Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
2 weeks to go equals any time at all in the next 4 weeks although it will be just as you are dozing off in bed. Remember to keep your cool and be ready for a long wait, it can takes ages to progress first time round. Good luck mate 👍

When the time comes to go to Hospital there is no mad panic making sure we have everything, it's all in the car and ready, all we have to do is put our shoes on and leave.
There is £10 in coins in the clovebox for parking, and £30 cash in my wallet for whatever

If she goes into labour in the middle of the night, please remember to put some clothes on to :)

Oh and get rid if the stupid 'baby on board' sign. Those and the stupid My Family are for idiots :)

Hope all goes well. You are in for the scariest and most amazing time of your life.
Good luck, we're all counting on you.

Oh, and I forgot to mention you'll have more empathy rather than disdain for other crying babies and children. Or at least, you'll think, "glad it's not mine".
Arrggghhhh!!! The baby's nearly here! :scared:

Best of luck to you and your misses. Must be a nail-biting time!
From experience I can tell that those folds will work initially, but after a while your wife (it is usually the wifes ;) ) will start to complain that sun hits baby's face. Eventually I ended up tinting my windows with thin foil. I have had it done on two cars now. Looks great too.

But really that is not very important right now. All I can see is that you are very well preperad!
Thanks for all your kind words everybody, means alot 👍

No sign of MiniMad just yet, the wait is torture :lol:

In other news, The wife's Sister, Husband and their baby Lawson are coming up tonight, they wasn't meant to be up until my daughters birth....they have come up to look at houses! This could be a really good thing for us all, I'l keep you all posted as a learn more.
Chillout man...The family comming to live closer isnt a good thing....They will smother the baby and push you out if its her family. Dont be scared if it looks a bit purple when it comes out they all look like that...And when the midwife holds it by its ancles and gives it a good smack....its good if it cries. My advice is dont be at the birth cause once you see it that big you will feel the need for enlagement drugs...lol...ask em to put some extra stiches in...just joking if you do that your gonna get a slap! All above is a joke...just make sure your full of sugar cause if its her first it may take a while! There will be screaming and cursing and blood. but in the end its magic!
Mini Fambicle sat unaided for the first time yesterday aged 22 weeks and 4 days :D

That's a far cry from when she was a tiny screaming, pooing red bundle surgically limpeted to my boob. She actually *does* things now and in a week or two she'll be having actual real food :odd:

It's remarkable the speed at which the first year of their lives passes. You'll have been told this before but MAKE THE MOST of it, because it's literally gone in the blink of an eye :)
I completely forgot you were Famine's Wife then and went into the streotype trap of thinking that all GTP users were male :dunce: Which made more more concerned than anything when I read this...

surgically limpeted to my boob.

What a clot I am :lol:

*Thick moment over*
Nah, this is the way to do it...my 4 year old son knows it off by heart and pulls me up on the slightest mispronunciation :D

Personal favourite of mine from the days of tiny kids was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Yeah! :dopey:
Thanks for all the funny vids/links people! Gave me a good chuckle :lol:

No baby so far, only 8 days left from tomorrow! :eek:

The waiting game is infuriating, we just want our baby here now! :lol:

I'm mega excited and so is MrsMad, literally counting down the days but it feels like an eternity now.

I will do a full update friday assuming she hasn't come by then :sly:

I speak for everyone when I say.


Will the title change to holy crap im a dad, in which we hear about the rollercoaster journey of parenting with madmike86 :D
Oh I wish she would pop out now! :lol:

Week 39 update :eek:


As you have all probably guessed, we are playing the waiting game! Argh it feels like it's taking forever now!

The whole pregnancy has flown by, so, why the chuff is the last 2 weeks dragging sooooooo long?! :grumpy:

There is only 6 days to go now, but she could come anyday really.

MrsMad looks ready to pull her hair out, I often hear her randomly shouting "GET OUT!!!" which I must admit makes me chuckle :D

It really is a case of playing the waiting game now, I can't explain the excitement I feel, it feels like a high, and this makes me think about how holding my baby girl for the first time is going to feel....The thought makes me smile.

I have sold a load of stuff I have had in my garage for years on Ebay, I made over £100! One mans rubbish really is another mans treasure! With this money we are buying a few bits for the baby and a Hammer Drill for me :D

So that's it for now, basically were hanging in here until Mad No3 arrives!

Good luck, just hope your baby isn't has much of a pain as I was as a baby, it will all be good in the end ;)