Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
It all sounds on course, that's great :)

Mate, I am slightly jealous - going through the whole thing was so bloody exciting, you are in for the experience of a lifetime, just keep hold of your hat! :lol:
A little update for you all :D

The Nursery is finished!! Check it out......

And here is MrsMad's Bump...impressive eh?

Things are moving ahead!

White... perfect color. Makes it that much more memorable the first time the kid starts to paint on the walls. :lol: We've been planning on repainting for years, but we don't want to lose the awesome baby art. :D
Birds sitting on parts of the room is really nicely done.

Whohoo the mrs looks fine too. Win for stretch in clothing :D
Nice room. I'm slightly down on the fact that your unborn child has a better bedroom than me!
White... perfect color. Makes it that much more memorable the first time the kid starts to paint on the walls. :lol: We've been planning on repainting for years, but we don't want to lose the awesome baby art. :D

:lol: Well we rent so I hope the "wall art" will be kept to a minimum :dopey:

Unless I tape white paper to the walls? 💡

Birds sitting on parts of the room is really nicely done.

Whohoo the mrs looks fine too. Win for stretch in clothing :D

Thanks, and amazingly the "pirched birds" idea was mine :sly:

Nice room. I'm slightly down on the fact that your unborn child has a better bedroom than me!

Thanks Shem, I share your feelings in that regard, as it is probably the nicest room in the house, also I counted up all her clothes and she has more than double the amount of outfits I do! :odd:

Looks awesome Mike!

Bet your wallet hurts :sly:

Thanks mate, and yes, it does!

Especially after this thing:

We already had the buggy frame, seat, car seat, and car seat dock thingy, we just thought we may as well have the full travel system so brought this moses basket thingy.
If we had brought all that from the shops it would be over £550, but my brother worked for mothercare's logistics company and got it for under £200 :sly:
also I counted up all her clothes and she has more than double the amount of outfits I do! :odd:

Yes... But you'll have fewer clothes ruining accidents... Oh, I see you've spilled mustard on your shirt. :sly:
Yes... But you'll have fewer clothes ruining accidents... Oh, I see you've spilled mustard on your shirt. :sly:

Speaking of clothes ruining accidents, how on earth do they manage to get it all the way up their backs? :ill:
Thanks mate, and yes, it does!

Especially after this thing:

[pram pic][/pram pic]

We already had the buggy frame, seat, car seat, and car seat dock thingy, we just thought we may as well have the full travel system so brought this moses basket thingy.
If we had brought all that from the shops it would be over £550, but my brother worked for mothercare's logistics company and got it for under £200 :sly:

Pushchairs are the bane of my life, my missus has gone through nearly 20 of them by now looking for the "one". Its an expensive hobby!

On another note, she makes a pushchair accessory that fits the Quinny Buzz if you're interested:

If you want, you can have 25% off for being a GTP member, just send a PM.

[/shameless plug] :embarrassed:
Yay, we had a Quinny, except it was the black and grey carbon fibre one - well I thought it looked like carbon fibre. Outlasted any of the other prams/pushchairs we used. 👍
Pushchairs are the bane of my life, my missus has gone through nearly 20 of them by now looking for the "one". Its an expensive hobby!

On another note, she makes a pushchair accessory that fits the Quinny Buzz if you're interested:

If you want, you can have 25% off for being a GTP member, just send a PM.

[/shameless plug] :embarrassed:

:lol: Thanks mate, they look good!

I will show the Wife later and see what she thinks 👍

Yay, we had a Quinny, except it was the black and grey carbon fibre one - well I thought it looked like carbon fibre. Outlasted any of the other prams/pushchairs we used. 👍

Yeah Quinny's are the best, but cost a bomb :eek:
Still, I got it cheaper than anyone else could, it's brandnew the Buzz 3, and only cost me £50!
I've been meaning to post here, my wife had our baby a month ago. It is an adventure that's for sure.

Congrats!!! I hope all is going well.

As for push chairs: Bugaboo. Yes a bit more expensive. But secondhand they are doable. These are so well thought and designed. Really clever.

For example: foam tyres instead of inflatable tyres. And yes, I had two punctures on our former pushcar. Due too the smallish wheel size, it is not a joy to repair.

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