Holy crap, I'm a Dad!!! *Week 6*

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
Projectile vomiting is much more likely. And getting pee in your face if it's a boy 👍

All part of parenthood. At this moment in time I'm 36 weeks pregnant (second time I've done this). If you or your wife need any advice from a been there, done that mother's point of view, then I'm happy to help. I'm also sure that my husband will be happy to advise from a dealing with a pregnant wife/OMG *that* comes out of *there*?! point of view :D

I think you could prove to be a valued source of information for me!

It's funny that my wife turns to Babyandbump.com, and I turn to GTPlanet for baby talk...:lol:

I guess some female perspective will be most usefull 👍

Baby name suggestion box:

Serious or funny, pop them in here please! 👍

l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l
l l

*If a moderator is able to make a better box ^, please feel free to do so 👍
Last edited by a moderator:
l Oi you!
l Torquemada
l King Benjamin Abbunadi III
l Helen
l iKid
l Tristan da Cunha
l Bob
l Not Bob
l Not Bob the Second
l Emperor Not Bob
l Enchilada the Great
l Keith

Well, you did ask. :dopey:
Hmm, I see that one ^ ^ went down like a Fart in a Lift....anyway, moving on!

Week 12!


My developing child has now almost fully formed, he or she, is now very nearly complete, all thats left to grow is hair and fingernails.

It's been an interesting week, I have noticed I am thinking about being a Daddy more now, although it still doesn't seem real yet...I think this is mostly down to the Scan coming up this Thursday. which I am looking forward to but also feel nervous about, because lets face it, you just can't be sure, especially with the test for Downs Sydrome ect. But I'm trying to stay positive, and part of this process for me is to put it out my mind untill i'm in the room...which sadly means trying not to think about the Pregnancy.
Do I feel bad for that? Totally. But it seems i'm not alone in feeling this way.

My Wife has been, lets say different.....things that didn't matter before now matter, alot.
She has cried more this last week than in the previous 6 months, and her temper seems shorter...but then that's to be expected.

She often wants to talk to me about baby things, such as names, plans for the room ect...but I just can't seem to get that enthusiastic about it, which I can tell upsets her, but I can see she is being understanding about it, and I also sense she expects me to be different after the scan, which I also hope will be the case.

So in summary, things for me at least are the same as always, with a slightly more crazy wife ;) For my wife however, this baby is playing Havoc....so things are moving forward as we progress into the Second Trimester 1 week from now.

I have read the Second Trimester is alot easier on the woman and can also supercharge her Sex drive...this I am most looking forward too lol

I will post a pick of the Scan and update you all again Thursday, wish us luck!
Lol! awesome.....who knows, maybe someone will buy me premium as a gift......?


heh heh!

If I get my card online I'll wet your babies head with a premo, hows about that? (Providing my bank will allow web usage. Useless Chinese banks.)

How about calling you [boy?] after yourself? I know my son will be called David after his grandfather, great uncle, great grandfather.......... so on and so forth.

It sounds a bit chav but when my little lad is going by the name of David IV I don't think it'll be so common, more regal than anything.

How about choosing a name that goes both ways like Jack / Jackie or Alexandria / Alexander? Or would you rather have a gender specific name?

That's very kind of you Shem but i'm not going to sponge off people :lol:

Well....maybe lol

Well the name William runs through my family, my Father is william and so was my Grandfather....so I compromised with Mrs Madmike and agreed to make his middle name William.

As for uni-sex names, I don't really like them...will probably go Gender specific, who knows, if i've been drinking and talking to you it's probable I will name my child Shem or Shemlette :lol:

As for uni-sex names, I don't really like them...will probably go Gender specific, who knows, if i've been drinking and talking to you it's probable I will name my child Shem or Shemlette :lol:


Genuine :lol: Shem is not my real name but only my mum and wife call me by Sean.

:idontgetiteithermuchalthoughidoitineverypostworthwhile: :odd:

(Blame Axletramp, he is just as guilt)

Edit: Unisex names aren't good. 'Leslie' - I think not!



I've heard girls are being called Sean these days, I'm going to get mistaken for one sooner or later!


That'll be the beard and beer drinking... or, erm... who you hang around with in bars!


The sort of bars I frequent I'd be lucky to find anyone without giant marsbars across their boat. They're more like biker bars without the bikers and just filled with mafia type wannabes. :(

What I gathered from the OP - never underestimate the power of sperm! lol

Congrats mate! 👍

Mrs Mad and I have just had the 12 week Scan....In short everything is A-ok!

She is 12 weeks and 6 days, the estimated due date is April 20th 2012, one day after our 4th anniversary!

The scan was an interesting experience for me, the appointment was for 10.40am, we finally got called at 11.28am, it was hotter than hell in the waiting room and I was flanked by many nervous looking men which made me chuckle.

Once in, my wife was instructed to pull her trousers down enough to see her belly and told to lie on the bed, they applied gel and started the Scan.
The baby was facing the wrong way, sound asleep and refused to budge (they need the baby at the right angle to check for fluid levels around the neck) My wife had to do Star jumps and jiggle around. The baby finally woke up and moved after 45minutes of playing up, I fear a sign if things to come! :lol:

I saw babys heartbeat and saw it moving around inside my wife, it was a sight to behold and has certainly made things seem more real to me now, I mean wow, that's my child, i'm going to be a daddy, it certainly is making me think more now, I must admit I like this feeling.

I feel my wife's joy, the second she knew the baby was ok she had the biggest smile, I love seeing it and could feel my face displaying a genuine joyfull smile also...it's a buzz and I can feel my defences softening already, I feel completely ready for this now and also a genuine excitement now, which in a way was missing before today.

And here she/he is!
