Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
One useful thing that often gets overlooked is to take a few CD's with you. Labor can last a long time and your midwife won't be around for most of it - keeping your missus calm is what it's all about in the build up to the actual birth itself and a good choice of music is essential.

Mrs.Spun and I got a big birthing pool room, comfy chair, bed, stereo, ambient lighting. It was like an ultra clinical hotel room. Have everything you need for your missus and whatever you think you may need. Chances are you won't have time for reading or anything like that. It will all be about breathing through those contractions.

As Pupik suggested, a camera is always a good idea but don't worry it too much, chances are you will be absolutely knackered by the time your little one has arrived - there is a lady from Bounty who comes around and takes photo's of newborns (they cost a bit but are good quality, not sure if every hospital has this service).

Above all, keeping it calm and being a human punchbag is your main aim. Expect the most graphic and intense thing you have ever witnessed - and expect the unexpected. Just do your best mate, it's all you can do 👍
Take lots of change with you, it won't be a good idea for Mrs. Mike to take her handbag/purse nor you your wallet. Things tend to go "missing" on hospital wards IYGWIM.
Fortunately the babies are electronically tagged like they're under house arrest. What ever you do don't take sprog to the front door of the ward to show relatives as it'll set the alarm off, I've never seen the nurses move so fast!
One useful thing that often gets overlooked is to take a few CD's with you. Labor can last a long time and your midwife won't be around for most of it - keeping your missus calm is what it's all about in the build up to the actual birth itself and a good choice of music is essential.

I never thought of that....I will have to make a list of calming cd's to take with us, I don't think my taste in music will help much, well, maybe when she's pushing a little metallica will get her fired up! :lol:

Take lots of change with you, it won't be a good idea for Mrs. Mike to take her handbag/purse nor you your wallet. Things tend to go "missing" on hospital wards IYGWIM.

Another good point, I guess it would be easy to misplace/have stolen something in the chaos of labour/birth.
How is mini Famine/Cubicle these days?

Fortunately the babies are electronically tagged like they're under house arrest. What ever you do don't take sprog to the front door of the ward to show relatives as it'll set the alarm off, I've never seen the nurses move so fast!

Really? :eek:
That is definately something that would happen to me :lol:
Thanks for the heads up!

Mini update:

Mrs Mad went to the midwife today for a check up, all seems ok however her iron levels are a little low, so that's something to keep an eye on.

Also, I saw mini mad move for the first time today, I could see the skin on Mrs mads bump move with the baby, it was amazing! And really made it hot home for me, my child is inside that woman, and it's getting big! :eek:
It also made me think this:


How is mini Famine/Cubicle these days?
She's fine thanks, turned 3 months old on the 1st February and is weighing just over 14lb. She's still feeding incessantly day and night, we've just gone through the 12 week/3 month growth spurt and come out the other side without me having died of exhaustion/sleep deprivation so it's all peachy :)
Aren't we due another update Mike?

Top tip: Switched from SMA First Infant to Aptimil First Infant this week - milk tastes better (to me anyway) and produces far less colic, which in turn means a happier India and happier parents! :D Can anyone confirm that Aptimil is better? It seems so up to yet.
Food! Most hospitals aren't known for their renowned chefs.

Really? I heard that Gordon Ramsay was to start working in hospitals. That'd be funny over the tannoy, "Today's 🤬 menu is Chicken 🤬 Nuggets with some 🤬 Chips and 🤬 beans!" :lol: Wow, the things I do for entertainment...
Hey Dude Congrats.

My Daughter is 8 now and loves GT5, its her favourite game. She uses the racing line still but she,s pretty good for an 8 year old comfortably wins expert races and a few of the less tricky seasonals. Her B Spec is level 27. You have all this to come, watchin your kid make it round grand valley at pace in a furai without crashing is better than anything you can acheive yourself.

Advice: dont miss a thing and enjoy every moment, It goes by faster than an X1.
Few Kronenbergs and a cigar to celebrate?

There's a complimentary minibar in most birthing rooms Shem, and the midwife will even clip your cigar for you with the umbilical scissors :dopey:
I'm having kids every nine months in that case. 👍 I hope they stock some single, Islay whiskeys
I'm having kids every nine months in that case. 👍 I hope they stock some single, Islay whiskeys

Why limit yourself? Become a mormon and acquire 104 wives - that keeps you sorted for Friday and Saturday nights indefinitely :sly: Although it could be scary if they synchronise :scared::nervous::crazy::ill::yuck:
Doesn't being a Mormon mean I couldn't get heavily drunk and therefore make pointless the whole point of the complimentary hospital maternity room mini-bar?
Doesn't being a Mormon mean I couldn't get heavily drunk and therefore make pointless the whole point of the complimentary hospital maternity room mini-bar?

I'm not sure, if that's the case you could always claim you were a progressive mormon? That's a hell of a lot of trouble though for a complimentary minibar - I would just say sod it and get down to the local for a swift couple of, few, wait is that the time? Sod it, may as well stay here then, pints.
Aren't we due another update Mike?

Top tip: Switched from SMA First Infant to Aptimil First Infant this week - milk tastes better (to me anyway) and produces far less colic, which in turn means a happier India and happier parents! :D Can anyone confirm that Aptimil is better? It seems so up to yet.

Indeed we are!

As for the Formula, I honestly have no idea! (Unsuprisingly I guess :lol: )
But I imagine I will know all about it soon enough! :sly:

Hey Dude Congrats.

My Daughter is 8 now and loves GT5, its her favourite game. She uses the racing line still but she,s pretty good for an 8 year old comfortably wins expert races and a few of the less tricky seasonals. Her B Spec is level 27. You have all this to come, watchin your kid make it round grand valley at pace in a furai without crashing is better than anything you can acheive yourself.

Advice: dont miss a thing and enjoy every moment, It goes by faster than an X1.

That post is awesome through and through :eek:
I hope my daughter is as cool as yours :lol:
Thanks for the kind words, it's been an experience that's for sure!

Few Kronenbergs and a cigar to celebrate?

Hell. yes.

......and to steady my nerves! :lol:

There's a complimentary minibar in most birthing rooms Shem, and the midwife will even clip your cigar for you with the umbilical scissors :dopey:

:eek: I hope your serious!


5 wives?! One's enough thankyou very much!!! :sly:

Right, I think that's everyone! Now to the update:

Week 29 update


Another week has rocket'd by, I swear time is speeding up!

So, what's new you ask? Well, let me explain....

Mrs Mad is suffering horribly from what is know as RLP, or Round Ligiment Pain, which is basically horrid pain everytime you walk, sit up, stand, or generally move your hips.
This is the plight of many pregnant women, more so when in the final trimester. (Ha! look at me sounding all knowledgable :D )
This is aggrivated by the fact she cannot take any pain killers apart from paracetomol, which with this type of pain is as good as peein' into the wind....
I try to help as much as possible, I run her baths, make hot water bottles and sacrifice my pillows for her (last night saw both my pillows gone :grumpy: ) Apart from that there is little more I can do, I am buying a birthing ball for her tonight as I heard that helps, here's hoping!

I now see and feel Mini Mad everyday in the wife's bump, Infact the other night I saw her move a little, so I started talking to her down the "belly phone" :rolleyes: and she went mental! Started thrashing around like a good 'un. It could of been coincidence, but I choose to think it was her rocking out with her daddy :D

The Nursery is basically finished, the wife swears there is more to get yet, but I can't see what else we need....we have everything on the list we made so don't know what she means, and to be honest i'm scared to ask, because whatever it is it's going to cost me even more money :rolleyes: :lol:

It seems this month is costing me a damned fortune, I have had my tax bill, several days off work thanks to the flipping snow/ice, a stag do that I can't really afford but have to go on (one of my very best friends) and a credit card nearing it's limit, It's scary especially as the wife finished work (maternity leave) in march....can't help but worry :(

Everyone have a whip round for me! :lol:


Ok :(


So. my thoughts this week:

Kind of hard to put in words, it's such a mental ride, you have fear, excitement, paranoia, crazy happiness at times.....it's exhausting! And she's not even here yet....

The damned "what if?" still lingers and threatens to buzz-kill, as explained above it involves money, mini mike's health, Mrs Mad...you can't help but think "what if?" What if something horrible happens? What if the very people that define and better me are taken away? These thoughts threaten to distroy you if you allow them too much room in your life, If anyone else is expecting and feeling the same trust me, DO NOT allow these dark thoughts the time of day. I'm trying my hardest and it is slowly working.#
Don't allow Buzz-killington into your you're life.

On a lighter note, I am writing my little loved one a song....I have written many, but none have involved me actually singing them, this will be my best yet, my daughter deserves the best...well, the best I can do...which probably isn't great :lol:

Untill next time, take care.

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Nice update Mike, you are right on the money when you say don't let the dark thoughts in. All you can do is hope for the best and keep on trucking 👍
Well, I can't send you money, but how does a year of premium sound? :D


You Sir, are a legend! That is soooo kind of you, I was only messing about with the whip round thing but Thanks a million! :bowdown:

This calls for a name change and infield-ness :lol:

Thanks again :cheers:

I will return the favour one day

You Sir, are a legend! That is soooo kind of you, I was only messing about with the whip round thing but Thanks a million! :bowdown:

This calls for a name change and infield-ness :lol:

Thanks again :cheers:

I will return the favour one day

It's no problem. It's not that much money, and with all you're going through I thought you'd like a present. :D I was going to time it with the birth of your child, but then I realised you wouldn't be on at all, so I gave it early. Think of it as a newborn child present. :)
Take off the 'mad' and numbers so you can be in the invisible first-name-as-your-user-name-group group :D
It's no problem. It's not that much money, and with all you're going through I thought you'd like a present. :D I was going to time it with the birth of your child, but then I realised you wouldn't be on at all, so I gave it early. Think of it as a newborn child present. :)

Muchos appreciated 👍

Good ideas for names :lol:

I have PM'd Jordan so time will tell
Week 30! :eek:

It's a late update...sorry about that


Wow, not long to go now! My little girl could be here in as little as 10 weeks! Panic stations? Totally.

A rather uneventful week i'm afraid, we honestly did nothing worth mentioning :lol:

We have noticed MiniMike kicking less frequently, sometimes taking nearly all day before MrsMad feels her, you can see the worry on MrsMad's face when she hasn't felt her kick for a while. I like to maintain a quiet confidence, i'm certain she has been kicking during the day, my theory is MrsMad is probably to busy at work to notice.

I personally have noticed my wife's ever shifting mood...it's starting to get wearysome now to be honest, one hour we are laughing together and having fun, the next she's at my neck...I can't figure out why, apparently when i'm messing about I come across angry and dead serious. :confused:

Another thing that is adding frustration is the lack of sex. MrsMad has SPD, which makes holding any position for any long-ish period of time impossible. We both want it, but currently we can't figure out the logistics of it :grumpy:

On a more positive note I am very excitied about seeing MiniMad, I get this sense she will complete me 👍

We are off to surrey this weekend to see the wife's family, which means spending time with my now 9 month old nephew, more practice ahead :lol:

Bring on the baby!!!

No sex, eh? That must be frustrating. Hopefully you're using this time to get all the sleep you can! Once again, good luck.
The baby won't have space to kick now! I think most women worry when they don't feel the baby move for a couple of hours, we borrowed a doppler heart listener a friend for our second baby and had good results with it but the issue that put me off is if you don't point it in the right direction you don't hear anything which would be a worry. If you do buy or borrow one also get some ultrasound gel as it makes it much more effective.

If you think she's narky now wait until it's 2 weeks to go...or 2 weeks overdue :lol:

Seriously, work the logistics out...borrow someones engine lift it necessary :sly:
We both want it, but currently we can't figure out the logistics of it.

Stealth and surprise. 👍

So, everyone's knackered, stressed and unpredictable? Don't worry, everything seems to be progressing as normal. ;)

I wouldn't put extra stress on yourself worrying about being worried. It's only natural that you run through all the problems in your head, it'll help you prepare better. I found that things just fall into place come the big moment - there's no time to panic.
Its all worth it when your little one starts smiling properly at you, and giggling when you do something they think is funny :D Mrs.Spun is starting to talk about having another little one already! :crazy: I don't think I'm ready yet but having them closer together is apparently a good thing?

At least there's one excellent side effect from the offering.