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- Bakewell UK
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- spunwicked
Little India is a milk devouring machine and it looks like her eyes are starting to settle on dark green 
Something like this?![]()
I'm ready for the challenge!
Oh I still get ready like thisYesterday I was changing Indy, slimy nasty baby poo everywhere when she decided to vomit mid change, got her cleaned up ready for fresh nappy, great stuff 👍 Then she decides to pee, wetting her clothes. Cue running upstairs to find fresh clothes, begin clean down again then finally get nappy on. .
And challenged you will be! hehe
Yesterday I was changing Indy, slimy nasty baby poo everywhere when she decided to vomit mid change, got her cleaned up ready for fresh nappy, great stuff 👍 Then she decides to pee, wetting her clothes. Cue running upstairs to find fresh clothes, begin clean down again then finally get nappy on. Put her in clean clothes then begin to feed.
How messy can one baby be?
@ axletramp - Green eyes just like her old man.
The thought of changing a baby is worse than actually doing it. Before long you'll be doing it in your sleep - literally! The fun part is when you're out and there aren't any toilets. It's amazing how resourceful you can be be when it's needed.![]()
I have to be honest, your not exactly selling the whole changing concept to me
I will be ok with body fluids and general ickyness, as long as none of it ends up in my mouth somehow
How's the sleep going? are you getting any?
Also, how is Mrs Spun coping?
Nawww blessUps: Indy smiles a little every now and then - people say it's wind but you end up thinking otherwise as it's too cute.
It's one of those little tasks that's great when accomplishedYou feel glad it's done and your little one seems grateful. I must admit, I'm not great with poo, it makes my gag reflexes go into overdrive.
Sleep is non existent, I have perma-red-eyes. I must look like a full time stoner.
Mrs. Spun seems to have eternal patience but is flagging a little too. Indy is getting more active with each day that passes. Last night I got her to sleep after what seemed like forever by making her cuddly elephant dance about in front of her. At about one in the morning.
Ups: Indy smiles a little every now and then - people say it's wind but you end up thinking otherwise as it's too cute.
I have some experience with nappy changing, Lawson has deployed some horrific turds for me to clean up, which I can handle...Ironically the worst part for me was having to move his junk out the way as he had managed to get poop under his ball bagLawson is my nephew for the record...This means when my daughter has a messy poop how do I clean it? I don't even....?
I'm sure it all comes naturally, right?
As for the sleep thing...looks like I will be prestiging Black ops a few times in the early months!![]()
Still, at least I know what's coming right?![]()
And the sleep situation doesn't get any better you know
Mini-Fambicle is 2 months old on Sunday coming, and still I'm up two to three times in the night with her for feeds. A few nights ago she fed hourly...
I'm not entirely sure how I'm functioning right now, but the last 8 weeks does seem to have passed by in kind of a blur.
I shall hazard a guess that India is formula fed?Wow MC, you have it very full on. India is now sleeping from 12-5, 5:30-9 with a feed and change in the middle. She's a bit grimbly at the moment as she's managed to catch a little cold but other than that, wow. Being a dad is incredible.
I shall hazard a guess that India is formula fed?
Mrs. Spunwicked will be very pleased she's getting a good night's kip in, 1/2 an hour awake in a 9 hour period is very good considering how old she is
Incidentally, the number of times I'm up in the night doing feeds is variable - Famine does not witness any of them![]()
India gets formula last thing at night/during the night and breast milk through the day, a happy compromise. Otherwise dad wouldn't be able to help take some of the weight from mum![]()
Good plan but also count yourselves lucky, I've know a few couples that were breast feeding who really struggled to get their baby to take a bottle at all.
Good plan but also count yourselves lucky, I've know a few couples that were breast feeding who really struggled to get their baby to take a bottle at all.
I actually hate the breast feed mafia in the Netherlands. They do everything to promote it, regardless the condition of your baby.