Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
Something sensible. Emily, Katie, jade, Gemma, jazperella?

Or even....Ellis. It can be a girls name too :lol:

:lol: Nice try.....5 weeks from now you will all know! :sly:




So I guess it won't be Jade now then. ;)

:lol: Shocking AT, Shocking.

Just five weeks Mike?

Awesome sauce, these last few will fly by :)

Our little monkey is almost ready for puree now. Soon she will be asking me for money.

5 weeks indeed Spun! Can't wait :D

How is little India anyway? How about some more recent pictures? I'm curious to see how big she is now :)

*Again, not a pedo :lol:
Week 34 update!

A mere 5 weeks to go!!! :eek:

Are we nervous? Yes we are! Are we excited? Yes we are! Are we skint yet? Yes we are!

So, what's new?

Well MrsMad is now on Maternity leave. This is strange to me as when I come home from work she never used to be here, now I can't escape her! :lol: Allow me to elaberate.
I am a self-employed Window Cleaner, I work Monday to Friday and normally finish for the day around 2 or 3pm. MrsMad used to work until 5 and arrive home at 5.30pm. This left a 2 hour window (most days) to cram in some GT5 and enjoy my "Quiet time" before cooking dinner. That "Quiet time" is now a thing of the past :( To MrsMad's credit she has been conscious of this and has tried to accommodate this into the day, however it's just not the same :nervous: I knew this was coming and in truth don't really care to much, but I do miss it a little bit...when MiniMad is here my "Quiet time" will be vapourised! :lol:
The plus side to all this is cooked dinners and a clean house....so it's not all bad :sly:

MrsMad is going down to Farnborough this weekend, she is going alone which worries me a little but i'm sure she will be ok. She is spending this Friday to Tuesday with her family as she has plenty of spare time on her hands now :sly: We agreed to pack the baby bag, her hospital bag, and the car seat just incase, but it's very unlikely she will give birth during her stay.

The Flipside of this is that my Bro in law Loz, is coming up for a boys weekend of death!
We have a mental weekend planned, my last weekend of freedom, and a weekend off daddy duty for him, it is going to be messy, I hope I survive! :lol:

I can feel the excitement in the air here, we both long for the day our little girl arrives, which in a little over 1 month will be! To say it is sinking in now is an understatement....I feel joyous yet slightly panicked, elated yet cautious, it's mad.

But you know what? I love it.

Sounds very exciting! Hell, I'm excited! :D Only a month to go, seems like only last week when you were doing week 18-19-20 updates. How time flies.
It's when he is typing up updates on gtp whiles shes in labour that he stops surviving :D :lol:
Sounds you are going to have a good weekend comming up 👍

With two little girls at home I just have to leave the house. Hence I schedule a trip to the famous 24h a the Nordschleife this year :)
Week 35/36 update!


I should start by explaining why I have morphed 2 weeks into one. Basically it turns out that MrsMad's weeks change on Fridays....this whole time I thought it was wednesdays :rolleyes: So although she is currently 35 weeks, tomorrow she is 36 weeks.
Another reason was the fact she had a midwife appointment today, so I decided to do the update today rather than tomorrow.

Right, now that's cleared up....here we go!

As mentioned above MrsMad saw the MW today, everything was A-ok, baby's heartbeat is strong, growth is perfect, MrsMad's Blood Pressure is bang on and everything is healthy. This is fantastic news and certainly helps reassure us both.

As of tomorrow we have only 4 weeks left!! :eek: It is becoming real to me now in a Big way! We are now sorting out the little things, such as blinds for the car and extra nappies/wipes ect. We are trying to pack things for hospital but we know we will forget something or not think to pack something that is helpfull.
So, i'm asking any fathers or mothers (Milford ;) ) here for hints on what to pack or take into consideration, because honestly, it's starting to get intense :lol:

I also need to phone up the CAB as whenever I use the Benefits calculator on the .Gov website it tells me i'm earning £500 per week before benefits (which i'm not, only about half that) and therefore am not entitled to anything other than Child benefit.

So yeah, things are getting exciting, and slightly stressful.

I'm sure you may be curious to know how my weekend with loz went. Well, it was Epic.
We made the most of our last weekend of freedom, it was nice to be able to talk someone who understands my concerns and offer advice that is based on experience, after which drinking and BBQ-in the hours away, it was blissful and we fully enjoyed the quiet times.

I promised MrsMad I would get her hair and nails done, I know it means alot to women to feel presentable, especially with the, erm, "indignities" of labour imminant. She managed to add Eye lash Tints to this list too. :odd: :lol:

We have another Scan on Thursday, it is in the morning so I will update you all with that too.

So, exciting times! I will be a father in one month, possibly sooner if she's early, technically she could come anytime from the start of April! :eek:

Hold on folks, were in for a wild ride!

Was wondering where you had gotten to Mike :)

The indignities you mention, wow, just wow. What has been seen cannot be unseen! :lol:

This last bit is going to fly by. Even the false alarms are going to be great, they help act as practice runs.

What type of birth did you end up choosing, I can't remember?

Excited for you Mike 👍
Really chuffed for you. My little girl was born on Easter Monday, so you might get a l'il easter bunny too! :D

When it comes to packing don't bother with anything woolly or fleecy. They keep the maternity ward at about 50°c to recreate the 'jungle birth' instinct within us all.

OK, I made that up, but it does feel like a swimming pool sauna. ;)
They keep the maternity ward at about 50°c to recreate the 'jungle birth' instinct within us all.

OK, I made that up, but it does feel like a swimming pool sauna. ;)

I vaguely remember the birthing pool room we were in being damn hot and humid, you aren't far wrong axle.
Our little monkey is almost ready for puree now. Soon she will be asking me for money.
Not going to try baby-led weaning then? How old is India now?

Ahhhhh Mike. Enjoy the peace and quiet (and sleep!) whilst it lasts because you are NOT going to know what's hit you :D

Whilst I'm here, Mini-Fambicle turned 20 weeks this week. She's still exclusively breastfed, has gone through the 4 month growth spurt from hell and out the other side, and her most recent weigh in she was 16lb 3oz (at 19 weeks). She absolutely LOVES her jumperoo (pricey but probably one of the most worthwhile toys you could possibly buy, well that and a Lamaze Freddie the Firefly), and finds it totally hilarious when I stand her up and support her whilst she stands looking around at stuff for aaaaaaages. She's nearly sitting unaided. Time flies....
Was wondering where you had gotten to Mike :)

The indignities you mention, wow, just wow. What has been seen cannot be unseen! :lol:

This last bit is going to fly by. Even the false alarms are going to be great, they help act as practice runs.

What type of birth did you end up choosing, I can't remember?

Excited for you Mike 👍

I'm alive! :lol:

Having watched One Born a Minute I think i'm in for some sights :ill:

We are having a normal hospital birth all going well, due to MrsMad's complications she isn't allowed a pool birth which she is a little disappointed about I think.

Not long now!

Sounds like everything is going nicely. :) You must be pretty excited now I guess?

Yep, excited and very nervous now :lol:

Not going to try baby-led weaning then? How old is India now?

Ahhhhh Mike. Enjoy the peace and quiet (and sleep!) whilst it lasts because you are NOT going to know what's hit you :D

Whilst I'm here, Mini-Fambicle turned 20 weeks this week. She's still exclusively breastfed, has gone through the 4 month growth spurt from hell and out the other side, and her most recent weigh in she was 16lb 3oz (at 19 weeks). She absolutely LOVES her jumperoo (pricey but probably one of the most worthwhile toys you could possibly buy, well that and a Lamaze Freddie the Firefly), and finds it totally hilarious when I stand her up and support her whilst she stands looking around at stuff for aaaaaaages. She's nearly sitting unaided. Time flies....

To be honest milford the peace and quiet has long gone now :lol: MrsMad is up 3-5times a night, a process that involves clinging on to me so she can sit up, very loudly groaning and moaning as she slowly shuffles to the toilet. If she doesn't sleep, neither do I :indiff:

Mini-Fambicle sounds like she's growing up waaaaaaay fast! :eek:
Thankfully we have ones of those jumperoo's from my wife's sister so that saved us some dosh :sly:
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Here is a Mini update, this is the Growth Scan, performed at 37 weeks.

The picture isn't very clear, this is largely down to the fact she is big and cramped inside :lol:

The important thing is everything is A-ok, she measures good and is in the 50 Percentile, which means she is averagely sized so far, which pleased my wife :lol:

Here is a translated version of the Scan pic:

Lime= Nose
Red- Lips
L.blue= Chin
Blue= Umbilical Cord

So there you are, a 100% healthy baby and a very happy father to be! :D

Brilliant pic Mike! For a second I thought the umbilical cord was a scary little twin, but your diagram and explanation soon calmed me down. Mrs MadMike must be ready to pop! :D
Good stuff Mike :D Have you had any panic runs yet?

Not yet mate, although she got me big time this morning, said she thought she was in labour and I Pooped myself! I was certainly an April Fool! :lol:

37 weeks? It's any time now then! Best keep the brave pills handy, good luck mate 👍

Yep we are on Red alert!! I'm keeping a steady stream of Brahma's in me ;)

Brilliant pic Mike! For a second I thought the umbilical cord was a scary little twin, but your diagram and explanation soon calmed me down. Mrs MadMike must be ready to pop! :D

I must admit the Cord did scare me for a minute :lol:
She is Fit to burst, big old belly makes me chuckle :lol:
Ok people, Week 38 update!!

Our little girl could arrive anyday now, she is due in a mere 2 weeks but she could come tomorrow or in 4 weeks time, we just don't know.
Are we tense? Yes, we are in Red alert, Defcon3, ect....these are somewhat exciting times!

It's quite hard to discribe the feeling of waiting for your child to arrive in the world, the best I can come up with is like waiting for an amazing holiday, your hugely excited about it but have a slight sense of worry incase something goes wrong ect...

MrsMad and I are counting down the days now, every new feeling she has is met with us both excitedly staring at her bump expecting Labour to come on instantly :lol:

So as you have probably guessed this house is buzzing with activity and excitable tension, my jobs this week were to get the car ready, which I did....

As you can see, I set up the Blind and baby on board sign

And the all important Car Seat!

The Base....

And the real time taker....the Bags!

So, as you can see the car is packed and ready.
When the time comes to go to Hospital there is no mad panic making sure we have everything, it's all in the car and ready, all we have to do is put our shoes on and leave.
There is £10 in coins in the clovebox for parking, and £30 cash in my wallet for whatever.

MrsMad's Midwife appointment went well this week, again everything is perfect and all is going well, she is approximately 2/5ths Engaged.

So there we are for now, my updates will likely be random and sporadic during the last few weeks, my mind is buzzing all the time so concentrating on writing a blog is awkward :lol: But I will keep it up and keep you all posted the best I can.
For the last few weeks I may have to just update as things happen rather than waiting a week.


Only two weeks left, I bet you're buzzing! Must be a great feeling to know you're do close...:)
I don't even know how I'd handle such a situation...give it a few years and ya'll be hearing about it I bet lol
Haha I bet when she goes into labour I bet you'll feel like your about to give birth :lol: I am nervous for the both of you. I 100% think the middle name should be the initials 'gtp' :lol:

Good luck to you :)