Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
They're a bit like that over here mate, once a camp is chosen it can get pretty intense. There's a lot of pro-breast going on which is fine, but ultimately, it's up to the parents and neither side of the camp should be chided.

I'm pro-breast :sly:
I'm a big fan of breast, but only when it's home cooked. Can't stand that KFC stuff.

Didn't they tell you, they won't :grumpy: :grumpy:


I should have said goodbye properly...

Ode to the Breast

I've seen breasts large
I've seen breasts small,
I've seen them short
I've seen them tall.
Guess I've pretty well seen ‘em all.
Not a lot of difference but lovely all the same.

Basically their shape is round
Their nose is either pink or brown
An' all they do
Is hang around.
Not all that exciting but I miss you.

So why do we court abuse
When we see a blouse that's loose
We peek and gawk
Like a goose
And see nothing anyway.

The explanation's rather rum
I blame it on our mum
Who use them
To fill our tum
And caused the obsession in the first place.
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We had a 30ft sperm whale wash up here last year, a post mortem showed its stomach was empty and it possibly starved to death. I do hope we don't start seeing more of them :(
Nice poem Spun! Although slightly worrying :lol:

Milford, this whale had a big gash along the top of it, i'm guessing maybe hit by a ship of some sort. Such amazing creatures, I hope too that we don't see to many of them dead on our shores!
25 Week update


So, what's new?

Well....Mrs Mad is now experiencing the less appealing side of pregnancy , Cue Backaches, piles, Round Ligament pain, Constipation ect....Lovely isn't it? :ill:

On the plus side, she feels Mini Mad everyday now, and even sort of knows her kicking routine which is nice, she also heard her heartbeat via a friends Doppler which was very reassuring.

She has a Gloucose Tolerance Test tomorow, (To test for Gestational diabetes) which from what I hear is rather nasty, you have to have blood taken, drink this rank tasting drink, wait 2 hours whilst fasting, ad then have more bloods taken, alot of time spent in hospital and it's not like you can even get a coffee! Suppose I better give her some money for Matalans then... :rolleyes: lol

This week mainly involved more work in the nursary, I finally put together the Cot, and we decorated the room, it's almost finished bar a new lamp and some organisation of the clothes ect....

My telly seems to be dominated by discovery's "baby time", and channel 4's "one born every minute", I have seen more births then I care to remember, and they don't exactly edit out the nasties either! :yuck:
Still, at least I have some idea what's to come.

My thoughts this week:

Much the same really, excitement and slight impatience. To be honest my Tax bill due this month is dominating my thoughts currently, can't help but worry it's going to sting :(

That's all!

Tax bills are never fun, but it could be less than you think. Don't let it take over too much, things always sort themselves out and you need to be enjoying these days.

Are you doing any hypno-birthing or anything?
I'm trying....it's just stressing not knowing :(

No Hypno birthing, just good old fashioned gas + air in the hospital, and if needs be an epidural 👍

Off topic just had an epic nose bleed, hope Mini Mad doesn't suffer from them!

26 Week update!


Another week has rolled on by, is it just me or is time flying? I know everyone says it will go fast but, wow! slow it down a minute, let me catch up! :lol:

So, what's new? Well, in regards to Mrs Mad it seems to be clumsiness and what I call 'pregnancy brain'.
Plates have been broken, drinks knocked over, questions repeated, words jumbled, memory failing....it's rather amusing to me, but not so much for her :lol:

I have also noticed some 'baby talk' creeping into our conversations, here's some examples:
Belly-scope :rolleyes:
Belly-phone :rolleyes:
And worst of all, I dropped this howler:

"Hello ******* (Not a curse, her name is secret for now :sly: ) How's it growing in there?"

Ugh! What happened to me? :ill: ha

This Friday we have the wife's sister, her husband, and Lawson coming to stay, i'm looking forward to this very much, never a dull moment with that lot!

My thoughts:

Much the same, I think she is very much real to me now....for example yesterday I caught myself in the baby section looking at clothes, and eventually buying one, it seems everytime I go in I have to look around and see if there are any cool outfits for her, which is nice although a tad pricey! :eek:

Also in my thoughts is the imperitive task of never using baby talk in front of my mates, to do so would result in never ending torment :lol:

Much the same, I think she is very much real to me now....for example yesterday I caught myself in the baby section looking at clothes, and eventually buying one, it seems everytime I go in I have to look around and see if there are any cool outfits for her, which is nice although a tad pricey! :eek:

For the love of god don't got to Mamas & Papas! Not just because of the prices but because they treat babies as lifestyle accessories.

Also in my thoughts is the imperitive task of never using baby talk in front of my mates, to do so would result in never ending torment :lol:

This gets increasingly harder as time goes on. The amount of time i've found myself using baby talk at work is rediculous, saying stupid things like "beep beep" instead of "excuse me" or "oopsie" when i drop something! :ouch:
Man, only a few months left Mike, the time has ripped by. I got some Mama's and Papa's stuff for our little bean, most of her nursery furniture and an excellent swinging seat. Some of their stuff is pretty good even if expensive.

It's surprising how quickly tax time comes around again :ouch:
Do not buy clothes new!! Charity shops, eBay are both excellent places to buy clothes that will be worn for 30 seconds then stored/handed down/given to charity! If you must buy new, then got to Primark, Matalan and some basic stuff is good value at George (sleepsuits, vests etc). Don't buy clothes from Mamas & Papas or Mothercare because it really is far too expensive to justify. Same with Next, their clothes are fab and excellent quality but so pricey for the time they spend wearing them!

Quite a few "accessories" you can get off eBay such as bouncer chairs, swings, playmats/gyms etc. Really, there's only very few things you need to get brand new :)
my son turns 10 months the 22nd..your first year is gonna go by quick mate. btw do what others say and do not buy brand new clothes...check craigslist or something similar, baby clothes are way over priced...instead invest in diapers lol and formula if not breast feeding. btw congrats
This gets increasingly harder as time goes on. The amount of time i've found myself using baby talk at work is rediculous, saying stupid things like "beep beep" instead of "excuse me" or "oopsie" when i drop something! :ouch:

Yeah I can well believe it! The only way forward is to forget the fact i'm going to be a dad when in the company of non-parental Larger louts :lol:

Thanks for the advice about clothing ect everyone, I have avoided places like M&P's and Mothercare ect due to the fact my wallet would be bled dry.

I have been fortunate in regards to free stuff, my wife's sister has handed us alot of stuff saving us £££, which is a bonus!

Speak of the devil, they have just arrived! have a good weekend all
M&P's is so expensive. When my sister was born about 5 years ago I bought a baby grow and some other little bit, for....wait for it.......£80!

A few months later they didn't even fit any more. :(
Like MC explained, Primark is a win, as is Tesco's new born range. In just over a month India has outgrown her newborn clothes and is on to the next step (0-3 months).

The Mama's and Poppa's swing we have was picked up from a 2nd hand shop and practically brand new (£40 as opposed to £100+) and the nursery set we bought for her by M&P's was on a special deal. I still had to build the furniture though, it may as well have been an Ikea special.

Things change with little one's very quickly. She's now awake most of the day, sleeps much better through the night (usually with one feed somewhere in there) and is practicing making syllable sounds. Can carry the weight of her own head, finally and really loves being bounced up and down while looking at the lamp in the living room. Smiles are common first thing in a morning (just after eyes are open) - your children are designed to make you want to pick them up, they are amazing. I finally see why parents get a little sad to see them grow up. Each part of their childhood should be celebrated to it's maximum potential and lots of photo's should be taken to remember each bit by.

Still overwhelmed, but love being a dad.
Awesome to hear Spun, glad little india is doing well 👍

Week 27


We are in the final week of the second Trimester! :eek: That is scary, the speed in which this pregnancy is progressing is uncanny.

We had the family up last weekend, they are:
Hayley- Mrs Mad's sister
Loz- Hayley's husband
Lawson- their child

Lawson is 8months old, and he is LOUD. Even when he's happy he screeches and yells, it's cute but after 3 days of it I was glad for the quiet when he left :lol:

It was a good weekend, I learnt more about fatherhood thanks to Lawson, he is a handfull to say the least, sunday he was in a foul mood, constantly whinging and crying, apparently he's teething which makes your child the devil?
I must admit it was crating on me quite alot, yet both his parents were cool and calm...I hope i'm like that with my child, because he was seriously Grinding my gears! :lol:

One thing I did notice was that all my wife and Hayley talked about all weekend was babies, baby this, baby that, pregnacy this, blah blah blah!
It was even annoying Loz, and he's used to it. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to talk about my baby and my plans for the future, but there is a limit...honestly it was incessant, I found it quite taxing :grumpy:

Another thing that is annoying me is how Mrs Mad deals with our childs kicking, I like feeling her kick and want to feel her. But, she calls me EVERYTIME she kicks, regardless of where I am she seems to want me to drop everything and run in on the off chance of feeling her move, this is obviously not practical, like when i'm washing up and my hands are wet, or when i'm taking the binbag out and i'm halfway out the door...I had to explain this to her but I sense she is a little disappointed. Am I alone on this or is it common? I want to feel her but not when i'm right in the middle of an awkward job.

Now for something a little more positive.....

Mrs Mad had a recent bloodtest and all was ok, with the exception of upping her Thyroxin by 25mg (total 100mg) this is goodness as it means she will be in tip-top condition for hosting my child :D

You think tensions are running high with repetitive baby talk now Mike?

If only it weren't the truth :crazy:

It's worth noting that it is Robert Webb's wife and child taking part in the sketch :D
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:D I would be lying if I said it's a walk in the park.

Mrs.Spun and I realise when we are being a bit grumpy due to lack of sleep and personal time, so keep things as lighthearted as possible. There are moments that will come that will test your patience to its most extreme limits.

Combine the online self assessment tax return with a screaming child and lots of sleep deprivation and you kind of feel like there is a fire alarm going off inside of your own head. Fun times.

On a side note, tax is all sorted so that's one less thing to worry about!
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Sounds a little like my home life at the moment :lol:

And here's why:

Week 28 update


So, we are now in the third and final Trimester! :eek:

Things are interesting in the Mad house, Mrs Mad is certainly displaying perculiar behaviour, the strangest being her bursting into tears because she couldn't wipe the finger prints off the bread bin...... :scared:

Apart from random behaviour, there is also the waddle. Her hips hurt, and things like walking, getting up from the sofa, going upstairs ect result in the typical 'Pregnancy waddle' This is humourous for me, but results in glares if I chuckle.... :sly:

Another point is what they call 'nesting', my house has to be CLEAN all the time, everything must be organised and the nursery has to be immaculate. Although this isn't a bad thing, it can grow a little wearysome.

Some good news was found, I went on the government site to see what benefits we could get, I have never claimed a benefit in my life before so I found the whole experience a little bewildering....but in short it turns out we can claim a fair bit, what we are entitled too will cover about 90% of Mrs Mads lost earnings (inc maternity pay) and we are entitled to a £500 'surestart' grant, which will be very handy.

My thoughts:

Mellow Yellow, but with a crazy ass wife!
Looking forward to the time I can hold my little girl and not have to worry about the little things in life.
But untill then I have to worry about the little things, which irritate me as I can't get them out my head...So many what if's? I'm still calm but these thoughts are always lingering.

Good to hear all is going as it should madmike 👍

Just you wait until the week before the birth and then of course the birth itself! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :D

It will be the single most intense night of your life!
So it seems spun! :eek:

I will have daddys emergency bag ready:

Redbull x 8


Bog roll

Phone + charger



Any other ideas?
Food! Most hospitals aren't known for their renowned chefs, although my wife and I chose a hospital in a nice area (and her doctors work there), the cafeteria was merely so-so. They did have a pantry with a few snacks and plenty of juices, water, and coffee.

Our hospital had a separate bathroom and shower room "For Daddy", so I could at least have some of the comforts of home. Also, bring warm clothing...hospital rooms are usually ice-cold, although my wife preferred it that way due to a temporary body temperature increase (her doctor told her that it was a normal reaction to the anesthetic used during C-section).

I usually take along an extension cord on my travels; our hospital rooms had only one open outlet, and I wasn't eager to remove any existing cords from outlets! With out first child, the hospital did not have Wi-Fi, but they added it in time for Thing 2's arrival.

Get a decent camera...even the best phone's camera is going to produce so-so results when printed. Bring extra batteries, or the charger. Don't be shocked if mommy doesn't want to be photographed much, but gently remind her that your child's birth day only happens once. Even if you can't afford the latest T1i or D7000 (understandable), at least 100-150 quid for something good will create magic.
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