps at HSR for a simple reference.)

Is there a way of making the wheel slider more direct?

If it does not behave like a steering wheel axis, then the adjustment options will be exactly the same as those for the analogue stick, and there's not much point to it then, is there?

I thought you'd have a steering wheel and pedals in your hands, not a control pad in a fancy new package.
I can say the thumbwheel is very sensitive compared to the thumbstick, which in itself is more sensitive compared to the stick on the DS3. Obviously its not going to hold a match to a proper steering setup but my times with the FGT and X1 are quicker when using it
When trying to correct an oversteer situation, it is identical to the D-Pad I was using before. Delay, slow responding, and by the time it goes where you wanted, it's far too late.

I worked with it for a half hour or so and entered an online event (The single player ones) that I was having trouble with. Managed to improve my position, but I also adjusted the car. I swapped back to the DS3 and was 1.5-2 seconds faster on Tsukuba. (SP)
I got this and returned it today. The gas/brake pedals were not as sensitive as using the triggers on the DS3 and I could not keep from spinning out with the higher powered cars. I ran a test using the meter built into it that tells you how far you are pushing on the gas with a range from 0-100. Mine was no throttle from 0-10 and full throttle from about 25-100 so there was a very very small region to hit something other then all or none.

This makes it impossible to drive the high powered cars in the game like the minolta or the X1.

The steering was great however so I may have just gotten a bad one.

I am curious though if anyone has one take it out with the minolta and turn all assists off then see if the throttle works properly.

I just remembered this too. I mapped shifting to the bottom trigger buttons and it seemed like they only registered that I hit them about 50% of the time so I continually missed shifts. And I will second the sore thumb from the gas pedal. It is really disappointing because this could have been the ultimate racing controller (besides using a wheel).

Have you tried this?

Ok, apparently the problem is with the precision the ps3 will allow for the X and [] buttons. If you use the switch on the back to set it to NFS mode, it switchs x and [] with l2/r2. This gives the throttle and brake full range. You'll have to remap the buttons accordingly in options for gt5.

This makes this controller almost perfect.

The HKS controller must receive the L2/R2 signal from the PS3, and then remap it to the X and [] brake/accell on top.